Why I post mindless fluff


Mar 12, 2002
A lot of people here at Lit PM me, asking if there's anything to me besides fluff. You people as me if I'm just stupid, and so I post what I know.

I'd like to tell you why I post fluff.

A while ago, when I first came to Lit, I posted deep things that meant something to me. I bared my soul, and sometimes, it was met with people who'd experienced similar crap, and sometimes, a good debate was started. The last time I bared my soul here, everyone went on all-out attack because 'no one lives a life that dramatic', and I suppose some of you thought I was lying.

When debates about religion or politics arise, I tend to read and not respond, though I have much to say, because I'm tired of being attacked for my opinion (you people don't see my PM box).

So. I'm a bright woman. I am in third year university, studying what I love. I think, I contemplate, I meditate. I feel things, and I have well-formed opinions about a lot of things. But every time I open up enough to share one of those opinions, someone here decides that I've overstepped my 'fluff-only' boundary, and that they must shut me up.

So I stick to fluff. I stick to simple subjects, that make me happy.

Lit is also soemthing of an escape for me. I have a lot going on in my life that I'd love to scream out at the top of my lungs, but I don't... because apparently that's just not kosher, either. So I bury my anger and my resentment towards those people in my life who cause it, and I post fluff and airheaded topics here.

So. Like I said, I have thoughts, I live a life, and I am a thinking, functioning woman, a strong woman. But I've chosen fluff, which gets me less personal attacks than the deeper thoughts I have, which cause hate-mail to be sent.
Ok, if you say so...I never noticed the extra fluffiness, but I'm not the only one who noticed that you start alot of threads about yourself...just an observation, not a dig.
vixenshe said:
So. Like I said, I have thoughts, I live a life, and I am a thinking, functioning woman, a strong woman. But I've chosen fluff, which gets me less personal attacks than the deeper thoughts I have, which cause hate-mail to be sent.

I've never been flamed, so I can't say that I even remotely understand what you've gone through... and I don't think yo uneed to explain why you post fluff. You can post whatever the hell you want to post, whenever you want to post it.

I do think that the way in which you present your ideas has led to people perceiving you as an attention whore. Take that as you wish, it's not so much a dig, as an observation of mine.

I have no doubt that you're intelligent. I have no doubt that you have opinions. I do think that you seek far too much approval from people here, and that is what leads to you getting 'picked on'.
You shouldn’t feel the need to explain love. Some of us much rather post mindless drivel than fight over why we think Bush is an air head. No biggie.

Why I post fluff: ‘cause I wanna.
I have never been attacked in pm's for participating in serious threads. I'm sorry that people have felt the need to drive you away.
have I ever attacked you vixenshe

nope I don't think so
I try not to pm anybody
except in fun :D
Dreamguy001 said:
have I ever attacked you vixenshe

nope I don't think so
I try not to pm anybody
except in fun :D

But if she bent over in front of me I might attack her??
Those of us who care about you, Vixen, would never dream of attacking you.

For the others, the are so many reasons, but you already know that. They suck. An opinion is an opinion, and that is that. *wink*

I haven't been here all that long, but I like your serious threads and I like your fluffy threads. Personally, I just like hearing what you have to say.
Anybody who tells you what to post and what not to post is an asshole. Stick them on ignore and focus on those people who wish to actually converse with you, rather than knock you down out of jealousy or spite.

I love when you bare your soul or anything else. I love when you're fluffy. Hell, you can probably cut-and-paste something about the digestive processes of earthworms, and I'd lap it up. :)
