Why do you write erotica?


Going with the flow
Feb 4, 2002
I'm sure this has been discussed before, but as I'm new to the Hangout I'll still ask.

Why did you start to write erotica?
What do you get out of it?
What do you want your readers to get out of your stories?

I looked at someone else's story and decided that I could do better.
Time away from my life. A different persona. Sometimes entertainment.
Entertainment. Arousal.

The (very curt) Earl
Because I like to read stories and I love to write.
I'm satisfied because I'm working on my writing and at the same time people are reading it from around the world.
I just want readers to enjoy my work. Whether that means they have a great masturbation session or simply appreciate the style and story doesn't make a difference.
I also wanted to write the type of stories I wanted to read, and try to bring something unique to the table.

Because I enjoyed writing erotic letters to my wife for one thing. And for another, met someone on line whom I used to write erotic little stories for. An older gal who called me "Her Sandman" as she enjoyed reading them before going to sleep at night. Discovered "Lit" a short time later...and the rest as they say is history.

For me, I enjoy writing when I feel like I have something to contribute. Something interesting to write about, particularly if the readers enjoy it, and "obviously" tell me so.

Maybe it sounds corny, but I honestly do enjoy the pleasure from having written something that someone tells me really turned them on, or put a wicked smile on their face. That as I often say is "tits baby!"

I remain,
Lovepotion69 said:
I'm sure this has been discussed before, but as I'm new to the Hangout I'll still ask.

Why did you start to write erotica?
What do you get out of it?
What do you want your readers to get out of your stories?


1) Because I have an over active imagination and a mind like a dirt track, a sort of release I think, somewhere to let off pressure.
I started with mainly fact based tales, old experiences, things friends had told, etc. Now I have graduated into making it up, sorry fiction.

2) Satisfaction of sorts seeing my name in lights as it were, my 15 minutes of fame, that's about how long my stories stay anywhere near the top of the table before vanishing into oblivion.

3) A hard on, or wet panties.

because this provides an interesting subject to practice my writing...

besides i get so aroused after writing an entry...

Why I write

I mostly write to see what reaction it gets from the women that read my stories. Some of my stories are from my memories and that is always nice. When women tell me things like they wish I were there wih them to live out some of my stories that is a huge compliment. To think that my writing makes a woman feel as if she is actually right there in the story feeling all the described sensations and pleasures is great. I really enjoy giving women pleasure in real life or thru my stories. My stories are meant to be very romantic but with a good erotic edge which all great love making is. If you want an example of what I am refering to read my stories SWEET DREAMS or PASSION UNDER THE STARS and I think you will see what I mean.
It's been fun reading your answers. As I'm new at this whole erotic writing thing I guess my own reasons for giving it a try are;

1) I've always loved to write and after spending the past four years writing academic essays/papers/thesis' and articles (mainly news), I felt a need to do something creative again. I guess trying to write an erotic short story for me is an excercise thing. I'm curious if I can do it. hehe The first try will probably suck, but we're all beginners at first! :)

I hope to actually finish a story together with learn how to with time develop within the genre. In general develop within my creative writing.

What I want readers to get out of it? Well, if I can just finish the bloody thing I hope that they'll enjoy it. I don't really care that much if they get aroused (although it's always a plus), but I'd like them to enjoy the story from an overall perspective.

Your 1st posted story

LP; You might be surprised at how well your first story comes out. My first was PASSION UNDER THE STARS and it was very well recieved by all the women who have read it. We can only try. If the people who read them enjoy them then I believe we have succeded. I very much feel gratified when I get nice responses about my writing whether it be my erotic stories or my childrens poems or anything in between. Good luck with your writing. I'm sure you'll do fine.
Re: Your 1st posted story

DreamCatcherPoet said:
LP; You might be surprised at how well your first story comes out. My first was PASSION UNDER THE STARS and it was very well recieved by all the women who have read it. We can only try. If the people who read them enjoy them then I believe we have succeded. I very much feel gratified when I get nice responses about my writing whether it be my erotic stories or my childrens poems or anything in between. Good luck with your writing. I'm sure you'll do fine.

Hi DreamChatcherPoet,
I've been having terrible writer's block. I normally see myself being better at expressing myself in writing than in speech, but apparently that may not be the case when it comes to fiction! :)
We'll see how it all ends up. I tried writing erotica a few times before. At that time the sex scenes went well, but the plot was nonexistent! Now it's the sex scenes I'm having trouble with...hehe Guess my imagination was way better when I had never had sex....:rolleyes:

I've enjoyed making up hot stories ever since I was old enough to feel desire, and it's great to come to a place where everybody understands me. Basically my reasons are the same as what the Earl's are.
No sex?

