Why do I only get red marks on my thighs when I shave? Any suggestions?

Jan 28, 2022
Somebody photo bombed my message with their own picture. How can that happen?
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Only royalty are permitted different blood colours so you're stuck with red like the rest of us. In rare cases it can be a sign of skin lice or demonic possession, but a doctor will be able to tell the difference.
I don’t grow that much hair. Except on my head. *shrugs
And don’t click on that attachment 😐
Try using cooler water, I couldn't see the pic, but the metal blades get hot very fast and can burn the skin.
You could have red marks on your thighs without shaving.

It is easy to arrange.

See relevant Lit fora.
Don’t be cray cray, I didn’t post a pic.
excuse me-, still getting used to this 'new cluster fuck', that post was supposed to be for the O.P.
Commenting on their problem ---, of course the red marks could be 'scabbies from one nighter'.
excuse me-, still getting used to this 'new cluster fuck', that post was supposed to be for the O.P.
Commenting on their problem ---, of course the red marks could be 'scabbies from one nighter'.
Perhaps. But I am not the OP and I don’t have red bumps.