Why the Oscars Don't Count

Dixon Carter Lee

Nov 22, 1999
A friend of ours, who is a member of the Academy, barely saw any of the nominated films, and the few she did see she saw on video. (I've already remarked that I think this is a practice that should be abandoned, because if you saw The Two Towers in a theatre you immediately want to give Peter Jackson a Best Director nod, but if you see it on a TV screen it looks like an okay Star Trek episode.) So this woman who saw just a few of the movies on her little TV screen called us to ask us who to vote for. So we cast our votes, she wrote them down, and said "Thanks." My problem is that I'm fairly sure this is happening all over town. Many of the Academy members rely on the tapes, and none of them actually see all the nominated films. So they ask (non-Academy member) friends, read reviews, cast a popularity vote for an actor they had lunch with once, etc. The Oscars don't actually reflect any true picture of what the Academy feels are the best of the best.

But Billy Crystal is funny.
This is very true
I know some Academy members, and have attended screenings there as part of the voting. It's never a full house.
now now, they are every bit as important and legitimate as the Grammy Awards!

Cerberus666 said:
Two Towers is the best movie ever!!!!!!

I liked the Fellowship of the Rings more than The Two Towers...
I thought Two Towers was a very long middle.... but I think the last one will be spectacular...

I would have voted for The Pianist if I had a vote....
You people are gonna hate me,but I didn't like the LOTR. It was just not for me. It was too long! I fell asleep during the middle of the movie and when I woke up,I thought I was watching a Capital One commercial. Just like Elaine,didn't like the English Patient,I didn't like LOTR's!In fact I enjoyed it as much as she did!

Wow,that felt better!:cool:
Remixmx... psst...

I hated The English Patient too....

Nasty, selfish, cold hearted leading characters... only thing I enjoyed was the scene where the Indian man showed the nurse the celing of the church... beautiful scene.. the rest was just garbage... :(
Dixon Carter Lee said:
The Oscars don't actually reflect any true picture of what the Academy feels are the best of the best.
Well, like anything else, what started out as a little industry self congratulation has over the years, turned out to be a hugh marketing campaign, with some pictures getting a second life through being nominated or winning. Maybe a foreign film will actually get some distribution. And it's all made to look very official and honest (Arthur Anderson doing the vote tallies?).
But Billy Crystal is funny.
One saving grace.
As for the comment regarding seeing it at home or at the theather... yeah, I think that would skew things in regards to the awards that involve the actual picture/sound quality. It should not matter for awards that involve just acting. You can see that just the same at home as you can at the theater.

The comment about other people deciding for them is very significant. I assume this is a secret ballot, so I don't quite understand why these dorks can't watch the movie and decide for themselves. Voting is a privilege. If they can't even take the time to go see the movie, why would they care about voting. But then I suppose it has some prestige too.

I suppose we shouldn't be surprised that anything based on a voting system has flaws. Just look what happened in FL.

PBW "Godsmack - Voodoo"
P. B. Walker said:
It should not matter for awards that involve just acting. You can see that just the same at home as you can at the theater.

Well, sometimes. But, generally, everything in a picture hangs together. The editing comments on the directing. The cinematography comments on the camera work. And everything comments on the acting. To appreciate even small, tight performances you really should see the work in the venue for which it was intended -- especially if you're about to provide critical assessment.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
But Billy Crystal is funny.

You guys know it's Steve Martin, right? I'm sure I'm just missing the joke.
You mean to say that _Shakespeare In Love_ shouldn't have received Best Picture, because it wasn't really the best of the best?
Olivianna said:
You mean to say that _Shakespeare In Love_ shouldn't have received Best Picture, because it wasn't really the best of the best?

Again, I'm talking about the Oscars in general.