No sex? What's that? LOL Well maybe you should try reading some of the stories here at Literotica to get you in the mood if you're having trouble with the sex scenes. That is unless you have someone in real life to get you in the mood, but then you would probably say to hell with the writings and fulfill your needs for real,LOL ofcourse then maybe you could use that for your sex scenes after,LOL. My first story was not fantasy but from a night I had yrs. before with my soulmate. Maybe for your sex scenes you can use your life experience rather than trying to make up fantasy. That is how I started. If you do need a story to get you in the mood please read my SWEET DREAMS I promise it will get you in the mood,LOL And it too is a real story not fantasy. Either way I'm sure you'll find the words when the time is right for you. Good luck in your writing and if you do read any of my stories please let me know what you think as they are written for women. Meant to be very romantic with a good erotic edge.
your links

LP, As I mentioned I'm new here to Literotica. Can you tell me how you get the links to your pics and stories,ect. at the bottom of your replies? Actually can anyone please tell me,"""HELP"""LOL
Re: No sex?

DreamCatcherPoet said:
No sex? What's that? LOL Well maybe you should try reading some of the stories here at Literotica to get you in the mood if you're having trouble with the sex scenes. That is unless you have someone in real life to get you in the mood, but then you would probably say to hell with the writings and fulfill your needs for real,LOL ofcourse then maybe you could use that for your sex scenes after,LOL.

I am actually using a real life experience for my first story. Many people I've spoken to say it's easier to start with. I've gotten as far as the "sex" scene (ok,so it's not really full on sex, but hey give me a chance! LOL). At the moment I don't want anything but to jump the hurdle of actually putting down what happens, and the character's emotions and physical sensations, to the paper. For whatever reason I'm just ... stuck. Very stuck. :rolleyes:

I've read lots of Lit stories. :) That's how I ended up here in the first place, reading the stories then later found the boards. Maybe I'm just not perverted enough for Lit. LOL

Nope, no person in real life to help me out with the...inspiration. ;)

Not perverted enough?

LP; I wouldn't call it needing to be perverted enough. I don't consider myself perverted or others unless it has to do with sex and children together. That is perverted, very sick. I know you were just kidding but think of it as being more open minded as well as being comfortable with your sexuallity to be able to express both your desires and fantasies. also to have enough of an imagination to write fantasy even though they might not even be your own. Well I'm sure you will do just fine. the main thing is to do only what you are comfortable with rather in real life or in what you write about. well that's what I try to do anyway.
I have been an avid reader of erotic online stories for quite a while. I soon detected a trend to make husbands in 'cuckold, or wife cheater type stories, out to be a wimp or have him become a slave to his wife and her lover/s.

I felt that a better...'balance' was necessary. I started to write at first to fill this gap in my percieved 'missing links'. When I first posted to Lit...wow. Did not expect the feedback, didn't expect to recieve such good feedback, didn't expect the feeling of a job well done...many other things too.

I write also to fill a gap in my own personal life. I have a very high sex drive...my wife a very low one. This has gotten more extreme in the later years of our marriage it seems. Instead of bitching about it and fighting with her about it...I opted to write stories that woudl keep me occupied and keep my attention towards my wife more...shall I say...constructive. I love my wife, simple as that. Our sex drives are way devirgent...can't change that on her part so I had to have an outlet for my 'tensions'.

Now I write for my enjoyment and I try to write for my readers. Ihave been lax as of late, since I had an operation on my arm and a grandson was born into the family...I will get back into mode soon and begin to write some more. Hopefully I will continue to improve my skills as an author. I would like to write a mainstream novel some day. We'll see.
Lovepotion69 said:
Why did you start to write erotica?
What do you get out of it?
What do you want your readers to get out of your stories?

1) I came across this site (npi) about a year ago and decided to slap a fantasy of mine into a story and submit it to see whether my writing was good enough for public consumption.

2) At the moment, nothing. Plenty of ideas in my head, but there's a block stopping me from typing, which isn't being helped by my being in the middle of moving.

I did get a buzz from waiting for my stories to be accepted, and it's cool to see that people have clicked on to at least glimpse at what i've written.

3) I want them to have their expectations fulfilled, preferably exceeded. I know that doesn't happen, so i'll settle for them feeling anything other than indifference.

Re: your links

DreamCatcherPoet said:
LP, As I mentioned I'm new here to Literotica. Can you tell me how you get the links to your pics and stories,ect. at the bottom of your replies? Actually can anyone please tell me,"""HELP"""LOL

Dear Dream -

Here goes! LOL

There is a formula to get what you want - first - go to your bio page, the one that lists all your stories? Highlight the http address at the top of the page and copy it - Ctrl-C

Go back to Control Panel

Click Edit Profile

Find Signature
(there is a box ready for you to fill)

Click where it says vB code is On - it will send you to a page containing info how to make the link. (I can't show you here. If I attempt to show you the characters involved in making a link it will just make the link!) LOL

You add inclusive url brackets - and then Ctrl-V, paste your copied link to your story or bio page in the middle. Experiment - see how it goes.

