why is this MarcelineTheVampireQueen guy posting


Oct 22, 2003
pixs of what appear to be that of an underage girl? It's odd to me that a typical girl of her demographic isn't wasting her time on a more hip and cool social site like facebook/twitter to indulge in. even if she is who she claims to be, it's still fucking creepy pervs 5 times her age are wacking off to her am pixs. in this thread she will be exposed like jennifer Kaye.
pixs of what appear to be that of an underage girl? It's odd to me that a typical girl of her demographic isn't wasting her time on a more hip and cool social site like facebook/twitter to indulge in. even if she is who she claims to be, it's still fucking creepy pervs 5 times her age are wacking off to her am pixs. in this thread she will be exposed like jennifer Kaye.

You haz teh irony.
only old farts, 400lbs female porkers and loser misfits post here.
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She's posted pictures of herself holding signs with GB stuff written on them, so I think she's the person in the pictures. I'm guessing she's around fifteen.
Well, Danzig is interested in eroticism.

^ see what i mean. fucking creeps.

ps I fall under the small group of studs that accidentally stumbled upon here because was told that a sea of perfect 10 ranked women awaited me, but only to be greeted by guys posting as chicks and my stay turned into "maybe that porker isn't that bad looking with these beer goggles on" venture. whatever, you idiots are beneath me.