Wicked Intentions


Literotica Guru
Apr 29, 2007
(Closed for Veroe and Myself)

IC: Alexa Morgan


It had only been five days. Five days since she had put pen to paper, signing away everything she had worked for just to keep it from being destroyed completely. Five days since she had moved into her new bright and shiny corner office at Schneider, Wilson, and Fine. No sorry, correct that Schneider, Wilson, Fine and Reese. That's all it took, five days for that bitch Meredith Reese to use her downfall, which she had caused mind you, as a stepping stone to make senior partner in the firm that Alexa had been forced to merge with. And now she had the audacity to send out invitations to a party, under the pretense that she wanted to celebrate the merger and her promotion. Alexa knew it was more than that. It was just another twist of the knife Meredith had stabbed in her back.

Alexa had met Meredith 6 years prior, when she started working at the same firm Meredith was working at. Meredith had already been working there for about 13 years, since she had lost her husband overseas, and was raising her son Caleb as a single mother. Within a year Alexa had also built a reputation with the firm and when it ended up the current owner was ready to retire, they decided to pool their funds together and buy the company off him.

They worked together for years, building their reputation as one of the most prestigious marketing firms in New York. Big name clients were clambering over each other to get a chance to work with them. They were set to become the top rated marketing firm in the city. That was until Meredith decided to stab her in the back and jump ship, going over to Schneider, Wilson and Fine and taking most of their clients with her. The few that were loyal to Alexa stayed with her, but, it wasn't enough to keep the firm afloat. If it hadn't been for the merger offer, which she had an inkling had been Meredith's idea, she would have been out of business within a year. Meredith had not been happy that she hadn't been able to take all their clients with her, so the merger was another big F' you so to speak.

What Alexa didn't understand was why Meredith did it. Everything seemed to be going so well. Their firm was thriving, as was their relationship between them, or so Alexa had thought. Through the years Alexa and Meredith had become more than just business partners. They had gone from work colleagues, to friends and then finally to lovers. For the last few years, nights were spent in each others bed more often than not. Then one day, she told her it was over, that their relationship was a sin and she wasn't going to continue it. It was all downhill from there, leading up to the ultimate betrayal of Meredith leaving the company and putting Alexa in the position she was in now.

Screaming in frustration, Alexa threw the invitation in her hand across her bare desk. Since she had come to work at the new firm, she hadn't been given any work. All her former clients had been doled out to other agents, leaving her as nothing more than a figure head. She was there just to keep her clients from jumping ship and nothing much else. Just so the firm could use her name and reputation. For the last five days she had only been in one meeting with the firm partners and clients, and even then it was as a background figure, nothing more. She wasn't sure how many more days she could take of this. And to make matters worse, it seemed like everywhere she turned, Meredith was there. Meredith wearing her self satisfied smirk which made Alexa steam at the ears.

And now there was this stupid party that night, which she would have to make an appearance at. It was the last place she wanted to be that evening. She would have rather either spend the night home alone with her cat, drinking away her sorrows, or out at the local night clubs, looking for someone to fill the empty spot in her bed, even if just for the night. Sighing, she closed her laptop and packed it into its bag. Grabbing her car keys, she stepped out of her office, locking the door behind her.

“I am going to cut out early today Wendy,” she said to the young woman who had been assigned as her assistant. The young woman looked even more bored than she did. She was the daughter of one of the partners in the firm, and spent more time chatting with her boyfriend on the phone than actually doing any work. “If I have to go to that party tonight, I might as well take some me time to get ready.” Wendy barely acknowledged her, waving goodbye before returning to filing her nails. Alexa rolled her eyes. Nepotism at is finest right there.

Shaking her head, she left the office, waving at the receptionist on her way out the door. Her heels clattered on the pavement as she walked briskly to her Porsche Taycan 4S. The car was her pride and joy. A gift to herself at the beginning of the year to celebrate her success. If she had been aware at the time of what was going to happen, she would never have bought the car, but she didn't regret the purchase in the slightest.

Sliding behind the wheel, she started the car, the engine roaring to life. As she drove, she called her stylist and booked an immediate appointment to get her hair and nails done. If she had to go to the party, she was going to look her best. A couple of hours later she stepped from the salon with her hair freshly cut and highlighted and her nails manicured and painted a lovely shade of red. Next stop was Rodeo Drive to buy the dress she had been eyeing at Prada for the last week. A nice black number with a plunging neckline, that hugged her curves sensuously and left little to the imagination.

Armed with her purchase, she drove home to finish getting ready. Like her car, her apartment in downtime Manhattan was another one of her guilty pleasures. The apartment was on the 50th floor of one of the many skyscrapers in the city and gave her a lovely view of Central Park. Though the luxury of it all was wasted on her and her cat Mika, still enjoyed it. One of the perks of the building was a valet who parked her car for her. Passing the keys to valet, she made her way up to her apartment. After feeding her cat, she quickly got ready, slipping into the scandalous dress and touching up her makeup. The final touch was a pair of silver stilettos and a diamond tennis bracelet Meredith had given her as a present for Christmas the year before. Checking herself out in the mirror she smiled. “Damn I look good,” she thought to herself before grabbing her purse and heading back down to where the valet had her car waiting at the front door.

It took her another hour in city traffic to drive to where Meredith was hosting the party at her Upper East Side condo. Where Alexa's apartment was mid level in luxury, Meredith's was another story. The condo was in the same building that housed several well known celebrities and had cost Meredith a cool 2 million to purchase, which for a 2 bedroom condo was a ridiculous price if Alexa had anything to say about it. As much as Alexa hated Meredith at the moment, she had to admit the woman had good taste and provided well for her son.

Taking a deep breath, Alexa stepped off the elevator and followed the flow of people making their way into Meredith's place. Stopping at the threshold, she scanned the room, her eyes falling on Meredith standing in the corner deep in conversation with one of the other senior partners. When she realized Alexa was watching her, she laughed flirtatiously and put her hand on the man's arm, flashing Alexa a smile. Alexa rolled her eyes and made her way into the room, stopping to accept the congratulations from those she came across for the merger. Grabbing a glass of champagne from a passing waiter, she took a sip and looked around the room. It looked like only the top level employees from the firm had been invited to the party. Not that she had expected anything less from Meredith. Taking another sip of her champagne, she stopped another waiter and took a canape off the tray they held. Her stomach growled at the scent of the food and she realized she hadn't eaten anything since lunch. She quickly ate it and sat down in one of the arm chairs to finish her champagne.

Other than the few that had spoken to her when she arrived, nobody really paid her any attention. After a few minutes she grew bored and got to her feet. Meredith had purchased the condo after they had parted, so she had yet to see the place. She decided she might as well take a look around. It wasn't as if Meredith would notice she was gone, since she was too busy still flirting with the man she was speaking with earlier. Ascending a set of stairs, Alexa made her way to the upper level of the condo, where she assumed the bedrooms were located. A semi open door at the end of the hall peaked her curiosity and she made her way towards it. She could hear the sound of music coming from within. As she reached the doorway, she looked inside, only to be met by the startled face of Meredith's son Caleb looking back at her. Caleb had been away at school for the last couple of years, so it had been awhile, even before her falling out with Meredith, since she had seen him.

“Well, well, well, what do we have here,” she said, leaning against the door frame. “Hello Caleb. Its been awhile.”
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IC: Caleb Reese


Caleb was feeling couped up here. Caleb was nineteen and a college student. He'd only just gotten home from St. Timothy's College a little over a week ago. He'd gotten a full ride basketball scholarship there last year, and had just finished his freshman year. It was pretty good there. He was the starting point gaurd, the classes were not that difficult, and he generally liked the school. The only problem was that St. Timothy's was a Catholic all boy's school. So there were precious few chances to meet girls there.

He had come out and made his obligatory showing at his mom's big party. The ad company had just had some kind of huge merger with another ad company, and his mom was the one that had maneuvered the whole thing into being and was getting a huge promotion out of it. Like Caleb really cared outside for the fact his mom had somehow talked him into wasting his whole summer break on being an intern at her company.

Oh fuck his life. The last thing he wanted was to spend his days in a monkey suit fetching coffee for these old geezers. He needed to spend his days working on game so the coach would give him more playing time and maybe catch the eye of someone at a bigger school where they had a chance of qualifying for NCAA tournament and then maybe even the pros.

However he came out and met with the big high Fuckity-fucks. He shook the hand of walrus-mustache, Mr. Schneider, Mr. Clean, Mr. Wilson, wicked-witch-from-Wizard of Oz, Mrs. Fine, all of the rich arrogant mother fuckers his mother wanted desperately to impress. They all were complimentary to him for his mom's sake. they made the usual small talk. How was school? How well did he play ball at school? How was the team doing? How was his classes? How smart it was of him to get experience at a real job as their coffee-fetching gofer of an intern starting next week? What were his plans when he graduated-as if they all knew the NBA was never ever going to draft him despite him making a concerted effort to improve his game.

The party had barely even started when their attention had gone back to patting themselves on the back and welcoming his mom into the clique. this gave him a golden opportunity to slip away unnoticed and retreat back to his room. There he picked up his ball from the bed and passed it from hand to hand pacing his room. He began spinning the basketball on one finger as he pulled off the hated tie. the suit jacket joined the tie on the bed. The ball bounced on the floor as he pulled off the stupid dress shoes. The slacks joined them on the floor. He unbuttoned the dress shirt next. None of this was him.

What was he going to do...how was he going to show himself he was free to do whatever he wanted to do. He was an adult now, damnit.

