Why do guys like being dominated?


Mar 10, 2002
OK, I'm pretty new to all this BB stuff. But reading through some of the forums (and the stories), I've noticed that lots of guys like being dominated and controlled. Why? Is there like some desire to be treated lowly? By "dominant", I don't mean like the woman taking control in bed, sometimes that's a really good thing. What I mean is some guys like being totally submissive and like to be treated almost slave-like to their lovers. A lot of authors on Literotica seem to be into the cuckolding thing as the majority of their stories puts them in the cuckolder's role, where they are humiliated and abused by their lovers. Also some guys like to wear panties...I just don't get it. If any of you guys have done any of these things, can you please explain why you're into these things. And for the girls, if you've done these things to guys, or known guys who are like this, what are your thoughts about it, and do you look down at the guy you're doing it to, like they are less of a man.

I don't mean to offend anyone with these questions, I'm just curious. Thanks.
To each his or her own, but this might get answered better on the BDSM board.
You can cut and paste the content of this one over there and just do it over???

Oh, and I love to have a man submit in bed, but in real life all of the time? no. I like equality too much for that shit.
infamousfobb said:
Yea, it would huh :) Forgot about that...too late now, thanks anyway

People post the same topics on two boards all the time, although i'm sure it would be a good idea to get in the habit of it.
I'm not a guy, but I like being dominated. I would imagine that men and women like it for similar reasons. If you have a fairly dominant personality and/or position in life, then sometimes it is really nice to have the responsibility taken out of your hands and the control given to someone else. Going any further than that, I think would be a mistake on my part, as it would require delving into one's psyche to find specific triggers that most likely occurred early in life.
An example of how the mind can do weird things...I recently heard about a guy that had a real fetish for women in high heels. Not that that is all that weird or anything. He liked to see women in high heels crushing things beneath their heels. This gave him a big sexual thrill. He said it came from watching one of his aunts crush one of his toys under her heels as she tripped over it, when he was a small child.

Anyhoo, that's what I have to say on the matter.
Starfish said:
Oh, and I love to have a man submit in bed, but in real life all of the time? no. I like equality too much for that shit.

I just want to watch you exploit your whore poon