Why Does Monday have to come?

Tell me about it, inventory is tomorrow.

(skip that, it's today now.)

Because without the pain of monday you would not know the joy of friday.


Such a momism.
its monday afternoon here.
glad to report that its sunny n bright and not so bad after all
It would be wrong of me to call in sick tomorrow when I'm on vacation starting Wednesday, right? :(
Siren said:
Finally, I understand.

Thanks WH

You may get your wish on the five day work week being banned -- there are a lot of unions pushing for four day work weeks (still 40hours, but four ten hour days instead of five 8 hours days.) Some environmental groups are pushing for fewer and staggered work days to reduce rush-hours and the increasedpollutionthey cause.
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Re: Re: Re: Why Does Monday have to come?

Eumenides said:

Wait a minute here! I wasn't looking for a sword-fight, I was just trying to be helpful. :p
Re: Re: Re: Re: Why Does Monday have to come?

Weird Harold said:

Wait a minute here! I wasn't looking for a sword-fight, I was just trying to be helpful. :p


And I was all suited up!

*laying down sword*
Work for a third of your day.

The government takes a third of your pay.

Spend your life at a place you probably hate, retire, get your gold watch and then die.

It all strikes me as rather unhealthy and detrimental to family living (refer to my sig line below . . . )

I'll continue to tough it out in the freelance world. I hope the day never comes when I actually have to work a 9 to 5.
Easy way to fix that

If you quit your job, you would never have to worry about monday ever again. Personally, I like mondays compared to late weds or thurs nights. The stacks of papers are new on monday, by thurs I am tired of them already.
Re: Easy way to fix that

ridddder said:
If you quit your job, you would never have to worry about monday ever again. Personally, I like mondays compared to late weds or thurs nights. The stacks of papers are new on monday, by thurs I am tired of them already.

I can attest to that.

Ask Nora.