He looked at a picture he drew on his desk. It was of the first woman he had masturbated to. An older woman. However when he was thirteen most women he imagined when he was jacking off were older than him. But this one was the first, the best, the most....Ms. Alexa Morgan.

His mom had even dated her for some time, which hadn't weirded him out in the slightest. No, at the time it was the first relationship his mom had been serious over since that IED had taken his dad away in Iraq when he was little. No, the part that Caleb found weird was his own reaction to Alexa Morgan. She was the most beautiful and sexiest woman he'd ever seen then and since. That example ruined girls his age for him. How can they compare to someone so elegant...so sophisticated...so experienced and confident and assertive...girls his age just couldn't compete, not with the fantasy of Alexa Morgan.

Now only in his unbuttoned shirt, boxes, and socks he turned to his computer a wicked idea beginning to blossom in his mind. Biting his bottom lip he turned on his Ipod player and rap music began to roll from the speakers. He plopped down into his computer chair and logged onto the internet. He went straight to his favorite website, Literotica, there he found an appropriate sexy story to read and pulled down his boxers. He put some lotion onto his hands and began to read and as his habit ignored the big breasted description the writer had given for the promiscuous older-woman in the story and in his mind's eye supplied the image of Ms. Alexa Morgan.

Fuck! He hadn't gone more than a third of the way through the story when in the corner of his eye Caleb saw he hadn't closed or bothered to lock the door. There were a ton of people downstairs-most people his mom worked with daily. Any one of them could burst in and see him sitting here stroking his Johnson. It was cracked open and he decided to leave it that way on a whim. The risk of being discovered made it naughtier and hotter in a way that the story by itself couldn't.

He read on and just when it was starting to get really hot movement in the periphery of his eye caught his attention. He could see a shadow of someone coming down the hallway.

Shit. Shit. Shit!

He scrambled up from the computer for the door. Hiking his boxers back up he barely made it to the door when the person out in the hallway was almost upon it. He peaked around it and was startled to find her staring back at him.

“Well, well, well, what do we have here,” she said, leaning against the door frame. “Hello Caleb. Its been awhile.”

It was her. Ms. Alexa Morgan. The woman from his first wet dream to most of his current ones. He stood there in only his boxers and unbuttoned dress shirt and blinked at her shocked to see her there. "I...uh...I was...uh..."

He shook himself and forced him to answer her without the edge of guilty panic to his voice. "Uh yeah...I haven't seen you since you and Mom broke up...Before Highschool."

Shit! Why did he have to remind her of that? Great job, stupid, remind the sexiest woman he'd ever known of the trainwreck of a relationship she had with his mom and also while he was at it, just for good measure, remind her of the insurmountable age difference between them.

"What are you doing here," He asked, "I thought...you and my mom were a thing of the past."

It was then he realized the pair of boxers he had hiked back up had only been hiked up on one side. The other was still down bunched up beneath his buttock. That and the fact that his hands were smeared with lotion gave her all the clues a woman like her needed to figure out what he'd been doing. Hell, he might as well have been holding a neon sign for someone so smart and sexy like her.

A blush came to his cheeks unbidden and he looked back at his computer, still on the erotic story he'd been reading clearly on the screen. Shit!

"The party's downstairs," He told her trying to close his bedroom door on her, "So if you'll excuse me..."
Alexa allowed her eyes to travel up and down his young body, smirking at the obvious bulge in the front of his boxers. That mixed with the fact his boxers were not quite pulled up over what looked like a firm ass, made in evidently clear what he had been up to before she had arrived. Her eyes traveled back up to his handsome young face, her smirk widening at the nervousness she saw there.

"Uh yeah...I haven't seen you since you and Mom broke up...Before High school." She nodded agreement to his words. He had just been a kid when she had seen him last. Now he was man and one that she would not object taking to her bed if the situation arose.

“It has been a long time Caleb,” she replied, allowing her eyes to once again travel suggestively up and down his body. “I see you have grown a little since I last saw you.” At those words she let her eyes rest on the bulge in his boxers before she looked back up at him with a grin.

"What are you doing here," He asked, "I thought...you and my mom were a thing of the past." She frowned at the mention of his mother. It was apparent that he was not privy to what Meredith had done to her.

“Yes, I am done with your mother,” she replied, her voice tinged with anger at the thought of Meredith. “But, thanks to her, I had to become a sell out and merge my company with the one your Mother works for. It was either that or lose everything. Maybe you should ask your mother about that one.” As she spoke a new idea started to form in her mind. Meredith had taken everything from her, wouldn't it really burn her if she corrupted her dear, sweet, golden boy, Caleb.

She caught the blush on Caleb's cheeks when he became aware of the fact his boxers were not entirely in place. She followed his glance back to his computer screen, a devious smile crossing her face at the story title on the screen. She could clearly see the words “Hot Milf Next Door”.

“Have a thing for older women do you Caleb,” she said, blocking the door as he tried to shut it and pushing past him into the room. Reaching behind her she pushed the door closed, her look hungry as she once again looked over his muscular body. Walking towards him she backed him up against the wall, and looked up at him, her hand moving to the front of his boxers and cupping him through the thin cloth.

“Looks like you are having a party up here all by yourself,” she teased, leaning in to whisper in his ear. “That party is boring. I would rather join yours. Ever been with an older woman?” She brushed her hand along his hard member before moving away to look at his computer screen. She shook her head at the story he was reading, but could see why it had excited him.

She was just about to turn back to him when she saw his sketch pad lying open on his desk. She was surprised to see herself starting back at her, albeit a younger version of herself, but it was definitely her. She looked back at him, her eyes shining with amusement. She closed the gap between them once again, studying his face for his reaction at what she had found.

“Tell me Caleb,” she said, her voice sultry, yet amused. “Were you thinking of me while you were jerking off?. I'm bored, come here and read me this story and maybe I can help you finish what you started.”
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IC: Caleb Reese

It was her. Ms. Alexa Morgan. The woman from his first wet dream to most of his current ones. He stood there in only his boxers and unbuttoned dress shirt and blinked at her shocked to see her there. "I...uh...I was...uh..."

Her eyes seemed to scan over his barely dressed body. Wait...was she, the Alexa Morgan of his hottest fantasies, checking him out? Her eyes came back up to his face and she gave him a knowing smirk.

Shit. She figured out what he had been doing.

He shook himself and forced him to answer her without the edge of guilty panic to his voice. "Uh yeah...I haven't seen you since you and Mom broke up...Before Highschool."

It has been a long time, Caleb," Alexa replied, and her eyes traveled over his young body in a manner that gave no equivocation that she was indeed checking him out. "I see you've grown up a little since last I saw you."

She was looking rather suggestively, and not at all trying to hide the fact that she was doing it in the slightest he noted, at the rather embarrassingly obvious tent his large erection was making in half-on underwear. It seemed to point out straight for her like a man in the desert would for a drop of water.

"What are you doing here," He asked, "I thought...you and my mom were a thing of the past."

She seemed to frown at that and her reply was tinged with something like anger, "Yes, I am done with your mother."

“But, thanks to her, I had to become a sell out and merge my company with the one your Mother works for. It was either that or lose everything." She continued looking past him towards the computer. Shit! His computer was still on and she could see the story he had been reading. "Maybe you should ask your mother about that one.”

"The party's downstairs," He told her trying to close his bedroom door on her, "So if you'll excuse me..."

She raised a hand stopping his attempt to close back the door and pushed past him inside the room saying, "Have a thing for older women, do you, Caleb?"

"I...uh..." He stammered, his blush deepened bright red. "I...don't...I mean...I guess..."

"Looks like you're having a party up here all by yourself," She turned back to him giving him a hungry look that made all the computers up in his brain suddenly have network errors. She pushed the door shut as she stepped forward close enough that Caleb was overwhelmed by the smell of her perfume. He jumped when she pushed him against the wall.

"What are you doin-" His question was cut off when he felt her hand over the bulge in his boxers.

“That party is boring." She whispered seductively into his ear indicating the party his mom was throwing downstairs, as her hand caressed that tent in his underwear making those computers upstairs in his brain to start flashing "404 Error: Not found" on their screens. "I would rather join yours."

"M-mine," He whispered to all the implications what she just suggested rippled through him making his erection jolt in her hand, "A-are you serious?"

"Ever been with an older woman?" She turned and stepped over to look at the erotic story on his computer.

"W-why do you ask," He said blushing and rushing to keep any further embarrassing evidence, "A-are you seriously offering to-"

He trailed off when her attention shifted to the sketch of her he had drawn. It was good enough that it was unmistakably her.

She closed the distance to him and watched his face as if observing him like a new toy she'd bought off the shelf. Just seeing how he worked. “Tell me Caleb,” she said, her voice sultry, yet amused. “Were you thinking of me while you were jerking off?"

"I...uh...N-no...I wasn't...I...uh," He cut the lie off under that gaze and just said simply, "Yeah...I was. You were the first. You're the sexiest woman I've ever seen."

That seemed to make a decision for her and she told him. "I'm bored, come here and read me this story and maybe I can help you finish what you started.”

Caleb walked over where she indicated and sat himself in the computer chair even before thinking about it. "I can't believe this is happening...God, this is the hottest thing in the whole world, Alexa."

