Why is it...


Seraphically Disinclined
Jul 29, 2000
That I seem to be the only really cool Lit GB person that lives in this friggin state?
KillerMuffin said:
That I seem to be the only really cool Lit GB person that lives in this friggin state?

Uhh cause you live in Kansas. I mean you only have like 20 or so people with internet access so the odds are stacked against you.
KillerMuffin said:
That I seem to be the only really cool Lit GB person that lives in this friggin state?

Something to do with you not letting people close to you?
KillerMuffin said:
That I seem to be the only really cool Lit GB person that lives in this friggin state?

You aren't really that cool.

You're just juxtaposed against Sinthedork and Bob Dole, which makes you seem cooler.
Stately of you to proclaim it...

statesmen standing behind you...

Glams back there too...
KillerMuffin said:
That I seem to be the only really cool Lit GB person that lives in this friggin state?
Your pink gun scares all the rest of us off. :eek:
Jim_Henson said:
Yeah, I need my mommy for a week, so she can feed me up and stuff.


I'm way more Jewish than I ever imagined, if that's how I'm remembered.
What was the order...

Hug, shower, food, THEN... so how are you? Isn't Muttley cute? etc...
The question is...what state is it you reside in...and how cool are you? heh...since you have a pink gun I will anwer that last part...pretty damn cool tool for a pretty, intelligent, cool chicka.
Sinthesist is way cooler than you Muff.

You're a lackey of the Establishment here; a syncophant, a browner, a bullshitter and apologist for The Clique.

Sin on the other hand has original thoughts and sucks up to no-one.
P. B. Walker said:
yeah but Muffy owns guns.

Mouthy ex military skrucks with guns are frightfully common in kansas, aren't they?

Then again, South Park has a big following, so "cool" might be the right word.
Someone forgot his laxative suppository again. Good to see you're in good humor anyway, Lanciepoo.

Cool as in below freezing. It snowed.