Why the Press went straight to an AR-15


Run Forrest! RUN!
Sep 19, 2011
Addled by the AR-15
The Right loves it, and the Left hates it, just because of its connotations.
Charles C. W. Cooke, NRO
SEPTEMBER 19, 2013

In the media, and to a lesser extent in the country at large, the AR-15 rifle serves as a totem and a fetish. It is the gun whose name everybody knows; the stuff of nightmares and of fantasies; perhaps the most loved and most hated object in a country of plenty. And, all told, that’s really quite silly.

So sure were the horrified darlings of the gun-control salon that an AR-15 had played a part in the abomination at Navy Yard that many felt compelled to insert one into the story, front and center. At various points in the cycle, we were told that Aaron Alexis: took an AR-15 to the Navy Yard as his primary weapon; didn’t take one to the Navy Yard but stole one from a cop once inside; or didn’t use one at all, but tried to buy one in Virginia and was rebuffed by the law.

Eventually, it was made clear that the AR-15 had played no part at all in Monday’s events — but not until Piers Morgan had dedicated the better part of his show on Tuesday to railing against the weapon, Media Matters’s Eric Boehlert had gleefully written, “bottom line: another AR-15 mass shooting” on Twitter, and the New York Daily News’s Mike Lupica had rather embarrassingly dedicated a cover story to the weapon, which he characterized with typical hysteria as the “rifle for the ‘sport’ of hunting humans.” Wishcasting in public that a firearm you dislike has been used to murder people is not a good look.

Still, while the focus on the AR-15 is distressingly overblown, it is not entirely irrational, for at one level both its critics and its champions are motivated by the same thing. The pro-gun side loves it because it is a commercially available, easy-to-use, well-built “tactical” weapon that looks like a “military style” machine gun; conversely, the other side hates it because it is a commercially available, easy-to-use, well-built “tactical” weapon that looks like a “military style” machine gun. To its fans, it is the emblem of a liberty-obsessed people and a reminder that the citizenry is sovereign and may choose for itself how to manage its defense; to its critics, it is the sign of a liberty-obsessed people, and a reminder that the citizenry is sovereign and may choose for itself how to manage its defense.

In his novel Zero History, William Gibson hints at what I believe to be a truth about masculinity and firearms, describing the “traditional army-navy store” as containing “whole universes of wistful male fantasy.” Men do not wish to be soldiers, per se, Gibson notes, but on one level many do wish “to self-identify as” soldiers, “however secretly.” That is to say that they wish “to imagine they may be mistaken for, or at least associated with” soldiers. Never mind, he argues, that “virtually none of [such a shop’s] products will ever be used for anything remotely like what they were designed for.”

In my view, this soldierly instinct is a noble one, and it suits well a people that were explicitly not required or expected to give up their basic rights as a condition of entering the regnant social compact. Insofar as the Second Amendment has to do with the militia at all, it exists primarily to codify and to protect the crucial space that exists between civil society and the force of government, and to entrench a citizen-led protection that was, Madison himself acknowledged in The Federalist papers, a last line of defense against a standing army. The right to keep and bear arms, the Philadelphia Gazette confirmed in its 1791 explanation of the proposed Bill of Rights, is included to ensure that, if doing so became as tragically necessary as it had been for the Founders, the people could protect themselves against “civil rulers” who “may attempt to tyrannize” them and from “military forces” that “might pervert their power to the injury of their fellow citizens.”

In almost every single case, it should be stressed, conservatives have no desire whatsoever actually to exercise this power. But they nonetheless remain willing to do so if imperative, and they steadfastly refuse to be stripped of the means by which they might defend themselves. This is to say that, to them, the concept of the “militia” is akin to the concept of calling citizens to perform jury service, as opposed to, say, having official and monopolistic professional judges. As the existence of judges does not negate the need for juries, so the existence of the police and the military does not negate the need for a prepared citizenry.

This, as it happens, is precisely the same reason that the Left dislikes anything that smells of — or looks like — amateur militarism. To progressives, the very idea of a citizenry that is armed so that it might protect itself is nothing short of a dangerous Red Dawn fantasy — a recipe for “anarchy” or “vigilantism,” and a serving of unlovely catnip to an “insurrectionist” movement (which never quite materializes but is always lurking). For their part, progressives do not believe that it is constitutionally and philosophically irrational for the representatives of a free people to be able to disarm them, because History always moves forward and we have outgrown all that. Instead, they believe that it is the job of the government to institute what it considers to be reasonable restrictions on weaponry in order to protect the people from themselves and from others. In this view, only the police and the military should have “serious” weapons, and the people should submit to their protection. Anything that even hints at military weaponry should, therefore, not be in the hands of the people. And, quite deliberately, the AR-15 looks like a military weapon.

