why can't I?


Jun 1, 2002
why can't I find a woman to teach me how to fuck in such a way as to make her cum . I am willing to learn, and do what ever it takes to get her off.
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ummm....maybe you aren't looking in the right places? you may need to travel to get done what you want...
peachykeen said:
who wants to cum 'right away'? It's not a bloody race, you know...

Amen! Although I was once with a guy who seemed to think it was. He's a very sweet guy, but didn't have a clue about making love.

Pacing is very important. Take your *time*. Start slowly. Make her *want* it.

Jumping right to the 'good stuff' just doesn't cut it most of the time (unless she's already gotten excited on her own). Even then, there's nothing wrong with waiting a bit to see if she'll beg for it. ;)

You can't find her because she doesn't exist. I have yet to hear of a woman that wanted to orgasm as quickly as possible. You make it sound like you are on a timelimit or something.
"Hurry hunny, the Pattersons will be here in 7 minutes, drop the pants... now!"
I think, if anything, try to find a woman that doesn't want fast sex, but that just wants a lot of sex. That way, you can go as fast or as slow as you please (well... as you both please, anyway).
Although, if you are looking for pointers, you might try an escort service. You'll have to pay, but the lessons you'll learn are priceless.
Well, not priceless, like I said, you'll have to pay, but you know what I mean.
Have fun.
Native Alien said:
ummm....maybe you aren't looking in the right places? you may need to travel to get done what you want...

not travelling too far

I reread your orginal question and you weren't asking about making her cum as fast as possible...where / when / who accused you of asking that? :confused:

Anyway... the question is HIGHLY relevent. I find it amazing in this day and age that there is so LITTLE communication between the sexes. Why is it that everybody assumes that we have a built-in "How To " book in our head about turning on the opposite sex? Many of us know that we are turned on by different things throughout the month - men AND women have monthly cycles in case you didn't know - and what is a turn on one day may not be another. Then we have to deal with what turns HER on. At the same time there is the added stimulation by either partner that if things are done spontaneously then it is a far bigger turn on. Many women associate this ability to tell exactly what she needs and when with LOVE. It works for unpleasant stuff too ie: If you LOVED me you'd KNOW why I'm upset... but that's a whole different posting.

We have this wonderful ability to communicate yet couples get together expecting the g/f to KNOW the first time out what feels like to give the perfect BJ. Women lie back expecting a guy to somehow know exactly how much pressure to exert on the clit with a tongue or a finger. Intercourse is the same. Women think we should know what angle is just right, how hard and when.

Fact is it is all new to us. We don't come hard wired with that information. It isn't because we don't love you that we don't get it just right each and every time. It is because you ( he doesn't tell her and vice versa ) don't tell each other what you need when you need it.

If you find an exceptionally mature, smart or advanced partner you might try ASKING. Tell her (him) that you don't know how fast to go. ASK. Tell her or him that you don't know if they like to be fingered before or after being sucked. Ask if he likes certain things done. Ask when you're doing it if it is OK? Too hard? Too soft? Too fast? Too deep? ASK. It may take some of the spontanaity away but that is for the most part a myth and good only during those rushed crazy sexy moments when you BOTHjust wanna fuck like bunnies and technique isn't something you want to waste time on. For all the rest of the times the only way to get things right is to open your mouth -

and ASK...

...maybe finding someone you can communicate with openly should be at the top of your list..when the lines of communication are open and strong...the learning...and teaching..and cumming..should just fall right into place...
xx_La_Reina_xx said:
...maybe finding someone you can communicate with openly should be at the top of your list..when the lines of communication are open and strong...the learning...and teaching..and cumming..should just fall right into place...

you are absolutly right but my search for a companion with whome to talk have proved futile.
ChefChip said:
you are absolutly right but my search for a companion with whome to talk have proved futile.