Facing the computer screen he began to read out loud, though quietly so no one else but them would hear from the start. It wasn't a very good story. It was about a forty year old widowed woman, named Jackie, that went through something of a sexual reawakening watching the hot football playing stud teen-aged son of her next door neighbor named, Tommy-the story's writer never bothered to mention a last name for either of them-as he mowed the lawn for her or cleaned the pool for her or carried in some heavy packages for her. Anyway the action didn't start until one especially hot and humid summer afternoon she watched him pull his shirt over his head and use the garden hose to pour water over his rippling muscles-of course he was built like a superhero. Anyway that was when she came out to the backyard and proceeded to seduce him up stairs.

His attention suddenly shifted to Alexa as she came right up against him. "W-what are you doing?"
If she were to say she didn't think every embarrassed blush and stutter was cute she would have been lying. It was cute and rather amusing. It was obvious that he didn't have much experience with the ladies, or at least ones that knew what they wanted and how to get it. The confused look on his face as she stroked her hand over his hard cock made her smirk again.

"M-mine," She felt his cock twitch beneath her hand as he processed what she was saying "A-are you serious?" She just smiled at him, chuckling when he asked again. "A-are you seriously offering to-"

“That depends on you Caleb,” she replied, her voice sultry and suggestive. “Do you want me to be serious?” His blush was all the answer she needed.

“Tell me Caleb,” she said, her voice sultry, yet amused. “Were you thinking of me while you were jerking off?"

"I...uh...N-no...I wasn't...I...uh,"

“Now don't lie to me Caleb” she chided, leaning to allow her hot breath to travel over his ear.

"Yeah...I was. You were the first. You're the sexiest woman I've ever seen." She smiled at his admonition, nodding her head. “That's what I thought. I have to say I am rather flattered that I was your first so to speak.”

She watched as he made his way to his computer chair as bidden and sat down before looking back at her.

"I can't believe this is happening...God, this is the hottest thing in the whole world, Alexa." She chuckled softly again. “You have so much to learn if you think this is hot,” she teased. “When I am done with you, this will seem like child's play.”

As he began to read she made her way up behind him, running her hand lightly along his neck.

"W-what are you doing?" “Shh,” she whispered, putting her finger to his lips and slipping her hand down inside his boxers.. “Just keep reading.” Leaning in to nibble on his ear she slowly stroked her hand up and down his cock. Encircling her hand around his cock, she began to stroke his cock faster, her fingers expertly teasing and pleasuring him at the same time. As she stroked him she thought of Meredith and what she would do if she knew what was going on above her head. What would she do if she knew what Alexa was planning to do to her boy.

“Better be quiet,” she teased as her hand continued to expertly dance over his cock. “Wouldn't want mommy dearest and her guests hear you.”
IC: Caleb Reese

Caleb walked over where she indicated and sat himself in the computer chair even before thinking about it. "I can't believe this is happening...God, this is the hottest thing in the whole world, Alexa."

She laughed softly at that saying, "You have so much to learn if you think this is hot."

What did she mean by that?

"When I am done with you," She continued, "This will seem like child's play."

Facing the computer screen he began to read out loud, though quietly so no one else but them would hear from the start. It wasn't a very good story. It was about a forty year old widowed woman, named Jackie, that went through something of a sexual reawakening watching the hot football playing stud teen-aged son of her next door neighbor named, Tommy-the story's writer never bothered to mention a last name for either of them-as he mowed the lawn for her or cleaned the pool for her or carried in some heavy packages for her. Anyway the action didn't start until one especially hot and humid summer afternoon she watched him pull his shirt over his head and use the garden hose to pour water over his rippling muscles-of course he was built like a superhero. Anyway that was when she came out to the backyard and proceeded to seduce him up stairs.

His attention suddenly shifted to Alexa as she came right up against him. "W-what are you doing?"

"Shhh," She said raising a finger to his lips as one hand traced finger down over his chest and stomach. Caleb's eyes widened as she pushed her hand underneath the fabric of his underwear and he felt cool fingers curl around his stiff hot cock. "Just keep reading."

"Uh, Okay," He told her reading on with the rather poorly written sex scene between Jackie and Tommy. But he was having trouble paying it much attention. She was really good. She leaned in and nibbled on his earlobe as the hand stroking his cock made it feel better than when it was his own. Damnit, she was really really good at stroking his cock. His eyes drifted shut and he said a little too loudly, "Oh god."

"Better be quiet," She told him teasingly as her hand picked up it's pace making his hips hunch in reaction in each and every stroke. The pleasure mounted. The story on the computer screen all but forgotten Caleb bit his lower lip to keep the moans brewing in his lungs trapped inside so he wouldn't make any more noise. “Wouldn't want mommy dearest and her guests hear you.”

God damn, she was good at this! His hands tightened on the arms of the chair and fingers began to curl as muscles tensed. One loud moan escaped past lips, "Oh my god!"
She could feel his body coming alive so to speak beneath her touch. As he stammered over the words he was reading, she could feeling him squirming in his chair. She expertly slid her hand up and down his cock, knowing just the right amount of pleasure to use with each stroke to fuel the fire building within him. Soon he was thrusting up to meet her hand, muffled sounds escaping from clenched lips as he desperately found to keep quiet.

Pressing her chest against his back, she ran her tongue along his neck as she continued her relentless stroking of his cock. With a twist of her wrist she drew a loud moan out of him before he could clamp his mouth shut to muffle the sounds. She laughed softly and put her other hand over his mouth as she trailed along his ear with her tongue. As much as she would have loved to see the look on Meredith's face if his moans drew her attention, Alexa didn't want her plan foiled before it even begun.

“You like that don't you boy,” she teased, her hand once again increasing in pace. She kept her other hand in place over his mouth, knowing if he was having a hard time staying quiet now, he definitely would not be able to keep quiet when he came.

Her tongue continued to dance teasingly over his neck and ear as she brought him closer and closer to the edge. She was invested in it now. She wanted to give him an orgasm like she was sure he never had before. Once that would make him desperate to come back for more.
IC: Caleb Reese

God damn, she was good at this! His hands tightened on the arms of the chair and fingers began to curl as muscles tensed. One loud moan escaped past lips, "Oh my god!"

He felt her breasts veiled over by that rather hot-as-fuck cleavage showing little black dress she'd been wearing pressed against the back of his shoulder one arm reaching around him in the computer chair. Her hand was down over his cock now pulled out in the open air for both of them to sit and watch the performance of a maestro with it as her instrument. Alexa's fingers wrapped around his shaft tightening and releasing the grip with the utmost experienced deftness as she stroked him, twisting, turning...up to the helmet and down back to the base..it was decadent, wicked-he couldn't get enough of it.

Caleb was little more than a puppet on a string between her hand and his erection. He was moaning through clenched lips, occasional exclamations escaping in whatever volume they desired to be heard in. It was all he could do to hunch his hips with every stroke as she brought him inexorably to the brink.

He didn't protest when her hand clamped over his mouth. He was grateful for the help in staying quiet. He didn't want anyone to hear, especially his mom. Not just for the trouble he'd be in, but for the fact that Alexa Morgan would stop stroking his cock so deliciously like this.

He felt her tongue on the nape of his neck, "You like that, don't you, boy?"

"Mmmm-mmmh," Was all he can say in confirmation to her question.

Oh god! If she kept this up he was going to erupt all over himself. He tried desperately to hold on as long as he could. He had never gotten jacked off by someone else much less the woman of his wettest wet dreams, and it felt fucking amazing. He did not want it to be over so soon.

Caleb was a teenaged boy with a healthy sexual imagination, but this was the first time anyone touched him with any sexual intent. He was a lit fuse leading to a keg of gunpowder.

His body shook, convulsed, and he gave a moan muffled by her hand over his mouth as he came up over her hand and over his stomach, and for a brief second he basked in the wake of post-orgasmic pleasure.

Then his eyes shot open as he heard from out the other side of the door and down the hall he heard the stupid and corny ringtone he recognized of his mother's smartphone and then the voice of his mother. "Hello....Oh yes...how are you...Why thank you...I'm sorry you couldn't make it to the party too...No, no, just bring the paperwork by the office monday....Mmm-mmhh...Can you excuse me I'm just checking in on my son...Okay...see you on Monday."

In a panic he looked to Alexa and whispered, "Holy shit! Oh god...oh god...Hide!"

Then a desperate idea flashed across his mind.

Caleb shot out of the chair to pull up his boxers. Fuck! He was covered in his own splooge. He pulled the dress shirt over himself before turning to her and raced over to the door and opened it just as Meredith was there reaching for the doorknob. He pushed his head out keeping the door just cracked open so she wouldn't be able to see Alexa in his room.

"Uh...mom..." He stammered, "I'm just getting out of this stupid suit...Have you seen my laundry?"

Meredith shook her head at him, "Caleb, you need to make more of an appearance with the senior partners than just fifteen minutes, to make a lasting impression."

"Why would I," Caleb said sullenly, "I'm a basketball player, not an add company person like you."

"Caleb," She said giving him that look that made him wilt on so many stances he's made in his life before, "We talked about this. It's fine to play your little game while you're in college, but you need to start thinking about your future."

"My future is playing basketball," He shot back though unable to look her in the eye.

"You need to start being realistic," She said in the voice of someone patiently explaining the obvious, "Now get dressed again and come downstairs and make better impressions on the partners."

He looked away wanting to say so many things that someone shouldn't say to one's mother. He wanted to tell her what the senior partners could go and do and then slam the door in her face. But he didn't...he couldn't. She was his mother.

"I'll be down in ten minutes," He conceded, every word tasting like bile in his mouth.

"Good," She nodded turning to head back, "And you may feel hurt about this, but in a few years you will look back and thank me for pushing you like this."

