Why the kids of 1969 rule!


Literotica Guru
Aug 26, 2002
OK, let's get real age-specific here. Posters born in 1969, it's time to claim your rightful place as the golden children of Lit! It should be obvious why those of our vintage are inherently blessed:

- We were born in the heyday of the Sexual Revolution
- Some guys got to the moon in a huge American phallic symbol
- According to the Chinese zodiac, we were born in the Year
of the COCK
- '69. 'Nuff said.

Roman (feeling very loopy today)
RomanHans said:
OK, let's get real age-specific here. Posters born in 1969, it's time to claim your rightful place as the golden children of Lit! It should be obvious why those of our vintage are inherently blessed:

- We were born in the heyday of the Sexual Revolution
- Some guys got to the moon in a huge American phallic symbol
- According to the Chinese zodiac, we were born in the Year
of the COCK
- '69. 'Nuff said.

Roman (feeling very loopy today)

Ummm...what if you were born in 1980??
Did anything good happen then??? :D
Re: Re: Why the kids of 1969 rule!

trixiefirecracker said:
Ummm...what if you were born in 1980??
Did anything good happen then??? :D

Let's see...

1) Reagan was elected President of the U.S.
2) Thatcher was PM in the UK

So I guess the answer is no;)

Just kidding!

Re: Re: Re: Why the kids of 1969 rule!

RomanHans said:
Let's see...

1) Reagan was elected President of the U.S.
2) Thatcher was PM in the UK

So I guess the answer is no;)

Just kidding!


LOL...Thatcher is my heroine!!
Hello out there...

I know that I've come across a few more '69ers on this board--where are you?

hmmmm i was the end of 68....

guess i cant just sneak in can I?