Why is PROFILING racist?


Jan 23, 2011
Don't police dept's employ profilers? or the FBI and all other law enforcement agencies?

when you apply for a job and hand in a resume, isn't that a profile?

when you apply for a loan or mtg, doesn't the credit report profile you?

when you apply for insurance, don't they profile you?


Blacks commit crimes at a rate 10 times higher than white and Mexicans combined. That's why. :cool:
Because some people just take it the wrong way? I never really thought twice about that because it's never bothered me. I believe there is a difference in profiling someone, and judging them.
Because some people just take it the wrong way? I never really thought twice about that because it's never bothered me. I believe there is a difference in profiling someone, and judging them.

what is the difference:cool:
Seriously? Hahahaha....

Because all of the other "profiles" you mentioned have facts based on that individual. Your resume (if you were honest) has a list of places that you have worked or have been educated to show how you gained certain skills. Your credit report has data that shows how likely you are to pay back a loan or make payments, based on your individual history.

Racial profiling, in the way I'm assuming you mean it, is making an assumption based on what a person looks like. Or being suspicious, based on what a person looks like. When their individual history may be exactly the opposite of what you may have thought based on the appearance of the individual alone.
It is one thing to profile. It is another thing to use a brush and treat all people different because of generalities. I think it is good to maybe give leads but not to choose to treat a race different. Each individual is different.
It is one thing to profile. It is another thing to use a brush and treat all people different because of generalities. I think it is good to maybe give leads but not to choose to treat a race different. Each individual is different.

that must b why C Mathews issued an apology for ALL WHITES Re the THUG expunging incident

Blacks commit crimes at a rate 10 times higher than white and Mexicans combined. That's why. :cool:

I used to know a Mexican guy who joked that Mexicans don't marry blacks because they don't want their kids to grow up too lazy to steal.
So a report says that the NFL will hire police gang experts to check out the tats on possible draft picks for gang affiliation


Why is it that the BLACKS and MUSLIMS get a free hand to TERRORIZE and PILLAGE and WE CANT DO SHIT?
Don't police dept's employ profilers? or the FBI and all other law enforcement agencies?

when you apply for a job and hand in a resume, isn't that a profile?

when you apply for a loan or mtg, doesn't the credit report profile you?

when you apply for insurance, don't they profile you?



Coloreds? Do you know anyone who is transparent? Odd choice of words. I"d assume you are trying to be offensive.

Profiling should more properly be called pattern recognition. And it is perfectly valid, IMHO, as long as you have a valid pattern.

Example: Got a call on an interrupted burglary in progress. Business owner had gone back at night for something or other, found the front door bashed in, heard someone beat feet out the back. We found the offender had picked up and moved a 400-lb safe toward the back door. So we started to look for any big, strong people who were out at that time on graveyard shift. Because even if there were two of them, they'd have to be pretty stout to move something that heavy and awkward. Were we "profiling" large people? Of course, you would have to be an idiot not to.

Example 2: Graveyard shift, expensive neighborhood, million-dollar homes. And I see this 20-year-old econo-box with faded and flaked off paint, dents, etc. A junkyard on wheels. Cruising this neighborhood at 3 a.m. Obviously it doesn't fit the pattern for this neighborhood. I call in for another unit or two to backup and area check, and make the car stop. Gee, they don't live here and have a lame story about trying to visit someone who's name they can't remember and are "having trouble finding the address". Both have priors for burglary. And we have channel-lock pliers on the floorboard with brass in the teeth. So I hook them for possession of burglary tools, right before the dispatcher comes back with the warrant info. Other units cruising the area find a pedestrian, variation on the lame story. Known associate of the other two clowns. Who miraculously has pockets full of jewelry that he was "just holding for his girlfriend". An hour-and-a-half of searching turned up the victim's house, and they identified the jewelry. Plus fingerprints at the point of entry. Slam dunk case, they plead out. Did I "profile" the car for the stop? Well, duh.

Example 3: The other end of the spectrum. Working swing shift on the weekend in a barrio neighborhood. Driving up and down the streets, making my first check of my beat. When what to my wondering eyes should appear but a Rolls Royce parked on the side of a hovel. This does not fit the pattern for this neighborhood. So I run the license plate. Comes back not stolen, to a late model Renault. Well, close, they both start with "R". This detail did not go unnoticed by the other Deputies listening to the radio, and we did a group swoop on the place. Turned out the car was NOT stolen, they had rented it. Some guys that had made good elsewhere, and rented the Rolls to come back and show off. But there was that pesky license plate... Turns out the car rental place was renting out luxury cars but putting on plates they had registered to wrecked and totaled cheap cars, because the registration cost less that way. He was charged with a dozen counts of false evidence of title and registration, each and every one a felony.

Pattern recognition. It's a good thing.
But...to be clear, it is RACIAL profiling that some people consider to be 'racist'.

If race is part of the pattern, it is valid to look for it.

When looking for muslim terrorists, I think the vast majority of them are not white. When looking for KKK terrorists, I think damn near ALL of them are white.

The only real problem with the pattern is that it gives some people tunnel vision. Therefor they miss things.