He closed the door and put his forehead against the cool surface. Then he remembered Alexa and turned to her. "That was the hottest thing that ever happened to me....thank you...but you should better make an exit, Alexa..."

He started the long slow walk back to pulling on his pants like his mom wanted.
She played his body like a fined tuned instrument, her hand moving expertly over his cock. She could tell by the moans muffled beneath her hand and his thrusts into her hand that he was close. She quickened the pace and tightened her grip on is cock. It wasn't long before she was rewarded for her actions. His body arched up into her hand as he came, his hot seed spilling down over her hand and over his body. She continued to stroke his cock until he was spent and pulled her hand away, her eyes taking in the mess he made as he struggled to catch his breath.

She couldn't help but laugh at the panic in his eyes at the sound of Meredith's ring tone and voice in the hallway.

"Holy shit! Oh god...oh god...Hide!" She shook her head, reaching for a tissue to wipe of her hand, not in any rush to make herself scarce. If Meredith was stupid enough to enter a teenage boy's room without knocking, she would deserve what she found. She watched in amusement as Caleb pulled up his boxers and wrapped his shirt around him to hide his mess. She stepped just out of view of the cracked door as Caleb spoke to Meredith.

From her vantage point she could make out everything that Meredith said to him. Typical Meredith trying to run everyone's life under the pretense of caring for them. She had tried it with Alexa before the broke up as well. But, unlike Caleb, Alexa knew how to handle Meredith, having put her in her place plenty times. Now that she thought of it, that was probably one of the reasons Meredith did what she did. She most likely resented that she couldn't control Alexa like she did Caleb.

Alexa could tell that Caleb was not happy with what his mother said as soon as he closed the door and put his forehead against it. She crossed the room and ran her hand down his back as he spoke before grabbing his ass.

"That was the hottest thing that ever happened to me....thank you...but you should better make an exit, Alexa..." She smiled at these words. He was making it so easy for her.

“There is more where that came from,” she said leaning in to whisper suggestively in his ear. “If you are willing, I can make all your fantasies come true.” Walking over to his desk she picked up his pencil and scribbled her number on the page of his sketch book under her picture. Glancing over her shoulder she could see that he was starting to dress again to return to the party.

“I have left my number for you,” she said, walking over to him and grabbing his dress shirt to pull him against her. “Call me tonight at midnight, if you want to go further with this.” With these words she kissed him passionately, her tongue sliding into his mouth and dancing against his. As quick as she kissed him she pulled away, flashing him a grin.

“I should return to the party before Meredith realizes I am gone,” she said, opening the door to peak into the hallway. Relieved to see the hallway empty, she slipped from the room and shut the door behind her. Straightening her dress she made her way to the top of the stairs. She was half way down the stairs when she ran into Meredith was most likely headed back up to rush Caleb into coming down. She smirked at the startled look on her face.

“Where are you coming from?” Meredith asking, casting her a suspicious glance. “The party is downstairs.”

“I was looking for the washroom,” Alexa lied. “Oh, and I ran into Caleb. Fine looking boy you have there. Alexa almost laughed out loud at the look on Meredith's face as she pushed past her to join the party. Grabbing another glass of champagne she moved to the corner she occupied earlier and waited for Caleb to return to the party as well.
IC: Caleb Reese

He closed the door and put his forehead against the cool surface.

He felt her come up behind him and her hand placed consolingly, and he glanced over at her surprised. He had almost forgotten she was there. Maybe he had expected her to be part of some wet dream that he'd awakened to once his mother had smacked him upside the head with reality.

"That was the hottest thing that ever happened to me...." He told her turning to see her. "...thank you...but you should better make an exit, Alexa..."

She smiled at hearing that and leaned in whispering in his ear in a soft smooth tone of voice that felt like silk fingers tracing from his air and down his spine to cup his testicles. There is more where that came from." Then turned and headed away towards his desk.

He blinked after her and stammered hoping beyond hope that he had heard that right. "Are you serious....I mean...You and me...doing that again...are you serious?"

“If you are willing, I can make all your fantasies come true.” She said taking up a pencil and scribbling something down on the page of paper he'd sketched her likeness on.

He'd gone over to where his pants lay on the floor and was trying to pull them on when she had said that. The pants fell to around his ankles as he whipped his around. "What...are you serious...you're not just bullshitting me...are you?"

He tried to reach down and pull up his pants again as she walked over to him again saying, "I have left my number for you. Call me tonight at midnight, if you want to go further with this."

"Wha-" He didn't get to finish his question for she reached out and took hold of his shirt and pulled him in close to her and planted a nuclear bomb of a kiss on his lips. Forgotten his pants fell back to the floor around his ankles as her tongue pushed within his mouth to play and cavort with his. This was a first. He'd been a few dates, and kissed a couple, but those did not even compare to Alexa Morgan's kiss here. Those were two teenagers awkwardly pressing their lips together and not knowing what to do after that....Alexa Morgan...well...she knew what to do after that. Her kiss was like a snake charmer lulling him into a dance that complimented her own actions.

Then she pulled away leaving him panting and straining his neck to regain that mesmerizing feel of her lips on his.

“I should return to the party before Meredith realizes I am gone,” She told him turning to the door.

He tried to go after her but his stupid pants almost tripped him up and he bent down to pull them back up. When Caleb looked back up Alexa was gone.

The rest of the night was a blur to him. Caleb got dressed, went downstairs, talked with those fucking old fuckers his mom want him to impress, but the whole time his mind was on one Alexa Morgan and one phone number. He saw her there and wanted to go over to her and talk to her about just what they'd say when he called her at later, but his mom was always around, watching him...damn it!

Anyway...the party finally was over and he nearly panicked when he realized how little time there was left and his mom asked him to help her clean up afterwards. He'd probably made a new world speed cleaning record to get that done before he told his mom good night and raced back upstairs to the sanctuary of his room.

He grabbed his I-phone and checked the time. 11:57...three more minutes. These were the longest three minutes in all of human history. He waited years before it changed to 11:58. With a shock he realized he was still in his stupid suit and scrambled to get it off. He was pulling the dress shirt off his shoulders when it became 11:59. Shit! Only one minute left. He toppled over onto his bed as he ripped off those stupid pants and flung them in a puddle onto the floor where they fucking belonged.

Jesus! it seemed like it would be 11:59 forever. He had his I-phone in hand the sketch on the bed beside him, finger poised to start dialing the number the second it finally changed.

Jesus Christ! Caleb hoped she was for real, and this wasn't just some prank or trick or some shit.


His fingers shook from the nervous anxious energy radiating through him as he dialed the number. God he hoped he'd be able to hear her voice over the sound of the blood pumping through his ears.

Someone answered. His voice was low-the last thing he wanted was for his mom to hear whatever they were going to talk about. "Hello...Alexa?"
She could tell when she kissed them that he was not experienced with kissing a woman. Sure he kinda knew what to do in return but, for the most part he stood as if in shock, his hands at his side as she conquered his mouth. When she pulled away he followed her as if reluctant to have her lips leave his, his breath coming in soft pants. She looked down at the front of his boxers and grinned at the evidence of his obvious arousal. Instead of acknowledging it, she turned to leave, smirking over her shoulder at the sight of him tripping over his pants as he attempted to follow before shutting the door behind her.

Once she returned to the party, her eyes remained riveted to the stairs as she waited for him to come down and join them as his mother had ordered. It was a few minutes before he came down the stairs and her eyes went to the front of his dress pants, an amused grin spreading across her face when she saw that he had managed to calm himself enough so that his arousal was not apparent to the others. She wondered if he had taken time to relieve himself of the erection or if the thought of having to spend time with his mother and her so called friends killed the mood.

As the night progressed she watched him subtly as he made his way around the room, talking to the senior members of the practice like a good little mama's boy. She made several attempts to move close to him to speak with him, but, it seemed as if every time she tried, Meredith was right there, as if she was intentionally trying to keep her from talking to him. Instead she was stuck making small talk to the other party goers for the rest of the evening. The one time she caught Caleb looking at her, she licked her lips suggestively and allowed her eyes to travel down to his crotch and back up before his attention was drawn away by something his mother said to him.

She was relieved when the party was over. She made her way back down to where the valet was waiting with her car. She tipped him generously before sliding behind the wheel and making her way back to her condo. After throwing her keys at the parking garage attendant, she rode the elevator back up to floor and was met at the door by her cat. She leaned down to pat the cat on the head before walking in to the bedroom to strip naked and climb into bed. She glanced at the clock to see that it was already ten minutes to midnight. She picked up her phone and waited, wondering if he would be brave enough to make the call. His stammering questioning of her seriousness made her think that he would, but, she wasn't too sure.

At exactly midnight her phone rang and she smiled. She had him exactly where she wanted him. Once she answered the call, there was no going back for either them. She just hoped he could handle what she had in store for him.

“Hello,” her voice was sultry as she answered and waited with bated breath for his reply. It didn't take long for him to stammer out "Hello...Alexa?" in a voice near a whisper. It was evident he was trying to keep his mother from hearing.

“Hello Caleb,” she purred in response, stretching out to get comfortable on her bed as she spoke. “I wasn't sure if you were going to call, or that you wouldn't think I was serious.” She ran a hand down her body and rolled her nipple between her fingers as she waited for his reply.

“Are you ready to have all your fantasies come true?” she queried, her voice deepening as she built her own arousal by her hands on her body. “If you say yes to this, you will never be the same naive young man you are again. Are you ready for that?” She slid her hand lower so that her fingers were rubbing against her already engorged clit, the thought of what they had done earlier, as well as what was to come in the future adding to her arousal.