Nevertheless, one should never judge a firearm by its cover. The AR-15 is not a military weapon, and the dogged insistence of ill-informed politicians and journalists that it is one renders them simultaneously comical, irritating, and ineffective. For some reason, progressives remain proudly and profoundly ignorant on the subject of firearms, and consequently tend to mistake form for function. Take a look down the lists of prohibited “assault weapons” that obtain in certain parts of the country and you will notice that they are almost exclusively populated by weapons that look, rather than are, scary, and that the variables that determine what is and is not legal are usually informed by features that are solely aesthetic.

And this is the thing: For all the hype, an AR-15 is really just a glorified .223 rifle. It is not a “machine gun;” it is not “automatic”; it does not “spray bullets”; it is not a “weapon of war.” Indeed, it is not functionally any different from a host of other, similar, guns that are not black. It is much, much less powerful than are almost all hunting rifles. (If you don’t believe me, try going hunting with one.)

The AR-15 is not a luxury item, either. In fact, it is the most popular rifle in the country. Why? Because ammunition for it is easy to come by, because it is customizable at purchase, and because it is modular, which means that one can add and remove parts to suit one’s needs. It is light enough for women to carry, but heavy enough to feel comfortable and steady in the hands of the average person. And it is not especially powerful.

This, perhaps, is why it is used in so few crimes. Rifles — not just AR-15s or other scary-looking long-guns, but all rifles — are used in under 3 percent of the gun deaths in the United States. Indeed so rare is it that a rifle is used in the commission of a crime that the FBI reports that hands and fists are more than two times more likely to be used as murder weapons. A savvy criminal wishing to do maximum damage in an enclosed space will not turn to an AR-15, but to a much more lethal (and intimidating) shotgun. And this, of course, is exactly what Aaron Alexis, a Navy veteran, did to such lethal effect in Washington on Monday.

Ironically enough, the cosmetic additions with which the Left is obsessed and which the Right correctly dismisses as being immaterial to the weapon’s power probably help to explain why the AR-15 is used so rarely in the commission of crimes but used so frequently in mass-shootings. Generally, mass-shooters seem to be living out some sort of fantasy: Perhaps this fantasy is based on the movies, in which the majority of heroes’ weapons look like AR-15s; perhaps this fantasy is based on a video game, in which black, modifiable guns predominate; perhaps this fantasy is based on warfare, in which the AR-15’s professional (automatic) siblings, the M4 and M16, are commonplace. Whatever it is, the AR-15 looks like a fantasy gun — it is unsurprising that fantasists choose it.

Aesthetically, then, the obsession with the AR-15 is just about understandable. But from the perspective of public policy, it is unforgivable. It is a curiosity that each and every time that Barack Obama or Joe Biden have spoken in favor of expanded gun-control, they have assured the audience that they have no intention of touching sportsmen’s gear. “We recognize the traditions of gun ownership that passed on from generation to generation, that hunting and shooting are part of a cherished national heritage,” Obama told a crowd in New Orleans after the massacre in Aurora, Colo. In Virginia in 2008, Joe Biden had put this more bluntly. “I guarantee you Barack Obama ain’t taking my shotguns,” Biden said. “So don’t buy that malarkey.”

This, as ever, is welcome news. And yet, given that shotguns are, both statistically and technically, significantly more dangerous than the AR-15, and that Aaron Alexis used a lethal Remington 870, the most commonly owned shotgun in the United States, one has to wonder why . . .
Blah blah blah....

No matter how much you and the NRO wants to deflect to the media coverage, those victims are still dead.

Why not break with tradition and focus your situational outrage on the underlying tragedy for once.

Just a thought.
Editors and reporters are always after the gag in any story, and if it isn't there they add one. They know what delights the Left, and what infuriates the Right. If the Right stopped buying papers the MSM would go away.
You just cannot help yourself can you?

Seek help. The internet is not good for you. Try crack...
Editors and reporters are always after the gag in any story, and if it isn't there they add one. They know what delights the Left, and what infuriates the Right. If the Right stopped buying papers the MSM would go away.

