Why is inflation so high?


Jan 8, 2022
Why is inflation so high? It is easy to blame President Biden. Although I voted for him, I am not absolving him of all responsibility. Nevertheless, if Biden shares responsibility for the high inflation rate, what has he done and/or not done to cause the high inflation rate? If Biden shares responsibility for inflation, what else is responsible? If Biden is completely innocent, what is causing all that inflation?

What do you think should be done to bring inflation down?

Do you believe that a Republican president, and a Republican dominated Congress would be able to control inflation? Why? What would they do differently?
Seems like I heard something about Covid, people staying in so lower product demands so lower production, then the world opening back up to lower inventory, production slow to ramp up complicated by employee scarcity, supply chain problems, and stuff. But I guess it could be trump’s fault.
Greedflation. Record profits and record prices. Wages not keeping up with inflation but C suite and upper levels are on the rise.

This is by design.

Eat the rich. They are lucky people are more "tame" now. 100 years ago - or even 70 - it would have been pitchforks, shotguns and torches.
Irving, Texas – CEOs from oil and gas companies are suffering just like the rest of us, so much so that in light of rising inflation and “other stuff,” they’ve been forced to triple their yearly income.

“We’re all feeling the crunch in these unprecedented times,” stated Darren Woods, Exxon Mobil’s CEO who denied ‘big oil’ has made any effort to cover up their links to climate change. “I see those gas prices going higher and higher and I think, darn, I’ll have to at least triple my salary so I can afford the helicopter that brings me to work.”

At the local food bank, CEOs from many large companies who have made record profits during these difficult times could be seen picking up all the food they could, reminding us that we are all in this together.
Theoretically, influx of money from the Covid bills being too broad combined with low interest rates and increase of wages......add in production bottlenecks....lots went into the problem.
Greedflation. Record profits and record prices. Wages not keeping up with inflation but C suite and upper levels are on the rise.

This is by design.

Eat the rich. They are lucky people are more "tame" now. 100 years ago - or even 70 - it would have been pitchforks, shotguns and torches.

No free lunch. Work for it.

You should know this…you spent 5 years growing 1 pineapple.
Greedflation. Record profits and record prices. Wages not keeping up with inflation but C suite and upper levels are on the rise.

This is by design.

Eat the rich. They are lucky people are more "tame" now. 100 years ago - or even 70 - it would have been pitchforks, shotguns and torches.
Democrats would have an easier time blaming the rich if it was not the case that most whites distrust the Democrat Party on the issues of crime, race, and immigration.

Not an R President.....only a President Trump or DeSantis

Under Trump, when oil started going up he TWEETED a threat to SA and within minutes, OIL went DOWN

Oil is MOST of the inflation.....Keystone, horrid regulations, the threats of closing down oil n gas industry pushed oil up.....hence INFLATION....yes, everything is up....because everything is tied to oil

Has NOTHING to do with debt or lots of $$ from the FED cause thats been around since 2008

Hey, Angled Turd, what the fuck does Joe have to do with Europe, Asia, South America and every fucking where else that inflation is ravaging.

Turkey's annual inflation soars to almost 79%, hitting highest level in ...

https://www.cnbc.com › 2022 › 07 › 04 › turkeys-annual-inflation-soars-to-almost-79percent.html
TodayInflation in Turkey rose close to 79% last month, the highest the country has seen in a quarter of a century. The annual inflation rate was 78.62% for June, according to the Turkish Statistical.

Hey, Angled Turd, what the fuck does Joe have to do with Europe, Asia, South America and every fucking where else that inflation is ravaging.

Turkey's annual inflation soars to almost 79%, hitting highest level in ...

https://www.cnbc.com › 2022 › 07 › 04 › turkeys-annual-inflation-soars-to-almost-79percent.html
TodayInflation in Turkey rose close to 79% last month, the highest the country has seen in a quarter of a century. The annual inflation rate was 78.62% for June, according to the Turkish Statistical.

The US Dollar is used as a medium of exchange in many countries, even in China and Russia it's hoarded.

I'll just once again point to the sign that reads "Inflation is high everywhere," and go back to my holiday booze.
because OIL is up everywhere

because of Blunder

had Germany NOT laughed at Trump when he said Russia will hold em hostage

all woulda been well
Wait til China takes over Taiwan
Oil? Important
Taiwan’s chips?? Wait til they really get cut off!!
But? The oil well, has their production and transport cost doubled? Because of Dems? Fuck no! They are happy as clams fucking over the world
its not the Fed

its not the money supply


Gas prices werent Jimmy Carter’s fault, either.

Didn’t matter. The Democrats are in for a long dry spell across the board.
What has Biden done wrong? That was my original question.
He followed Trump and Covid19.

The US Economy doesn’t reset with every election.

Obama got stuck with W’s banking mess, which was started by Clinton.

And so on.

And in 2 years, the economy will likely be low or on the beginnings of an upswing and that Pres will get the credit from avg iq people like the armchair experts here.
Time for a Petroleum Summit. Much of the inflation problem is tied to energy. Production, distribution of fuel and natural gas are constrained by the war and post-pandemic supply/demand bottlenecks. Need to boost refinery capacity, open LNG terminals in various parts of the world, unleash pipelines and rail transport, and jump start domestic drilling. No quick fixes but very likely some low hanging fruit to ease the pressure a bit. Biden needs to stop listening to his useless cabinet and call a Petroleum Summit with the industry’s top CEOs and legislative leaders from petroleum producing states. Should have done it months ago.