“What are you wearing Caleb?” she asked, moaning as she slid a finger into her wet pussy. “I am naked for you Caleb, what do you think of that? What do you think of me lying here naked thinking about you as I touch myself. Does that make you hard?” She moaned louder as she slid another finger into her pussy and arched slightly off the bed.

“Get naked for me Caleb.” she ordered taking a deep breath to calm herself. “Stroke your cock for me. Make me hear how I make you feel. I want you moan for me. Don't hold back.” Moaning again, she began to rub her clit faster as she neared her first orgasm. The thought of him stroking his cock for her while his mother could potentially hear him added fuel to the inferno of arousal already burning inside her. “I want you to cum with me Caleb. Do you want that?”
IC: Caleb Reese

Someone answered. His voice was low-the last thing he wanted was for his mom to hear whatever they were going to talk about. "Hello...Alexa?"

Her voice was like silk, sultry and smooth, caressing him from the eardrums on down to his toes. “Hello Caleb, I wasn't sure if you were going to call, or that you wouldn't think I was serious.”

"A-are you...serious-I mean-if you're pulling my leg here just tell me," He said hesitantly, "I mean why would a beautiful sexy woman like you give a damn about fulfilling a fantasy of a schmuck like me?"

Her answer came in the form of a question, “Are you ready to have all your fantasies come true?”

No fucking way! He had to be dreaming all of this. And he hoped he never woke up from it.

"Uh...uh-huh..." He stammered. There was something about her voice not in the way she spoke, but rather the heavy way she was breathing, the soft sighs interrupting her words...it was just starting to dawn on Caleb that Alexa was touching herself while on the phone with her. His cock stirred stiffening inside his boxers.

"If you say yes to this," She continued her voice still heavy with soft purring words and deep sighs. She was definitely touching herself while talking to him. Without thinking about it Caleb's hand had drifted down to rub the tent his now fully raging erection was making in his boxers as he was consumed by Alexa's voice. "You will never be the same naïve young man you are again. Are you ready for that?”

He blinked at that. Naïve? Why did she call him, naïve?

"Yes, yes, hell yes," He bolted out his excitement overriding any sense of caution or quiet he was trying to keep. The sound of his mother in the other room began to rise. Did she hear him?

"Oh shit, hang on..." Caleb quickly turned on his TV to give him some cover for the noise. On ESPN they were showing a basketball game...perfect. That done he lay down on his back on the bed and into the phone in a softer tone he said. "Oh god, Alexa, I want to learn whatever you have to teach me."

Her question came with a passion-soaked moan out loud with no care over who might hear. It detonated through his body with each word, "What are you wearing, Caleb?"

Shit! He found himself wishing he'd worn something that would impress her.

"Uh...just a clean pair of boxers and a t-shirt," He answered truthfully, "I'm sorry...what are you wearing?"

“I am naked for you Caleb," She replied with another moan to her words, "What do you think of that?"

His hand had migrated back down to rub the tent his boner was pitching in his boxers again as he said, "I think that's really really hot."

"What do you think of me lying here naked thinking about you as I touch myself, She followed and his lusty groan as he imagined the image her words were painting surged through his mind was his best answer. His hand began to stroke that tent in his shorts. "Does that make you hard?"

"Yes," He told her completely consumed by this wicked fantasy she was weaving with her words alone, "God yes."

His cock was as hard as he could ever remember...even harder than it had been earlier.

She moaned out loud again ordering him, Get naked for me, Caleb."

His eyes darted for the door and then the wall that seperated his room with his mom's. "God, okay, Alexa."

The T-shirt and boxers soon landed on the floor and there he lay completely in his birthday suit. His hard cock standing up and throbbing with every beat of his hammering heart. God damn it, this was so wrong...he was surprised by how hot that was making it all. The risk of getting caught added a wicked spice to this experience. He said softly into the phone, "There...I'm naked now...for you. God, this is so hot."

“Stroke your cock for me."

"Oh okay," His hand wrapped around his shaft and began to pump it up and then back down.

"Make me hear how I make you feel."

He looked over to the wall that separated his room from his mom's and bit his lips before letting out a soft breathy gasp in time with his stroking hand up and down over his stiff throbbing cock. "Like this?"

"I want you to moan for me. Don't hold back," She said giving him a loud example to follow.

His imagination was probably playing tricks on him, but it sounded like Alexa was close...like real close. That possibility drove him on to return with his own moan. Jesus he hoped his mom was already asleep.

"I want you to cum with me, Caleb," She said in that same silky seductive tone of voice that seemed to sweep him away with every syllable she uttered, "Do you want that?"

"Yes," He said not noticing how his voice rose to match hers, "Please let me cum with you, Alexa."
She could hear the excitement building in his voice with each question she asked. She was sure his excitement was going to draw the attention of his mother and she shivered at the thought of Meredith catching him on the phone with her. She frowned in disappointment when he turned on his t.v and returned to speak with her in a more hushed tone. She smirked at the soft catch of his breath as he spoke, sure that he already had his hand on his cock without being prompted.

"There...I'm naked now...for you. God, this is so hot." She moaned at the thought of his naked body, her fingers moving faster on her clit causing her to arch off the bed. The thought of him naked beneath her almost pushed her over the edge as his reserved gasp echoed through the phone.

She moaned loudly again as she felt the delicious pressure start to build between her legs. His return moan caused her own breath to catch in her throat.

“Yes, just like that Caleb,” she urged, slowing her hand on her clit to keep herself from coming before she wanted to. “Moan loudly for me.” Reaching for her vibrator beside the bed she turned it on and slid it slowly into her eager pussy, the vibrations running up her spine and ripping another pleasure filled moan from her lips.

"Yes. Please let me cum with you, Alexa." His voice was loud enough now that she was sure that Meredith would hear him.

“I'm so close,” she announced, her breath deepening as another moan fell from her lips. Her hand returned to her clit, adding to the sensations provided by the vibrator buried deep inside her. Her moan increased in volume as she built herself up to glorious release. With one last flick of her finger she came hard, her cries of pleasure echoing over the phone. She continued to rub her clit as she rode out her orgasm before finally collapsing on the bed, a soft sheen of sweat covering her naked body.

“Did you come?” she asked when she finally came to her senses. She moaned softly as she gently pulled the vibrator from her now over sensitive pussy.

“Want to know what made me come Caleb?” she teased, her voice returning to its sultry, seductive tone. “I was thinking of you. I was imagining you beneath me on the bed as I fucked you. Do you want that Caleb? Do you want me to fuck you?” She lay panting on the bed, catching her breath as she waited for his reply, listening intently to see if there was any sign that Meredith had heard him.
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IC: Caleb Reese

"Yes," He said not noticing how his voice rose to match hers, "Please let me cum with you, Alexa."

In all his nineteen years of living Caleb had very little sexual experience. Earlier tonight when he Alexa was giving him a handjob was his first time with anyone else. The vast majority of sexual experience he did have was in this area. His fingers wrapped around his cock stroking it up and down as he masturbated, his eyes closed, his mind busy imagining one Alexa Morgan. Only this time she was actually a participant. Her voice, her words, adding a new and exciting flavor to an old experience for him.

Caleb could picture it all from the voice he heard moaning, panting, gasping over his I-phone pressed at his ear. She was laying in bed...naked in the moonlight....no, no, she had lit candles...yeah that was hot. She writhed her bare skin over the smooth silk sheets underneath her. Were they red or black...had to be one or the other...those were the colors of sex and sinfulness after all, right? He could imagine her hand caressing over the sensual curves of her body. One hand down between her thighs, fingers playing over her sex down the other groping a one of her breasts as she talked to him masturbating in tandem with him, getting closer and closer to climax along with him...together.

God that was so hot!

His moan told her so, and he was decreasingly caring over whether his mom would overhear what was going on here. Well, he still did not want the consequences if she did find out, but he was progressively getting swept up into the sheet naughtiness of this situation orchestrated by the Alexa Morgan he had always lusted after that his fear of getting caught was a far and distant thing-for the moment.

"Oh god," He said his voice thick and gruff with physical desire, "Oh god."

"Yes, just like that, Caleb. Moan loudly for me." Came her voice over the phone breathy with the same physical need tinging it. It caught, and in Caleb's mind's eye he could just imagine that the same amazing fingers of the same hand she had used to jack him off was playing with her pussy keeping her at a roiling simmer , and then came a a faint buzzing sound. It seemed to oscillate like it was being muffled by something and then a little louder like it had been pulled away from what was muffling it. Then there was the way her breathing, and the moans her voice made over the phone changed.

"Oh my god," He moaned out jacking his cock even harder now, "Are you using a vibrator? Oh god, that's so hot."

For a few moments they communicated in heavy breaths and pants and moans. The buzzing sound remained muffled. Was she leaving it inside of her. He didn't know girls could do that, but the fact that Alexa was as he pictured her hand played with her breasts or maybe her mysterious clitoris that he'd only ever saw in pornos. Her, this, it all was so god damned hot to him he felt like he was about to burst into flame at any second. His hand was flying over his length now, and it throbbed and stiffened. Oh god he could feel it coming just seconds away. He moaned out loud unintelligibly but he got the sense Alexa was reading every sound he made like a book.

And then it came Alexa's voice crested to from a low moan to a keening wail, loud to the point of making him wince, and he pictured her legs spread wide on the silk red or maybe black sheets, back arching and lifting her butt off the mattress, her fingers fluttering over her clitty, and her pussy convulsing around the sex toy buzzing away inside it. And she cried out in utter orgasmic bliss not caring and not ashamed in the slightest if the whole world could hear her.