You can add colors, italics, bold print, whatever you wish

Take some time, figure out what you want. When you're done, press Submit Modifications. Go back, check it in a previous post - if you don't like it, mess around with it some more!

Good luck!
Why did you start to write erotica?
I found an erotic story on-line years ago, completely by accident. I couldn't believe the effect it had on me, so I decided to try to write something like it myself, having been into writing sci-fi for some time. Nothing ever came of it until recently when somebody suggested I write an erotic story, and then it happened. I'm hooked.

I also noticed after days of searching that nobody else seems to write the stories I like to read. When I do find something that has what turns me on, it's spoiled by something that turns me off. So I write what I want to read, and hope others enjoy it.

What do you get out of it?
At the moment, a chance to escape into a dreamworld. I can disappear for a few hours each day, dream up new characters, situations, conversations - not just sex but whole stories. If I'm feeling particularly lonely or depressed, I indulge myself and go into a story for a bit - a story filled with love or closeness. Sometimes when I'm feeling hateful the story takes a darker turn and my characters will start torturing one another.

In truth neither really makes me feel any better, but the end result is a story with an intensity far greater than I thought I was capable of. Unlike a new tune (which always sounds so bad the day after a 10-hour jam) my stories seem so much better the following morning.

What do you want your readers to get out of your stories?
I wanna scare the living shit out of them. Seriously. The first time I read stories similar to what I'm writing, they scared me, yet I was unable to stop reading. Where I'm going with my stories seems to be far more deeper into the genre than anything else I've read in it, so if I'm doing it right, I should be able to scare a few people. Hopefully they'll get turned on too, have a good time, leave me some feedback maybe.

Re: Re: No sex?

Lovepotion69 said:
I am actually using a real life experience for my first story. Many people I've spoken to say it's easier to start with. I've gotten as far as the "sex" scene (ok,so it's not really full on sex, but hey give me a chance! LOL). At the moment I don't want anything but to jump the hurdle of actually putting down what happens, and the character's emotions and physical sensations, to the paper. For whatever reason I'm just ... stuck. Very stuck. :rolleyes:

I've read lots of Lit stories. :) That's how I ended up here in the first place, reading the stories then later found the boards. Maybe I'm just not perverted enough for Lit. LOL

Nope, no person in real life to help me out with the...inspiration. ;)


You don't need to be perverted love, if you are writing from a personal experience, just try to write it as it happened. How did you feel? Tell the reader. How did your partner appear to behave & feel? Tell the reader.
Was it nice, did it do anything for you? Yes/no: Tell the reader.

Now look at it, does it make sense, will it be a turn on for the reader, (If that's what you want of course), not happy, edit, add a bit of spice a few dirty words maybe, take a bit out if you think it's too hot for the rest of the story line.

I too thought it would be easy to write down personal experiences, it isn't, I too struggled to make sense of real life sex acts within a story, it can take some time and effort but don't give up. Sex and love in real life does not always translate into a written story, real life is a hell of a lot different to Literotica story life.

Don't give up love, keep at it, if you are desparately stuck drop me a line with a hint of the story line and action you want to work in, I'll see if I can help, don't hold your breath though, nothing's guaranteed.

pops.................;) PS: Love your pictures by the way, very pretty.
Lovepotion69 said:
I'm sure this has been discussed before, but as I'm new to the Hangout I'll still ask.

Why did you start to write erotica?
What do you get out of it?
What do you want your readers to get out of your stories?


1) I have a habit of putting too much pressure on myself when it comes to my serious projects. When I was yonger, just gaining an interest in sex, I wrote stories and found that while unrealistic, there was no pressure since I never took them seriously. Then, when I came to Lit. I figured, no pressure, why not write them?

2) It gives me the chance to write something that I know someone will read, and get feedback both through Pm and e-mail, as well as through the voting system. Feedback is a great motivator here; it's a shame fewer people offer it.

3) ACtually, I don't know. Some of my stuff is pure porn in orientation, some not, depending on my mood when i'm writing it (which also decides whether it takes me a week to write, or three years;) ). I guess my intent is to get the reader to not only finish the story, as a lot of people here don't, but to be glad they did when they have finished it. In the end, like most writers, I write for me.
Except for my Lot series, all my stories have come out of a[n] almost completely formed, elaborately furnished, and well-peopled world--real enough to me that it's almost like a parallel universe. It might not ever get to be as well known as Yoknapatawpha County, but I like hanging out in it.
Why did you start to write erotica?

Strange you should ask, but it was because I got a good case of the writer's block, and while reading a porno book thought: "Hell, I could write better than this crap!"

What do you get out of it?

I get a goal to finish, and time at my keyboard creating something that others might like to read too.

What do you want your readers to get out of your stories?

Since I am basically writing for the reader's pleasure, that's what I want them to get out of reading my stories, of course. But I also want them to learn something from each story as well, and thus I try to make the stories as real to life as possible.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man