They pretty much have which is why it has grown more partisan and bitter.
You just cannot help yourself can you?

Seek help. The internet is not good for you. Try crack...

Poor AJ, the internets would be sooooo much better if only there was some way to drown out dissent. Even his 40+ posts a day for 13 years isn't getting the job done.
Sure. The WP recently gave it up, all the Left wants is a free ride and a band-stand.

How much of a shock do you think it comes to them to find that the humble shotgun is more dangerous than the esoteric AR-15 which gets even worse of you saw the barrel off...

;) ;)
How predictable are the enemies of Liberty?

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), a longtime proponent of assault-weapons bans whose effectiveness is questionable at best, announced that the killer was armed with a “military-style assault weapon” and asked, “When will enough be enough?” She argued for restricting sales of AR-15 rifles even though the shooter was not armed with that weapon.

Joining Feinstein in specifically denouncing the AR-15 was CNN host Piers Morgan, who said on his show that the Navy Yard installation had been “infiltrated by a man with a legally purchased AR-15, who just committed the same kind of atrocity as we saw at Sandy Hook and Aurora.” After learning that Aaron Alexis had in fact been unable to purchase such a weapon due to existing laws, Morgan tweeted, “Lots of confusion over exactly what guns Wash Navy Yard shooter used. But do you think it matters to the victims? #GunControlNow”


Let's blame a MOVIE!!!
How much of a shock do you think it comes to them to find that the humble shotgun is more dangerous than the esoteric AR-15 which gets even worse of you saw the barrel off...

;) ;)

Its all about stampeding the Homers.
Yet Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis did not use an AR-15. So how was he able to kill 12 people in such a short window of time?

He was able to kill so many people because he used the best close-quarters gun anyone can use--a shotgun. And the effectiveness of the shotgun once again shines a light on the fact that the fear-mongering around the AR-15 is both inaccurate and foolish.

An AR-15 is a rifle--it fires one projectile at a time. When you take one to the range and shoot it, it fires one bullet every time you pull the trigger (that bullet is less than 3/10ths of an inch wide).

A shotgun is just that--a gun that shoots "shot." Like an AR-15, a semi-automatic shotgun fires one round each time you pull the trigger. The difference is that its shells contain numerous shots--small balls of lead--that produce a "pattern," or circle of lead, that might be 7 inches, 10 inches, or 15 inches wide (or more) depending on the choke of the shotgun and the distance between the target and the gun.

Whether you are 10 feet from the target or 50 yards from the target, an AR-15's bullet remains a single projectile less than 3/10ths of an inch wide. But with a shotgun, even if the target is extremely close to the gun--6 to 8 feet--a shooter can hit two targets at once. At a medium range--12 to 20 feet--a shooter could hit two or three targets at once because the pattern of the shot gets wider the further the target is from the gun.

The effectiveness of a shotgun blast depends on numerous things--including the weight of the shot used. Shot weights are signified on shell boxes as "No. 4" or "No. 7," etc. The smaller the number the bigger the shot.

Think about it this way--you could give one shooter an AR-15 with a 30-round magazine and give another shooter of equal experience a 12 gauge shotgun and 20 rounds of ammo. If the shooting is in close quarters, the person shooting with the shotgun will double and could triple the number of hits of the person with the AR-15.

Drop an individual with a shotgun into a gun free zone--where the victims cannot shoot back--and the amount of carnage that could be done was witnessed in a small degree on September 16.
AWR Hawkins, Breitbart
Blah blah blah....

No matter how much you and the NRO wants to deflect to the media coverage, those victims are still dead.

Why not break with tradition and focus your situational outrage on the underlying tragedy for once.

Just a thought.

The subject here is the media, specifically the left wing media's zealotry causing them to FAIL at their jobs horribly and in the process embarrassing the shit out of anything left of a lock step pub. Then dumb assholes like you spout off with bullshit like this to try and drive it back into a "LOOK AT THE VICTIMS!! THAT MAKES SHITTY JOURNALISM AND STUPID AS FUCK COMMENTS ON OUR PART OK!!" bullshit.....

Bottom line...OWN IT BITCH.......neither the left wing media nor left wing leadership have a fucking clue what the fuck they are talking about when it comes to guns or gun control. It is so PAINFULLY obvious, the more they open their mouth about it the further they dig their own graves on the issue and they fuckin' deserve every bit of ridicule they git for being lazy ignorant fucks.