And that set him off like a secondary explosion. His whole body tensed and shivered but his hand kept pumping as his balls emptied and cum erupted from his cockhead. As it did his breath caught but exploded out in a loud moan.

He lay in his bed panting for breath and coming down from hardest cum and the most erotic experience he had ever had. "That was amazing."

Her voice asked seductively, “Did you come?”

As if she didn't already no the answer. "Oh yeah."

There was a soft moan and he could hear the faint buzzing sound become a little more clear. She had pulled it out of her.

"Oh god," He groaned as the image of her holding it in her hand and her phone up to her ear so she could talk to him now. "You're amazing."

Her voice became more sultry and seductive. “Want to know what made me come Caleb?”

His answer was a panting, "What?"

"I was thinking of you," She explained smokily, "I was imagining you beneath me on the bed as I fucked you."

"Oh my god," Came his almost automatic response.

"Do you want that Caleb," She asked her words like sliding like silk down to awaken cock and balls depleted but a moment before, "Do you want me to fuck you?”

"Are you serious," Came his automatic response, "You would do it with me...like for real...but I've never..." He trailed off, "...You really would with...me?"
She lay back on the bed, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath. Even though she could tell by his heavy breathing that he had indeed came along with her, she wanted to hear him admit it out loud. She pictured him lying on the bed, totally spent, his body shivering from the mind blowing orgasm she was sure he just had. She listened to his heavy breathing for moment, straining to hear if Meredith had heard, but, they still seemed to be alone. For now Meredith would remain blissfully aware of what she was doing to her boy, innocent boy, but eventually Alexa intended to drive the knife home. She was patient. Revenge was a dish best served cold anyways. Besides, she had only begun her game and had yet to fully immerse Caleb into the world she was leading him into. She had yet to even take his virginity, though that was high on her list of next things to do.

“Oh god. You're amazing,” his breathless groan brought a smile to her lips. He was like a fish nibbling at the bait. All it would take was one tug to to catch him. She imagined the shocked look on his face when she spoke of fucking him. His gorgeous brown eyes widening, his luscious lips parting in anticipation of what she was going to say next.

"Do you want that Caleb,” her hand slid down to her now quivering pussy as she spoke and she brushed her fingers against her sensitive clit, drawing a strangled moan from her lips. "Do you want me to fuck you?”

"Are you serious," She could hear his excitement in his voice. She was sure that he never expected tonight, even in his wildest dreams, and now she was throwing another curve ball at him. "You would do it with me...like for real...but I've never..."

“Yes Caleb,”she replied, her voice low and husky. She smiled at his admittance that he never been with a woman before. She had him now, all had to do was reel him in. “Yes I want to fuck you. I want to be your first. I want to make you mine. To consume you mind, body and soul.” She paused, letting the words hang in the air. “But not yet.”

She sat up and waited for his inevitable reply. She knew he wanted her as much as surprisingly she wanted him. It had been awhile since she had a virile young stud between her legs. She was growing wet again at the thought of his cock buried deep within her depths.

“I'll see you at the office on Monday,” her voice full of innuendo. “Good night Caleb. May your dreams be filled with me.” With those words she hung up, not giving him a chance to reply. She wanted to leave him wondering what was going to happen next. Leave him quivering in anticipation as to what Monday may bring.
IC: Caleb Reese

"Are you serious," Came his automatic response, "You would do it with me...like for real...but I've never..." He trailed off, "...You really would with...me?"

“Yes Caleb,” She replied, her voice low and husky, “Yes, I want to fuck you."

Those words traveled through his eardrums and down from his brain resonating throughout his body and straight to pool in his balls. "Oh my god, really?"

"I want to be your first," She continued, "I want to make you mine. To consume you mind, body and soul.”

A low needy groan came out of him at the sound of that, "I want you...I mean...I want you to want...to do that...to me...right now?"

There was a long silent pause between them and Caleb began to worry if his phone had dropped the call when she spoke again, "But not yet."

He made an audible disappointed sound at that, "But..."

“I'll see you at the office on Monday,” her voice full of innuendo.

His eyes shot up, "At my mom's work...are you sure...god that's bad..." He had heard the tone of innuendo, and his imagination leapt to fill in the blatant gaps she left open for it. He bit his lip at the naughty thought of doing it not so very far from where his mom was working in absolute ignorance. His heart was hammering a little faster. Could he actually do that?

Damn, though, just the thought of it was getting him all hot and bothered.

"Good night, Caleb," She concluded with a tone of wicked amusement in her words, "May your dreams be filled with me."

"Oh god, I will and good ni-" What he was saying came to screeching sound as he discovered she had almost immediately hung up on him. He put down his phone and shot up off the bed and started doing a macho dance of happiness. He and Alexa fucking Morgan, and she said she wanted to bang him. Him!

This was officially the best night ever!

Then he suddenly remembered he was but naked and covered and his own splooge. He pulled on his boxers and t-shirt and snuck out of his room to the bathroom. There Caleb used a washrag and the running water to clean himself off and then began to slink back towards his bedroom, though he doubted he'd get alot of sleep. He was just too excited.

Alexa Morgan...was going to fuck him on Monday!

He paused at the door to his mom's bedroom. The door was cracked open and through it he could see his mom laying under the sheets a blindfold over the eyes and a CD player's headphones over her ears. she was listening to those quack guru's self-assertiveness realization subliminal messages. She'd been listening to those things for years.

Caleb then realized why she hadn't overheard them earlier. She'd been listening to her stupid fake-assed CDs. Which meant he'd gotten away with what happened. A thrill went through him over that.

He went back to bed excited as hell he was certain he'd never fall asleep. Twenty minutes later he was slumbering the night away.


Monday Morning

Caleb was wearing stupid black dress slacks, loafers, a soft blue button down, and a blue-grey tie as he started his first day of his internship at his mom's marketing firm. He'd only been inside the building five minutes when he got his first opportunity to learn the ins and outs of the marketing business. It predictably amounted to going down the street to the local starbucks for coffee for the executives...damn it.

He had not seen Alexa at all yet.

He came back inside the building with two carrying trays of eight cups of steaming coffee in his hands.

He had to find her. She had to be here. Where was she?
Alexa set her phone down on her nightstand, a satisfied, yet amused smile on her face. It was evident how inexperienced Caleb was with women by his excited stumbling over his words when she mentioned going further with him. Yes, she was going to enjoy stripping him of that innocence and molding him into the sexual being she intended him to become. Just the thought of what she was going to do with him was starting to turn her on again, despite having just came down from a mind blowing orgasm. She reached for her vibrator and turned it on, sliding it once again in her hungry pussy. Within minutes she came again, her cries echoing loudly through her empty bedroom. Putting the vibrator away, she pulled the covers over her naked body and fell instantly into a deep sleep.

The rest of the weekend passed uneventfully, and when Monday morning rolled around, Alexa was more than ready to get back to the office. Not to work, since she didn't seem to do much of that anymore, but to see Caleb. She took her time getting ready that morning, showering and shaving any errant hair from her body. Then dressed by first slipping on a pair of crotchless underwear and a lacy pushup bra that made her breasts looks fantastic in anything she wore. Next she added a garter belt and thigh high stockings. Over the scandalous underclothes she pulled on a white button down dress shirt and moderately lengthed skirt before slipping into a pair of Louis Vuitton heels. From outer appearances she looked like any high class business woman. She smirked at the knowledge that no one, aside from Caleb, would truly know what was going on underneath.

She took her time getting to the office, wanting to make him sweat before she made an appearance. It was well after ten in the morning when she finally sauntered in, barely acknowledging Wendy as she walked past her into her office. Leaving her office door open, she threw her purse and keys on her desk and sat in the expensive leather chair the firm had provided. She wondered how long it would take for him to make his way to find her, or if she was going to have to go find him herself.

She only had to wait a few minutes before she saw him making his way down the corridor past her office carrying a tray of coffees. Figures that the executives would use him for nothing more than their errand boy. She could and would find much better uses for his time.

“Caleb,” she called out, catching his attention as he walked past. “Once you are down delivering those coffees come and see me. I have a task for you to do.”
IC: Caleb Reese

He came back inside the building with two carrying trays of eight cups of steaming coffee in his hands.

He had to find her. She had to be here. Where was she?

He couldn't seem to find her anywhere, and he checked all the executive offices already. Maybe she wasn't here. Maybe she was only playing some cruel prank on the stupid kid that thought a real fucking gorgeous woman like her would ever be interested in doing it with him. He was such a stupid stupid stupid fool for believing it too.

He carried the hot Styrofoam coffee cups in one hand casting about for any sign of her beside himself.

“Caleb,” she called out, catching his attention as he walked past. “Once you are down delivering those coffees come and see me. I have a task for you to do.”

He wheeled around to see her nearly spilling the coffees and fumbling about to keep restabilize them without scalding himself. "Oh....Ms. Morgan..." He said stammering as he thought fast as lightning. His eyes darted about noticing one or two of them were watching with some idle amusement. "Uh...sure...just give me a second here."

Caleb raced around the office plopping down the cups of coffee on the desks of each of the senior partners like a jet plane. He didn't know he could move quite so fast...not on the basketball court...well not when leading a fast break down to the other basket from the baseline all the way across the court for an alley-oop pass for a heart-crushing slam dunk from one of his teammates. Some he was certain he'd mixed up which coffee went to which executive, but he was already on the move out of their offices and gone long before they could complain to him.

