Why we can't have nice things

Sean Renaud

The West Coast Pop
Feb 5, 2004
Its almost like conservatives intentionally harm the American public not only through blocking things that would benefit us but when they can ripping away what we already have. See RightGuide seriously hasn’t heard of me since I took the Trump years off. I’m writing this just for him but he’s not going to read it because its not a Right Wing Blurb. This cannot be summed up in a single paragraph.

The Raise the Wage Act of 2019 Here’s the link. https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2019496

You can check the link but here’s the take away. When roll call vote occurred here are the Yahs 238 D 6R, the Naes were 6D 192R. Right Guide would point to those six Ds and tell me that I live in a fantasy segregated from reality.

This is the ACA which had been watered down so much in an attempt to garner R votes that it barely resembled the original. Still what we got did plenty of good and none of the horror stories we were told came to pass. Not only the the deficit not skyrocket it came down.


Not a single member of either party strayed. 60Y,39N I’ll let you guess which is which.

This is the infrastructure bill something that I would assume all Americans could agree with. My specific area has very few pot holes but you go one or two cities in any direction and it makes me wish I drove a Hummer. While we heard about East Palestine train derailments are so common we don’t hear about them. Given how many times the Texas Power Grid has gone down and caused deaths over just the last five years why are those citizens not furious?


Y: 215 D 13 R

N: 6D 200 R

So fuck our infrastructure.

Here is the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act of 2021


Now lets give the Right the benefit of the doubt and suppose for the moment that climate change is a hoax. Though floods on 4 of 7 continents (and seriously the Antarctica even count? I mean if the entire continent we’d be curious but not concerned. Do you think things like smog is fake? Cus I lived in LA for a while and when we moved out to Fontana I used to joke about “How do you know the air is really there if you can’t see it?” Do you think asthma is fake? I have a fairly moderate case as in it will kick in just often enough to remind me it is in me but infrequently enough that I don’t carry anything on me and when it happens I mostly have to stop and catch my breath. Its just embarrassing to sit down in Walmart with like six things in your cart. Anyhow. Do you believe cancer is fake?

That shit is killing us and for a lot of reasons it is disproportionate but that’s for another day. Encase you want further reading.


PS: If you haven't already check out this thread https://forum.literotica.com/threads/the-right-claims-to-love-the-military.1594229/#post-97461352

Don't listen to what Republicans or the media tell you on certain issues.

PPS: I said Republicans are the reason we can't have nice things. He responded by showing 2 Dems voted against Hurricane Relief which is obviously not the subject were on. But you know it goes I'm a subliterate lib in a fantasy world.
See RightGuide seriously hasn’t heard of me since I took the Trump years off.
vetteman knows exactly who you are, your military service (thank you), and your skin color. ;)

don't forget the republitards who voted against 9/11 victim relief were tweeting "never forget!" this week. :rolleyes:

It always makes me laugh the way you people are duped by the name attached to legislation. You got less coverage for twice the money... but it's "affordable!" Says so right in the name of it!
Anyone who was subject to the whims of "pre-existing conditions" prior to that being outlawed under the ACA would smi
le and shake their collective heads at your ignorance.
Re Minimum Wage:

While I firmly believe ordinary citizens at the minimum wage tier should not be made to suffer for their government's endless pursuit of inflationary monetary policy... the real truth is that without making massive changes to that policy, there is no fix for the problem.

You could set a new minimum at some arbitrary figure, but the bump won't last long. Let's say you work for a company that employee some minimum wage workers at the bottom. Those guys are making $7.25 per Federal law. You're making $10 because you've been there longer and know more. So Feds bump the bottom to $10. Are you going to be happy staying at $10? Doubtful. You're going to want $12.75... or if you know how percentages work, you might want $13.79. And you can probably expect that to ripple all the way up until it bumps against salaried middle management.

Result? Gotta raise prices.

And what about rent? Think minimum wage guy's landlord isn't going to want a piece of that raise? Bet he does. So the new wage level gets baked in pretty fast, prices go up, and 6 months to a year later, min wage guy is right back where he started. But politicians get to pretend they care, you get to feel good about yourself for "supporting" them, and the wheel keeps grinding min wage guy into the dirt.


It always makes me laugh the way you people are duped by the name attached to legislation. You got less coverage for twice the money... but it's "affordable!" Says so right in the name of it!

You remind me of people who used to believe "they're not allowed" to lie on TV.

Re the rest of it:

After your performance on the first two, I'm not inclined to read any further.
The problem is you're wrong on the first one. The would not have to raise prices, they would but inflation/prices and wages have no connection. That's just where they are.

If you honestly believe you got less coverage for twice the money you should easily be able to prove that on.

You've got the basis of a pretty good standup routine there. I'm certainly laughing. I'm going to save that post because it's one of the dumbest things ever said. Congrats.

We really need to tighten up the law on who can vote. The mess you see now... and the disasters that are coming... are the direct result of politicians pandering to people like you.

I know, I know you've never looked into it yourself and trust the media. Please do your own research cus these two things are not related and work completely independent of each other.

No, the mess we're in starts with Reagan convincing us that "communism" was coming for us all and literally fucked the economy. We are still suffering from shit from the 80s.
We really need to tighten up the law on who can vote. The mess you see now... and the disasters that are coming... are the direct result of politicians pandering to people like you.
And look honesty. And we know who you would propose be those who could vote.
Enough. You are not capable of having the conversation you're trying to have. You just don't know anything.

Stick to cheerleading.


Have a good day, the facts are you are simply wrong and the only reason you think you aren't is the idea of thinking for yourself is absurd to you.
Re Minimum Wage:

While I firmly believe ordinary citizens at the minimum wage tier should not be made to suffer for their government's endless pursuit of inflationary monetary policy... the real truth is that without making massive changes to that policy, there is no fix for the problem.

You could set a new minimum at some arbitrary figure, but the bump won't last long. Let's say you work for a company that employee some minimum wage workers at the bottom. Those guys are making $7.25 per Federal law. You're making $10 because you've been there longer and know more. So Feds bump the bottom to $10. Are you going to be happy staying at $10? Doubtful. You're going to want $12.75... or if you know how percentages work, you might want $13.79. And you can probably expect that to ripple all the way up until it bumps against salaried middle management.

Result? Gotta raise prices.

And what about rent? Think minimum wage guy's landlord isn't going to want a piece of that raise? Bet he does. So the new wage level gets baked in pretty fast, prices go up, and 6 months to a year later, min wage guy is right back where he started. But politicians get to pretend they care, you get to feel good about yourself for "supporting" them, and the wheel keeps grinding min wage guy into the dirt.


It always makes me laugh the way you people are duped by the name attached to legislation. You got less coverage for twice the money... but it's "affordable!" Says so right in the name of it!

You remind me of people who used to believe "they're not allowed" to lie on TV.

Re the rest of it:

After your performance on the first two, I'm not inclined to read any further.
Nailed it^^^^^^^^^^^^^😉
That and the fact some of these folk here have never made a payroll, or for that matter never owned or operated their own business. How do I know that for a fact? They wouldn't talk or believe the way they do...
Nailed it^^^^^^^^^^^^^😉
That and the fact some of these folk here have never made a payroll, or for that matter never owned or operated their own business. How do I know that for a fact? They wouldn't talk or believe the way they do...
I have. Which is hardly the point since we're talking on a national level not a small business with five employees.
I have. Which is hardly the point since we're talking on a national level not a small business with five employees.
I have as well. Not to mention anyone who ever took Econ 101 knows the argument she's endorsing here about the minimum wage is nonsense.