You're helping republicans and embarrassing everyone with a clue sitting left of them at the same time.....good job.

If the left ever want's to have ANY chance at gun control they should start by educating themselves about the subject matter first. That way they don't get laughed at and blown off when they say stupid shit like "Fully automatic assault revolver" and "Unloaded guns kill thousands every year!" and "AR-15 Shotgun".

Jesus titty fuckin' Christ man....people barely take the experts seriously, how can you expect any left leadership or media to be taken as anything other than a joke when to anyone with the SLIGHTEST fuckin' clue they look like total fucking idiots with extra derp on top??

And the left wonders why they can't get shit for gun legislation through.....
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I enjoy setting the press up to look like idgits. I have talent for it. Nothing ruins a segment worse than someone with kind words for all and no gag. So they cant use your interview, and they wasted a crew on you. On one occasion, with several news crews outside, I hid a pol in a laundry cart, dressed like a Mexican janitor, and wheeled the pol out the front door, thru the cameras, around the corner to his car. PARDONA, POR FAVOR! GRACIAS!
The subject here is the media, specifically the left wing media's zealotry causing them to FAIL at their jobs horribly and in the process embarrassing the shit out of anything left of a lock step pub. Then dumb assholes like you spout off with bullshit like this to try and drive it back into a "LOOK AT THE VICTIMS!! THAT MAKES SHITTY JOURNALISM AND STUPID AS FUCK COMMENTS ON OUR PART OK!!" bullshit.....

Bottom line...OWN IT BITCH.......neither the left wing media nor left wing leadership have a fucking clue what the fuck they are talking about when it comes to guns or gun control. It is so PAINFULLY obvious, the more they open their mouth about it the further they dig their own graves on the issue and they fuckin' deserve every bit of ridicule they git for being lazy ignorant fucks.

You're helping republicans and embarrassing everyone with a clue sitting left of them at the same time.....good job.

If the left ever want's to have ANY chance at gun control they should start by educating themselves about the subject matter first. That way they don't get laughed at and blown off when they say stupid shit like "Fully automatic assault revolver" and "Unloaded guns kill thousands every year!" and "AR-15 Shotgun".

Botany, I understand your intense hatred for anyone and anything that would get between you and your beloved guns.

As such, your perverse sense of honor demands that you support those who would deflect the controversy onto trivial "safer" grounds.

It's called "enabling behavior".
Botany, I understand your intense hatred for anyone and anything that would get between you and your beloved guns.

Actually I favor strict licencing, regulation and reconstituting LE efforts against the black market gun trade with former drug war assets/funding.

It's rational and the most likely to be effective at curbing gun violence in the US. We get to keep guns, end prohibition which drives gun violence and non gun owners get a warm fuzzy, everyone but the bad guy's win.

Unlike the stupid fuckin' shit coming from your camp....accessories ban's and gun free zone shit.. practically all of it is a demonstrably massive left wing gun control FAILURE. You morons just can't let go of and push anyhow..... :rolleyes:..fucking retards.

As such, your perverse sense of honor demands that you support those who would deflect the controversy onto trivial "safer" grounds.

It's called "enabling behavior".

You're the one deflecting dumb ass....read the fucking OP/Article...It's not about gun violence...

It's about the left wing's inability to not spaz the fuck out and embarrass themselves and everyone left of the GOP anytime someone says the word "gun".

Welcome to the topic high speed :rolleyes: Jesus fucking Christ, did you go to school in TX too? Can't read for shit can ya??
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Actually I favor strict licencing, regulation and reconstituting LE efforts against the black market gun trade with former drug war assets/funding.

It's rational and the most likely to be effective at curbing gun violence in the US. We get to keep guns, end prohibition which drives gun violence and non gun owners get a warm fuzzy, everyone but the bad guy's win.

Unlike the stupid fuckin' shit coming from your camp....accessories ban's and gun free zone shit.. practically all of it is a demonstrably massive left wing gun control FAILURE. You morons just can't let go of and push anyhow..... :rolleyes:..fucking retards.

You're the one deflecting dumb ass....read the fucking OP/Article...It's not about gun violence...

It's about the left wing's inability to not spaz the fuck out and embarrass themselves and everyone left of the GOP anytime someone says the word "gun".

Welcome to the topic high speed :rolleyes: Jesus fucking Christ, did you go to school in TX too? Can't read for shit can ya??

