Wiccan posters:

I'm not wiccan but I have a number of friends who are and one sent me this today:

A Samhain Chant

Be unafraid of Shadows dark
And to their whispers
Do Not Hark
Unfriendly words
You do Not hear
No worry, trouble
Loss or Fear
No Shadow falls
Upon your Heart
We Stand Together
Though Apart.
We Stand Together
Ever Winning
All our spells
Together Spinning
For Every End
A New Beginning
Wealthy, Healthy,
Happy, Free
If this your Will
So Mote It Be!

Copyright © Maurice of Coventry Greens,
Samhain, 1994
That's pretty. If all goes to plan, I'll have to use that in my circle tomorrow.
calypso_21 said:
I'm not wiccan but I have a number of friends who are and one sent me this today:

A Samhain Chant

Be unafraid of Shadows dark
And to their whispers
Do Not Hark
Unfriendly words
You do Not hear
No worry, trouble
Loss or Fear
No Shadow falls
Upon your Heart
We Stand Together
Though Apart.
We Stand Together
Ever Winning
All our spells
Together Spinning
For Every End
A New Beginning
Wealthy, Healthy,
Happy, Free
If this your Will
So Mote It Be!

Copyright © Maurice of Coventry Greens,
Samhain, 1994

My niece is pagan, I'm going to pass this along to her for her Samhain, thanks.
My friends, in whose Tying of the Hands I was North, are having a small ceremony in their home. A quiet Samhain for them this year.
StoneFox said:
That's pretty. If all goes to plan, I'll have to use that in my circle tomorrow.

Cool. I could pm you with a link to her sight if you are interested?
StoneFox said:
Doing anything special for Samhain this year?

I'll be rooting out heretics and burning them at the stake.

Ooops,wrong thread.Now where did the Spanish inquisition thread go ?

Sort of.

I always do - but I'm travelling on business. I'll meditate - spend some times outdoors...

Center myself.
I'm not Wiccan, but after the kids do the trick or treating thing, I'll be outside with a small fire and some good friends.

I prefer quiet, stay at home samhains... centering and grounding and just being with the ones I'm here for.

Is that a sign I'm getting old?
Truly its not just a wiccan thing. Its pagan in origin - wicca is just one form of paganism.
Remember Your Dead!

LEave Them A Tasty Treat Outside Your Door Or Window, They Will Appreciate It:D

Bright Blessings And A Happy New Year!

Have A Wicked Samhain(insert the apple icon here)
pagancowgirl said:
Is that a sign I'm getting old?

Nah...I like what you are planning. I wish I could get the landlady to agree with the fire idea. I don't think it will go over to well.
Light a circle of candles and pretend it's a fire.

RNAB... I set out a dumb supper last year. The kids ate it while I was putting on my costume.

pagancowgirl said:
Light a circle of candles and pretend it's a fire.

RNAB... I set out a dumb supper last year. The kids ate it while I was putting on my costume.

LOL Again!

Perhaps The Dead Folk Told Them Ta Eat It?


RudeNastyAssBitch said:
LOL Again!

Perhaps The Dead Folk Told Them Ta Eat It?


It's possible. The oldest does have the strangest conversations with empty air.

Oh well, at least I can dress in my witchy clothes and walk around town without worrying about the angry mob with pitch forks chanting BURN THE WITCH!!!

damn baptists. :p
When I Was Like, 11,

My Best Friend Was A Baptist. Her Family Seemed Ta Be Very Angry:(

They Sing In Church Though And That Is TOO Cool:D