Why does Hooters hate Asians?

My wife's boobs don't hate anyone but they seem to be fond of me. On a more serious note Hooters hires pretty, flirtatious women after that brains are optional.
Anyone remember the South Park "Raisins" episode?
If the receipt said "coon" would there be more outrage?

I love the selective racial indignity people have, especially on this board.
Nicole Conboy, director of human resources for the holding company that owns the Fresh Meadows restaurant and three Hooters on Long Island, said the 17-year-old hostess admitted to the act and immediately resigned, the Times reports.

The company's lawyer wrote in a letter to Baek, "It does not reflect the manner in which the restaurant is operated," and said the worker's conduct was "deplorable" and "egregious."
Seems adequate, what more do you want?
It doesn't say how the lawsuit ended. I hope they get some cash outta that bullshit.
A crack at representing the Korean American. I see significant dollars to settle.

So a law suit against Hooters is the answer. Why? Hooters didn't type the alleged slur into the computer and the woman or should I say girl resigned. How has hooters harmed the couple in question? The suit should be thrown out as there are no grounds. Hooters as a company did nothing wrong.

Now as for the 17 year old, yes she was insensitive, yes she was wrong and what she did was dealt with appropriately by Hooters. If she had any backbone, she would have apologized to the couple. And if she was my daughter she would have apologized along with a punishment to be determined at a later date.

But, you can't sue a 17 year old, so I guess Hooters will brunt the legal costs of getting the suit tossed out.
Why would someone get a to-go order at Hooters?

The person responsible immediately quit.

Hooters did not do it, a person did it. What do you want us to do?

Storm an embassy?
So a law suit against Hooters is the answer. Why? Hooters didn't type the alleged slur into the computer and the woman or should I say girl resigned. How has hooters harmed the couple in question? The suit should be thrown out as there are no grounds. Hooters as a company did nothing wrong.

Now as for the 17 year old, yes she was insensitive, yes she was wrong and what she did was dealt with appropriately by Hooters. If she had any backbone, she would have apologized to the couple. And if she was my daughter she would have apologized along with a punishment to be determined at a later date.

But, you can't sue a 17 year old, so I guess Hooters will brunt the legal costs of getting the suit tossed out.

Two employees are being sued, as are Hooters of America and the Fresh Meadows franchise chain.

The incident took place in New York. The Empire State torts system invariably goes with detour, rather than frolic, in interpretation of employee behaviour and subsequent employer liability. Anyone in the legal profession will tell you this, one doesn't have to be a member of the state bar.

Trust me, Hooters will settle out of court.
Two employees are being sued, as are Hooters of America and the Fresh Meadows franchise chain.

The incident took place in New York. The Empire State torts system invariably goes with detour, rather than frolic, in interpretation of employee behaviour and subsequent employer liability. Anyone in the legal profession will tell you this, one doesn't have to be a member of the state bar.

Trust me, Hooters will settle out of court.

All lawyers include the deep pockets so that they can get paid.

That's one of the factors in the cost of our goods and services, especially health care.

Her loss of employment should have been satisfaction enough, but like a good Muslim headed to a riot, we're been taught that if we're offended, we deserve a big fucking pay-day...
All lawyers include the deep pockets so that they can get paid.

That's one of the factors in the cost of our goods and services, especially health care.

Her loss of employment should have been satisfaction enough, but like a good Muslim headed to a riot, we're been taught that if we're offended, we deserve a big fucking pay-day...

4est, I'd love to see extensive tort reform. The court system is a mess. We know how far that pony gets down the road though. So, you play the system...
4est, I'd love to see extensive tort reform. The court system is a mess. We know how far that pony gets down the road though. So, you play the system...

A vote for Gary Johnson is a vote for tort lawyers because the Democrat Party is dedicated to keeping them in business, so the best way not to get reform is to vote against Romney.

Not saying that he would do it, but he would sign it and Obama will surely veto it.

Think "John Edwards..."
Hooters does not sell mongolian beef buffalo-wings.

However, I have seen many waitresses (server babes) of Asian decent. The best are in the Philippines, Hawaii and Arizona.
Why should they get anything? The waitress was a cuntmuffin, but they weren't injured or anything. I doubt they lost any sleep over what some idiot person at Hooters called them.
It was ignorant but hardly worth suing over but everybody looking for a fast buck.
If I was in China or Korea and my Hooters receipt referred to me as a Yank, I'm sure I wouldn't be offended.
Hell, I'm offended daily right here on this very board! I guess I should contact my lawyer and sue. First I'll sue Manu and Laurel to get the IP addresses of everyone who offended me, then sue all those at the end of the IP addresses.

I should be able to make a pretty penny, 'cuz I'm sure all you who have offended me are rich. And just think about all those alts, one person gets sued 15 time for offending me with 15 different alts. I see the big bucks rolling in, rolling in I tell you.

Now what did I do with the ambulance chasers number.
I'd be more offended by the poor spelling.....