As I mentioned in earlier threads (twice, though your comprehension skillz seem to be unable or unwilling to process correctly), I'm fully aware that this is "not about gun violence".

This is yet another attempt by the retard right wing to deflect attention away FROM the core issue of gun violence, to dwell on minutiae (big word, look it up) and trivial sideshows until the underlying massacre passes from public memory.

...and you're helping them deflect.

Own it.
Blah blah blah....

No matter how much you and the NRO wants to deflect to the media coverage, those victims are still dead.

Why not break with tradition and focus your situational outrage on the underlying tragedy for once.

Just a thought.

Nice attempt to limit the scope of the debate. Nothing gives you the right to do so, but you gave it the old college try.

These tragedies always bring with them an increase in the debate on gun control.

It seems important to me that those debating it get their facts straight.

This was a good article. I didn't catch any factual errors in it. Did you? If so, please quote them.
As I mentioned in earlier threads

Not in this one shit lick. "Butt....butt....IN ANOTHER THREAD!!" doesn't count, when you get some integrity, maybe even a spine, do come back and try again.

I'm fully aware that this is "not about gun violence".

Apparently the fuck not...post number 2,6,15 & 18 clearly demonstrate you are not aware at all, quit wriggling so much.

This is yet another attempt by the retard right wing to deflect attention away FROM the core issue of gun violence,

No....it's people pointing out how fucking retarded the media you hail as the end all fuckin' be all and your leadership is ignorant as all fuck. You just can't take it because your so pathetic your self identity is tied to being the most partisan sack of shit you could ever hope to be. You're a fucking embarrassment to the left and should have been a pub....I mean really you're like the try hard LW Limbaugh of the GB.

to dwell on minutiae (big word, look it up) and trivial sideshows until the underlying massacre passes from public memory.

I would hardly call blatant ignorance and total incompetence reporting much less handling a situation hardly trivial.

How can you be so against something you can't even fucking identify??

Right......stupid as fuck.....

Just be a big boy and admit that when it comes to guns and gun control you and your band of bleeding hearts are way the fuck out of their depth.

Have you not ever wondered why the gun control laws that you have gotten passed have blown the fuck up in your faces? Every fuckin' one of them....ever think it's because you morons don't know what the fuck you're talking about??

...and you're helping them deflect.

Own it.

Quit wriggling you spineless shit licking jack wagon....just admit you and your political party don't have a fucking clue.
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Nice attempt to limit the scope of the debate. Nothing gives you the right to do so, but you gave it the old college try.

These tragedies always bring with them an increase in the debate on gun control.

It seems important to me that those debating it get their facts straight.

This was a good article. I didn't catch any factual errors in it. Did you? If so, please quote them.

"Limit the scope"?


I'm trying to draw attention back to the core issue, which seems to upset quite a few folks here.

If you want to dwell on minutiae, by all means continue to do so. Botany Boy for one will agree with you whole-heartedly.

You'll forgive the rest of us if we laugh at your rather pathetic attempts to shift debate elsewhere.
Not in this one shit lick. "Butt....butt....IN ANOTHER THREAD!!" doesn't count, when you get some integrity, maybe even a spine, do come back and try again.

Apparently the fuck not...post number 2,6,15 & 18 clearly demonstrate you are not aware at all, quit wriggling so much.

No....it's people pointing out how fucking retarded the media you hail as the end all fuckin' be all and your leadership is ignorant as all fuck. You just can't take it because your so pathetic your self identity is tied to being the most partisan sack of shit you could ever hope to be. You're a fucking embarrassment to the left and should have been a pub....I mean really you're like the try hard LW Limbaugh of the GB.

I would hardly call blatant ignorance and total incompetence reporting much less handling a situation hardly trivial.

How can you be so against something you can't even fucking identify??

Right......stupid as fuck.....

Just be a big boy and admit that when it comes to guns and gun control you and your band of bleeding hearts are way the fuck out of their depth.

Have you not ever wondered why the gun control laws that you have gotten passed have blown the fuck up in your faces? Every fuckin' one of them....ever think it's because you morons don't know what the fuck you're talking about??

Quit wriggling you spineless shit licking jack wagon....just admit you and your political party don't have a fucking clue

Blah blah blah...keep trying to shift blame to the media.

Then scratch your unibrow in bewilderment when folks don't agree with your conjecture that this shooting was somehow all the media's fault.
Blah blah blah