The last one was for his mom. He put it onto her desk while she was speaking on the phone with someone. That was good. She'd be too distracted to but into what he and Alexa were going to be doing.

However when he turned to leave he heard his mother say to the other person on phone, "Yes, go ahead and get those sales figures, I'll wait on hold...Caleb?"

He froze at the door. He didn't look back at her, "Yeah Mom?"

"I could use some-"

"Sorry Mom," He told her thinking fast again, "One of the other members already wants me for her own project...gotta go."

He rushed out of her office and raced across the building back to Alexa's office. His heart hammering wildly in his chest and his cock was beginning to stiffen in anticipation of what was to come."

He entered Alexa's office and glancing back at the cute girl working just outside the door then back to Alexa. "Uh...Ms. Morgan...you wanted me for something?"
She was finding it hard to focus on her work as she waited for him to return to her office., her eyes glancing occasionally at her open door for a sign of his approach. After trying to read the email on her screen three times, she closed her laptop and sat back in her chair. As she waited her mind started to drift to the memory of the other night as his mother's party. His young, naked body writhing beneath her hand as she brought him to what she assumed his first orgasm caused by anyone other than his own hand.

“Ms. Morgan, I am going to take off early if that is ok with you,” she was so lost in the thought that she barely heard Wendy as she entered the room. “Ms. Morgan, did you hear me.” She blinked and looked up at the young girl, her words finally registering. She glanced at the clock. It was barely past eleven in the morning and she wanted to leave already? Any other time she would have denied it, but, getting her out of the way would be one less person to notice and report Caleb's presence in her office back to his mother.

“Yes, yes that's fine,” she said, waiving a dismissive hand. “I will have the new intern assist me today, if needed.” It was not like the girl did anything all day anyways. She could see Caleb approaching the office as Wendy returned to her desk to collect her purse and keys. She smirked at the appreciative glance Wendy flashed at Caleb before he stepped into the room.

“Close the door Caleb,” she ordered smiling at him and getting to her feet. Once the office door was close from any prying eyes, she made her way across the room to him.

“I have to say this look suits you,” her voice was sensual as she reached for his tie and used it to pull her towards her. She kissed him deeply as her hand slid down between his legs. She laughed softly against his lips at the growing bulge she was met with.

“Hmmm, seems like someone is happy to see me,” she teased as she undid the belt and button of his pants and slid her hand inside. Her hand pressed suggestively against his cock as she moved to kiss along his neck. A sudden knock on the door made her pull away quickly and motion for Caleb to sit in the chair facing her desk. Once she was sure no one would be able to see his undone pants, she walked across the room and opened the door to find one of the senior partners standing there holding a stack of papers.

“Ah, Alexa, just the woman I was looking for,” he said, his eyes looking over her shoulder and falling on Caleb seated at the desk. “I see you have already met our new intern. If he is anything like his mother, he will go far in this company.”

“You needed me for something,” she asked, bringing his attention back to her.

“Yes, I have some contracts I need you to sign for the clients you were working with,” he replied, pushing the papers into her hands. “There is no rush. Once you get them done, you can get Wendy to bring them to my office.” He glanced back at Wendy's desk and frowned. “Where is that daughter of mind anyways? Its only eleven. Don't tell me she left for the day already.” He sighed, shaking his head. “Takes after her mother that one. Just have Caleb bring them to me instead.” With those words he turned away from the door, leaving Alexa to close it behind him. She twisted the lock before she turned back to Caleb.

“Now where were we before we were so rudely interrupted?” she said, throwing the pile of contracts on her desk. She pulled Caleb back up out of his chair, her lips finding his once more.

“I am so wet for your Caleb,” she whispered against his lips. Grabbing his hand, she slide it up her leg and under her skirt, pressing his fingers against her bare pussy lips. “Do you feel it Caleb? Can you feel how wet I am for you?”
IC: Caleb Reese

He entered Alexa's office and glancing back at the cute girl working just outside the door then back to Alexa. "Uh...Ms. Morgan...you wanted me for something?"

“Close the door Caleb,” she ordered smiling at him and getting to her feet.

"Right," He beamed appreciating how hot she looked even in a standard unassuming normal outfit of white blouse and professional skirt. She was somehow still unbelievably sexy in the rather plain clothing.

She crossed the room over to him a hungry look blossoming in her eyes as she regarded him as a rather well done New York Strip. "I have to say this look suits you."

He glanced down at his blue dress shirt, dark slacks, and grey tie, "Well...my Mom picked it out this morning for me-whoa."

She reached out and grabbed hold of his tie pulling him in up close to her planting her lips against his in a manner of a woman taking that first triumphant bite of that well done New York Strip. He was surprised by her sudden action, but as a whole he vastly approved.

Then her hand snaked down between them to below the belt and pressed against the tent his erection was pitching in his professional business-like slacks. He jumped but did not break their kiss.

It was clear to Caleb that Alexa had the ball in this. She was the point guard driving to the hole and so it was his job to curl out to the wing and get open for a three-point shot should she pass the rock to him. That was too much basketball metaphor probably, but give him a break the most erotic woman he'd ever known was copping a feel and all the blood in his body was not pumping up to his brain at the moment. She already was undoing his belt and fly with well-practiced ease and slipped her hand inside his boxers to touch his eager cock skin on skin.

Then the worst sound that could happen actually happened. Someone knocked at the door. He broke the kiss startled at the abrupt sound. Oh god, they were going to get caught. It all was going to be ruined before he got to lose his virginity to this amazing erotic dynamo of a woman.

Alexa pulled back and gestured him to sit in the chair facing her desk. The person knocked again and Caleb rushed to do just as she directed plopping down into the chair. He looked up at her in desperation wondering what her brilliant plan to avoid them getting caught like this was going to be.

She looked Caleb over, sitting and then stepped over to the door. Caleb panicked in his seat silently trying to look small and innocent as she opened the door. It was the bald and blustering senior partner, Mr. Wilson.

“Ah, Alexa, just the woman I was looking for,” he said, his eyes looking over her shoulder and falling on Caleb seated at the desk. “I see you have already met our new intern. If he is anything like his mother, he will go far in this company.”

When he heard that he shrunk down in the chair certain the middle-aged moron was seeing right through the chair and seeing his still undone pants.

Alexa however seemed undeterred in the slightest by these events. He envied her unshakable confidence he felt like he was melting in her chair under Mr. Wilson's scrutiny.

It seemed Mr. Wilson just wanted Alexa to sign some contracts or something. Caleb seemed to have been dismissed or something. He pitied poor Alexa's secretary, Wendy, for having to grow up with that loudmouth for a father. Thankfully it was soon over and Wilson left griping about his daughter leaving them alone for the day. Her taking off the rest of the day was a lucky break for them in his mind anyway.

Alexa shut the door with her hip and carried the stack over to her desk. It made a resounding sound in the office as it was dropped on top of it. Then she turned back around and regarded him with that hungry look in her eye again.

He let out a long-held breath looking back up to her, "That was close."

“Now where were we before we were so rudely interrupted?” She stepped forward and reached down then grabbed him by the tie pulling him up out of the seat.

"Uh...I think we were here." He joked before she moved in to claim his lips in another dynamite kiss.

“I am so wet for your Caleb,” She whispered against his lips.

"You are?" He said in awe like a child being promised the toy he wanted for Christmas. "Really?"

She took his hand in hers and guided it down underneath her skirt and up against her panties. Only it felt like the soft lace ended right over the places underwear should cover up. Jesus he was touching her...pussy...and it was dripping wet in arousal and anticipation over the idea of fucking him-him!

"Do you feel it Caleb," She asked softly and seductively, "Can you feel how wet am for you?"

"Oh god," He stammered as his finger traced over the lips of her...pussy...down there. She was indeed so wet for him-him! "Yeah I do feel how wet you are for me. Do you know how hard I am for you, Alexa?"
She was sure that Mr. Wilson was going to see the panic in Caleb's eyes when he glanced over at him. The boy say straight backed in the chair, his hands clutching the arms nervously. But the man barely gave him any notice, intent more on handing the stack of documents off to Alexa. He more likely was thinking more about his golf game that afternoon than why the new intern was alone with Alexa in her office. She could practically see him relax as they were finally left alone. He didn't hesitate when she pulled him to his feet and close to her once again. His lips were fire against hers, his mouth eager to devour hers as the passion built between them.

There was no mistaking his arousal as she slid his hand up her skirt to her wet pussy. His hard cock pressed against her leg as she pressed his fingers deeper inside her, giving a good feel of how wet he was making her. She shivered as his fingers inadvertently brushed against her engorged clit, a small cry of desire slipping from her lips.

"Do you know how hard I am for you, Alexa?" She gave him a knowing smile as her hand slid inside his loosened pants and found his hard shaft. She stroked her hand along it, guiding his hand to rub against her clit in unison with her.

“You are very hard for me aren't you Caleb,” she said, leaning in to kiss his neck. She pulled his hand out from between her legs and brought it up to his lips, pressing his fingers against his lips. “Do you like how I taste? Do you want more?”

Flashing him another wicked smile, she started to slowly undo her blouse, revealing her firm breasts, barely contained by the lace bra she was wearing. She guided his other hand up to her breast and pressed it against the soft skin, shivering as his thumb brushed against her nipple. It was taking all her control not to just throw him down on the desk and take him right there in the office, which is probably where he thought this was going, but she had other plans for when she would finally take his virginity. On his back, on a hard wood desk was not it.