I hear ya there..it sounds like it should be easy enough though......a cruel trick of fate....:)
xx_La_Reina_xx said:
I hear ya there..it sounds like it should be easy enough though......a cruel trick of fate....:)

Or say you do find her....usually she's the one that lives on the other side of the country, or who just got married, or who for whatever reason the timing just isn't right...
bharman4102 said:
Or say you do find her....usually she's the one that lives on the other side of the country, or who just got married, or who for whatever reason the timing just isn't right...

*sigh* ok now yer just depressin meeeeeeeeeeeeeee;)
xx_La_Reina_xx said:
*sigh* ok now yer just depressin meeeeeeeeeeeeeee;)

but I have to say....when you do meet up with her again....your heart races and you just think of her all day after...and thats a pretty great feeling too!

MR.GGG said:
I reread your orginal question and you weren't asking about making her cum as fast as possible...where / when / who accused you of asking that? :confused:

Anyway... the question is HIGHLY relevent. I find it amazing in this day and age that there is so LITTLE communication between the sexes. Why is it that everybody assumes that we have a built-in "How To " book in our head about turning on the opposite sex? Many of us know that we are turned on by different things throughout the month - men AND women have monthly cycles in case you didn't know - and what is a turn on one day may not be another. Then we have to deal with what turns HER on. At the same time there is the added stimulation by either partner that if things are done spontaneously then it is a far bigger turn on. Many women associate this ability to tell exactly what she needs and when with LOVE. It works for unpleasant stuff too ie: If you LOVED me you'd KNOW why I'm upset... but that's a whole different posting.

We have this wonderful ability to communicate yet couples get together expecting the g/f to KNOW the first time out what feels like to give the perfect BJ. Women lie back expecting a guy to somehow know exactly how much pressure to exert on the clit with a tongue or a finger. Intercourse is the same. Women think we should know what angle is just right, how hard and when.

Fact is it is all new to us. We don't come hard wired with that information. It isn't because we don't love you that we don't get it just right each and every time. It is because you ( he doesn't tell her and vice versa ) don't tell each other what you need when you need it.

If you find an exceptionally mature, smart or advanced partner you might try ASKING. Tell her (him) that you don't know how fast to go. ASK. Tell her or him that you don't know if they like to be fingered before or after being sucked. Ask if he likes certain things done. Ask when you're doing it if it is OK? Too hard? Too soft? Too fast? Too deep? ASK. It may take some of the spontanaity away but that is for the most part a myth and good only during those rushed crazy sexy moments when you BOTHjust wanna fuck like bunnies and technique isn't something you want to waste time on. For all the rest of the times the only way to get things right is to open your mouth -

and ASK...



I think I might be able to fall in love with Mr. GGG. :D

bharman4102 said:
but I have to say....when you do meet up with her again....your heart races and you just think of her all day after...and thats a pretty great feeling too!

*smile* funniest thing....I just had that experience TODAY........small world isn't it :p :p
xx_La_Reina_xx said:
*smile* funniest thing....I just had that experience TODAY........small world isn't it :p :p

that is soooo wild, b/c the same thing happened to me.....2x actually, but the 2nd time something came up and i had to take off.....and now its 4am and I'm here thinking about her, wishing i could be in her bed, feeling her next to me....
bharman4102 said:
that is soooo wild, b/c the same thing happened to me.....2x actually, but the 2nd time something came up and i had to take off.....and now its 4am and I'm here thinking about her, wishing i could be in her bed, feeling her next to me....

makes ya wonder doesn't it....two people...same experience...


...for what it's worth...I am sure she was thinking about you too......:D

MR.GGG said:
I reread your orginal question and you weren't asking about making her cum as fast as possible...where / when / who accused you of asking that? :confused:

Hi Mr. GGG,

He edited his original post. I read the original, and he had said 'as fast as possible'.

Re: Re: ASK

Lili said:
Hi Mr. GGG,

He edited his original post. I read the original, and he had said 'as fast as possible'.


thanks for clearing that up for me I had not gotten around to it