Why Are All Of My Comments Held For Review?


Sweet 'n' Sexy
Dec 1, 2023
I've read that anonymous comments are held for review and comments from naughty folks are held for review. I don't comment anonymously and I (hope) I'm not on the naughty list. Is it because I'm new here? I've been here for three months and have published twenty stores and have interacted -- without issues -- a decent amount. Does anyone know why all of my comments are being reviewed? Even on my own stories. 🤷🏻‍♀️

This seems to happen to all of us newcomers. I hope that one day I will be put on the "Good boy" list. ☺️ I'm friendly, I promise!
Mine are held.
AND YOU'VE BEEN HERE FOR FIVE YEARS????? Okay. Maybe just some folks are held and others are not. Oh, well. I'll just deal with telling people that I've commented and then they don't see the comments for a day and it looks like I don't care about them or their stories. Or worse. That I lied about reading and commenting, then finally decided to throw a comment on their story without reading it just to shut them up. ☹️
AND YOU'VE BEEN HERE FOR FIVE YEARS????? Okay. Maybe just some folks are held and others are not. Oh, well. I'll just deal with telling people that I've commented and then they don't see the comments for a day and it looks like I don't care about them or their stories. Or worse. That I lied about reading and commenting, then finally decided to throw a comment on their story without reading it just to shut them up. ☹️
I think it's fairly common knowledge that it sometimes takes a while for comments to appear. And you can always say your comment was so smutty that it got rejected.
Aren't they all held now--after there was a spam attack a year or so ago?
I think all comments are held for review.

That hasn't always been true, but a few years ago someone(s) started posting spam (ads, offsite links, etc) into comments. An active author could have taken care of the spam themselves. Authors who were gone or had too many stories to monitor, or were just not paying attention wouldn't. With a half-million stories that could be targeted with spam, the site decided to take control of the situation.

So now comments are reviewed by the system.
Aren't they all held now--after there was a spam attack a year or so ago?
I think all comments are held for review.

Incorrect. Some people still have the instant-privilege. You can sort of tell when you get a comment on your story outside of the normal "posting times". Otherwise they tend to appear in a series over the course of about 30 minutes or so, once or twice per day. :unsure:
I have never had an issue with delayed comments. Didn’t even know it was possible until Freya made me aware. My own comments have never been delayed and I’ve been naughty with submissions many times (Laurel rejects such stories, as is her right, and I post elsewhere). I agree it’s a weird standard. I’ve never held issue with Freya’s comments. Some of the LW trolls or other people, yeah. If there is a screening process in play, I cannot understand why it doesn’t catch their rudeness. 🤷
I have never had an issue with delayed comments. Didn’t even know it was possible until Freya made me aware.
Exactly. AchtungNight has been kind enough to chat with me and make be feel welcome here and to read some of my work. Of course, I return the favor, but then my comments are sometimes delayed up to an entire day. It's not that big of a deal and if someone takes umbrage with it -- even after I explain the delay -- then I try not to make it my issue. BUT... I can't help but feel that it maybe makes me look rude or unappreciative. Politeness is just too ingrained in me, I think. Sometimes to a fault...

Why Are All Of My Comments Held For Review?​

Whenever you start out, your comments are held for review. It happens to everyone. After you pass some threshold of posting comments without being flagged as doing bad shit, you get onto a “nice list” and your comments post almost immediately.

I’m on the “nice list” a) as I’m obviously super nice 😬 and b) because I try to reply to all comments and so rack up a lot of them.

Be a good girl and you will get on the “nice list” too someday 😊

At one point months ago, I crossed the line into instant comments. I have no idea why or how. Before that, my comments could take more than 24 hours to get published. It's just one more facet of Lit that works in a covert way. The best guess I can give is to keep commenting on stories, and if your comments do not contain anything offensive, you should eventually cross into instant comments. It was either that or complaining about it that did it for me 😁

Keep in mind that when you comment, even if you were granted the privilege of instant commenting, your comment will need to pass through moderation if you choose to post the comment as "Anonymous"
I've noticed that comments on my stories seem to land in a bunch all at the same time. It's just good site management. I was the admin on a similar site for two years, and you wouldn't believe what some people write when leaving a comment to an author. There is a difference between a comment critical of the story and a personal attack on the author. I also saw some of the "If you think this story was good, go to (a pay site) and check it out", as well as ads for escort services, male enhancement products, etc. Without some review, the ability to leave comments can turn a site into a mess of free advertising.
AND YOU'VE BEEN HERE FOR FIVE YEARS????? Okay. Maybe just some folks are held and others are not. Oh, well. I'll just deal with telling people that I've commented and then they don't see the comments for a day and it looks like I don't care about them or their stories. Or worse. That I lied about reading and commenting, then finally decided to throw a comment on their story without reading it just to shut them up. ☹️
It's quite painful at times, especially as it makes any kind of discourse in comments impossible.

I've commented only a few times, but they took anywhere from 2 days to almost a week to show up. The most annoying was, when my comment on my own story was held back for days :) I mean.. come on... its my own work... the very least those should be exempt from manual verification :)

On the same note, by the time someone's comment shows up on my story, I can be fairly certain they've long forgotten about it :)

Not sure what's the reasoning behind it, especially for registered users, as - let's face it - if someone is malicious, like doing excessive commenting (spamming) or writes nasty stuff, they can easily be removed from the site with about the same effort it takes to moderate everything at the moment, so I think its just extra workload for the site admins with very little to gain from it.

I would even go as far as to say, the very least an exception should be made for people who've published on the site. What's the likelihood of you publishing a story only to then spam or act out, and even if you do, once your account is gone, there's really no way you to repeat that until you publish another story, which, right now, is a rather effective gatekeeping device already, due to the strict rules involved.
Thanks, everyone!! I wasn't being critical of the review process. No problem at all with that! I get it.

I was just wondering if anyone knew the rules as to who gets reviewed and who doesn't. So, it seems that if I just stay the course, eventually I'll be cleared to comment without the review period. 😊
Thanks, everyone!! I wasn't being critical of the review process. No problem at all with that! I get it.

I was just wondering if anyone knew the rules as to who gets reviewed and who doesn't. So, it seems that if I just stay the course, eventually I'll be cleared to comment without the review period. 😊
If it's about volume of comments posted, as I think Em suggested above, you could spam your own stories with WIWAWs spread across half a dozen comments each. That might get you past the tipping point.
I've read that anonymous comments are held for review and comments from naughty folks are held for review. I don't comment anonymously and I (hope) I'm not on the naughty list. Is it because I'm new here? I've been here for three months and have published twenty stores and have interacted -- without issues -- a decent amount. Does anyone know why all of my comments are being reviewed? Even on my own stories. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I think there's a "newbie timer". How long it runs for, I don't know. Tell us when your comments do post immediately, then we'll know.

It's a feature been added sometime in the last two years.
I don't recall exactly when I crossed over to the Insta-Comment list. But I sure fooled somebody.

Anyone paying attention knows what an asshole I am .. 😂