Instead she guided his hand back down to the hot centre between her legs. “Fuck me with your fingers Caleb,” she whispered in his ear, her hand slipping inside his underwear to encircle around his hard cock. “And maybe I will let you have another taste.”
IC: Caleb Reese

"Oh god," He stammered as his finger traced over the lips of her...pussy...down there. She was indeed so wet for him-him! "Yeah I do feel how wet you are for me. Do you know how hard I am for you, Alexa?"

They were so close up against one another. Caleb could smell the perfume she was wearing. What was that: Lavender or Gardenias or Lilacs? It was distracting. She was distracting. Here he was right up against her, his erection pressing against her thigh as she guided his hand against her moist pussy lips.

In response to his question she gave him a coy smile as her other hand delved underneath his boxer shorts and he jumped when he felt those magical fingers against the bare heat of his raging hard-on.

"You are very hard for me, aren't you, Caleb?" She guided his fingers to rub against the top area of her wet slit in perfect time with her hand stroking over his own length.

"Oh god," He moaned in reaction, "You're the hottest woman in the world, Alexa...of course I'm hard for you...I can't believe how lucky I am for you to want me like this. I hope this never ends-wait..what are you-"

Abruptly she changed directions pulling his hand away from between her legs, and for a second Caleb was dying in agony of the indignant rebuke he was certain was going to pass her lips next. Except it never came. Instead she lifted his hand up higher between them. Then pressing it against his mouth. Like an infant automatically when a spoonful of babyfood is pressed against their mouth his lips immediately parted and she pushed two of his own fingers inside. Fingertips smeared with the juice from her wet pussy. He moaned as he got the first taste of Alexa Morgan.

It was amazing.

"Do you like how I taste," She asked kissing his neck right under the hammering pulse of his jugular vein.

The murmur around his fingers he made voiced his enthusiastic answer to her question.

"Do you want more," She said with a wickedly mischievous smile as she pulled back. He watched in rapt attention as she began to slowly, seductively, began undoing one button of her blouse and then the next lower down. She did this long enough to pull open the blouse and reveal the black lacy bra that seemed to do more to lift and frame her breasts than conceal them from his gaze.

"Oh my god, this is the most erotic thing ever," He said almost prayerfully as she then slowly took his free hand and pulled into her open blouse and over one of those large real warm-and god he could actually feel her heartbeating underneath his hand-real breast. The first he had ever actually touched. He never wanted to let go. He continued moving his hand over her breast his thumb brushed over the nipple and he marveled as he saw her shiver in pleasured reaction. He had caused that in her. He wanted to cause so many more shivers in her.

While he was still marveling over his first time touching a for real woman's breast she took his other hand from his lips and pulled them back down under her skirt. He felt her wet lips again and she whispered into his ear, low and seductively once more, Fuck me with your fingers Caleb."

"Oh god, you mean I can...you'll let me do that?" At her prompting he began to slowly, tenatively use his fingers to part those lips and slip one inside. He jumped when he felt her hand push inside his boxers and close around his throbbing cock.

"And maybe I will let you have another taste," She added enticingly.

"Oh god, oh god," He repeated inanely as he was swept up in the eroticism of the moment. One finger exploring the wet folds of a woman's sex-of Alexa fucking Morgan's sex-and luxuriating in the stimulation of her hand on his hard-on. "I want that...I'll do whatever you want me to, Alexa, just please let me have some more."
He practically vibrated beneath her hand as she stroked it along his hard cock. She knew it wouldn't take long to bring him to the edge if she wanted to, but, instead she gently teased him, not quite adding enough pressure that would push him too far. His fingers exploring her wet pussy was enticing small whimpers of arousal from her lips as she trailed them along his neck. Though his touch was as awkward as any boy would be his first time, he was still managing to awaken her sex with his touch.

Reaching between her legs with her other hand, she pressed his finger deeper insider her, guiding his hand where she wanted it to go. She cried out softly as his finger brushed her g-spot, her body shivering response, her pussy clenching tightly around his finger.

“Use more fingers,” she moaned breathlessly, guiding his hand up to find the hard nub of her aroused clit. She used his hand to masturbate herself, her body instantly reacting to his touch. Her nipples strained against the thin fabric of her bra as they became hard.

“I'm so close Caleb,” she whispered against his neck, her lips trailing up to his ear. Taking his ear lobe into her mouth she sucked on it lightly. She could feel the pressure starting to build between her legs and she withdrew her hand, leaving him to continue on his own. Her other hand continued to tease and stroke his cock, keeping him hard and ready for what she had planned for him next.

She pulled him to her and kissed him passionately as she felt herself start to cum, her moan muffled against his mouth. She didn't need the others in the office to hear what was going on, though the thought of Meredith walking by just at that moment pushed her over the edge. She came hard, her pussy pulling his fingers deep inside her as she ground against his hand, riding out her orgasm. When she finally was spent, she slowly pushed his hand away from her pussy and let go of his cock, stepping back to meet his gaze with a mischievous grin.

“Not bad,” she teased, licking her lips suggestively. “You will get better with practice.” Her eyes traveled down from his face to his open pants and his hard cock and licked her lips again. Reaching out, she pulled his pants down to his knees, his hard cock springing completely free. She slowly lowered to her knees in front of him, her hands trailing luxuriously down his toned body, stopping at his hips. She circled his cock with one hand and looked up at him with a grin before leaning it and slowly trailing her tongue around the head of his cock, tasting the precum that was glistening there.

“Do you want me to continue Caleb?” she teased, looking up at him for his reply.
IC: Caleb Reese

"Oh god, oh god," He repeated inanely as he was swept up in the eroticism of the moment. One finger exploring the wet folds of a woman's sex-of Alexa fucking Morgan's sex-and luxuriating in the stimulation of her hand on his hard-on. "I want that...I'll do whatever you want me to, Alexa, just please let me have some more."

This was a wet dream come true and Caleb never wanted to wake up. The woman of his hottest fantasies was leaning up against him stroking her hand over his length. Her touch was light more teasing than driving him straight to the edge.

He delighted in the whimpers emitting from her lips as she trailed them over the side of his neck leaving a path of goosebumps in her kisses' wake. He could feel her nipples hardening and pressing into his chest through the fabric of his shirt and her bra. They made him feel like he was something more than the virgin noob he was. Because of her he felt as if he was powerful and knowledgeable lover.

He was fascinated by the feel of her around his finger as he pushed it within her afraid to go too fast or too far. She seemed so wet and and tight and warm and god this was the most erotic thing he'd ever done.

"Use more fingers." She reached down between them and took hold his hand between her thighs and Caleb worried she was going to pull his hand away and laugh in his face for thinking a inexperienced kid was good enough for a super-hot mature woman like her. But she didn't. Instead she directed him to add a second finger and pushed his hand to a fleshy little pearl at the top of her slit that he assumed was her clitoris. He began exploring it and marveling at how it seemed to effect her. "I'm so close, Caleb."

"You are? Oh god...what do I do?" He groaned out loud as she captured his earlobe between her lips and drew on it. Caleb realized her hand had left his wrist and he was on his own. Oh god, he hoped he wasn't going to fuck this up and disappoint her. Remembering what she had said he tried using two fingers to delve within her this time a little more forcefully and pumping in and out of her pussy a little faster than he did before. Meanwhile he experimented with using his thumb to keep rolling over that fleshy nubbin at the top of her pussy he assumed was her clitoris. "How is this?"

Her hand kept teasing his cock as he explored how to finger her to what he hoped would be a very satisfying orgasm. His hand was diving into her now and then he tried using a third finger. When he did she let go of his earlobe and planted herr lips to his in a thermonuclear kiss made all the hotter as she began to shake against him and then there was the way her pussy convulsed around his fingers.

Had she come? Had he made her reach an orgasm? Barring her experiencing a sudden seizure he had to assume that was what just happened to her, right? If he had just made her come on the spot then that went a long way to build up his self-confidence that a worthless noob like him was worthy of a supremely sexy woman like her.

She removed his hand from her and lifted it between them saying, "Not bad."

"You mean it," He asked like a eager little puppy getting his belly rubbed, "I didn't mess it up even though I really didn't know what the hell I was doing? I still made you come?"

She stepped back and licker her lips eyeing his hand coated with her juices suggestively. "You will get better with practice."

He asked hopefully, "Does that mean you and I...will we be doing this more like regularly or something?"

As an answer to that she stepped back to him and pulled down his pants and boxer to puddle around his ankles. Then he gloried in the sight of Alexa Morgan lowering slowly, seductively, hands trailing down his athletic body in her wake the whole way, down onto her knees before him. Now she was face to face, inches away from the erection she had just been teasing. She used one hand to close around its base and he looked down to see her glance up to him and give him the sexiest smile he had ever seen in his life.

She leaned forward, tongue reaching out from between her lips-oh god-Caleb's eyes screwed shut at the first contact of her tongue as it slowly rolled around and over its helmet.

"Ohhhh gawdddd." This groan erupted out of his mouth as his hips automatically tried to push forward and into that mouth with that supernaturally good-feeling tongue. However the hand she had around his root and the other at his hip kept him from surprising her and in firm control of the whole scene happening between them, and what a scene it was? It was everything and more than he'd ever jacked off to at night.

Caleb forced his eyes back open and he looked back down to meet hers peering up at him with a knowing smirk on her face. "Do you want me to continue, Caleb?"

He nodded not even realizing she was just teasing him. "Oh god, yes. Please, don't stop now."