Why the fuck is it so fucking hot?

Funny how all the countries in the southern hemisphere that came to mind started with A. Has my mind started working in alphabetical order? That would be weird.
Or maybe not. I dunno. What the fuck ever, it's fucking hot.
no, it was really fucking hot for fucking weeks. half the fucking yard died. it fucking killed my air conditioner.

hell, it was hotter than this in march last year. this aint shit.
no, it was really fucking hot for fucking weeks. half the fucking yard died. it fucking killed my air conditioner.

hell, it was hotter than this in march last year. this aint shit.

But then winter came and erased those memories. Now it's fucking hot.
they closed the highway because the pavement buckled...yeah, its hot...

meanwhile, back in the welding shop...its really hot there..and you gotta wear lots of clothes too
Funny how all the countries in the southern hemisphere that came to mind started with A. Has my mind started working in alphabetical order? That would be weird.
Or maybe not. I dunno. What the fuck ever, it's fucking hot.

Alaska's not hot either.
Funny how all the countries in the southern hemisphere that came to mind started with A. Has my mind started working in alphabetical order? That would be weird.
Or maybe not. I dunno. What the fuck ever, it's fucking hot.

Angola too.