Why Do People Get Tattoos?

i think that is the point ... you're doing something that will last forever so that its something you can't change your mind about so there is a degree of courage in doing that

i haven't got any tattoo's though to be honest i dont like them enough to get one

edited to say hi lavender by way :)
Its usually a repressed desire to flip off your mom.
The point is that there are things you always want to remember, such as "Winger" or "Warrant". Getting a tattoo let's everybody know how much you will ALWAYS love these things, and even be listening to them when you're 80.

Oh yeah, Perry Saturn, a tattoo covered wrestler says "Never get a tattoo, you will regret it".
Let me see here...

I'm at that point in my life (20 years old) that i'm looking to break away from my youth, and just make a change to usher in this time of my life. What i want is a version of the greek flag, thats inside the superman S shield...its something i've wanted for a long time, and that i've actually had up as my AV at one point. For me, its something i would love to have with me for the rest of my life...to remind me, that even though in 40 years i wont look the same, i wont act the same, i wont be the same...at one point in my life, i indeed was the Greek Superman:D
I got mine because I'd wanted one for ages. The different images mean a lot to me, and will for the forseeable future.

I was careful to get it on a part of my body that will never grow or shrink dramatically, wrinkle, sag or swell. Important considerations ;).

I want more, and I've put a lot of thought into all of them. The truth is, though, that unless people point mine out, I don't even think about it all that often. It's been on my body for 11 years, it's just there.
I almost got one at 19 - but when I found out the guy had just spent a couple of hours across the road at the bar, I chickened out. I was always so happy that I never put something permanent on my body. But about 3 years ago, one of my best friends was getting married and a bunch of us decided to go get one together. Right up to the very second he put the needle to my skin, I really didn't want one, but for some reason did it anyways. I got something that meant something to me - a celtic knot in a design - I didn't want something that everyone else had (ie: cartoon characters or an angel/butterfly etc). Now I love it, and can't wait to go get another one.
I got my tattoo as a memorial. I had a sister die when i was very young and never got to deal with it at the time. As I grew older, learned more about her and I and finally was able to deal with the issue I knew I wanted something of my own to symbolize her. My issue was that although I was old enough to have memories, I dont' recall her at all (she passed when i was 5) so, I drew my tattoo and eventually had it done. In my own way, it's something that I can truely call a memory and bond between us.

I know it'll be something I won't lose interest in, won't ever regret having and serves as my connection.

Ok, I have three, bluerose behind and below my left ear which I got because it's part of a crest, a sun on my hip with the moon behind it, which I got because my life seems to revolve around the sun (no planet joke please) and just about my right shoulder blade is a superman insignia with angel wings coming out of either side which has meaning it would take me paragraphs to explain. lol

I don't regret them. I love them. And when I'm old and wrinkley, and they are old and wrinkly, they'll still make me smile. Memories fade, but the ink is forever.
I've always wanted to decorate my body. I think it's the artist in me coming out (I used to use myself as a canvas in high school). But the only place I really would want tattooed is my hands, and I know that decision could affect me alot later in life in terms of getting a job, etc. So I've decided to wait until I know my life is completely stable and getting tattooed will be something that I have thought over long and hard. I'll probably be middle-aged by then.

It doesn't matter to me that tattoos fade or stretch or wrinkle. A tattoo isn't just an image on your body, it's a souvenir from a certain time in your life.
Pyper said:
A tattoo isn't just an image on your body, it's a souvenir from a certain time in your life.

Wow, there you go Lavy. That was perfect.
I enoy tattoos though I do not have one. Done right, they can compliment the naked female body.

I have to go with Lavender on this one though. There is a lot of theorizing about how people will feel about something in 40 years... and I have found that I am not very good at projecting how I will feel about something at a different stage in life. By the time the journey has happened, I am not the same person.

Anyone here have a tattoo for twenty or more years? Have your feelings changed over that time?
lavender said:
There are very few souvenirs that I keep so present in my life.

Well we can't all be so gung-ho-move-into-the-future-Brave-New-World as you are, can we lavy? :p

I view the scars on my body with fondness and remembrance, and I think a tattoo would be the same way. The only difference is a I can chose the shape, color, and placement of a tattoo.
T.T. do

had one done in L.A.-- 25 yrs ago.
still love it - part of me.
body ART is a difficult subject to discuss with a novice.
get what you want,,brain,heart, body,whatever...must be in aggrement - this thing will STICK with you forever.
if shy...
try a plastic lick on.
mine I like ,glad I have it......
I guess that for me my tattoos is a way to stand out from the crowd. Until I got my last tattoo, people couldn't really see that I had them, unless I told them and showed them. But since my last one is in a place that is very noticable when I'm wearing shorts, quite a few do notice.

My tattoos are never going to be mainstream ones, I prefer them to be a bit more special. And the last one I got is also designed specially for me. I'm already considering my 4th and 5th tattoo, and I'm not sure I'll be done after I've gotten them.

I so far have my tattoos in places so they don't show if I have to wear dress pants and a short sleeved shirt. Unfortunately some people don't like people who're tattooed business wise.

I got mine because I dig them and think they are unique.

I know for a fact that no one else on this planet has the exact same tattoo's as me. My tat's are a part of me and actually the tat's come from experiences that have affected my life in one way or another. I don't do them to be "cool", I have had mine since before they were "cool" or "hip".

I think of them as a form of expression ~ whatever that expression is. I also am not of the mindset to have a gazillion tat's either, I think in moderation they are fine. I don't judge anyone who has a gazillion ~ that is their choice and not mine.