Why did none of you yank bastards...


We'll see.
Feb 17, 2005
...tell me that there was a new episode of Big Bang Theory out? :mad:
There's a new episode of Big Bang Theory out.
Howard floating in the space capsule and the horizontal Russion dude exchange was the highlight...

:/. I thought I was socialist. Or communist. Or something like that.

Regardless, I don't have a TV.

I like Big Bang Theory when I get to see it, though.

Does that make me a fascist?
You should, it's funny. And thanks for the heads up on the lovely Felicia.

i've tried. it's not my bag. also, i believe that at one point it ran opposite of 30 rock so i just didn't bother.

and you're welcome.
Next week is a big week for new seasons of a lot of TV shows.....
Any other favorites? If I watch them I'll let you know.
My favorites are NCIS and NCIS-LA their new shows started this week :)
Because I won't see it until my mother gives me the DVD set for Christmas next year.