WhoSane Obama HATES the COLOREDS.....must be cause he is WHITE and RACIST


Jan 23, 2011
Rep. Alcee Hastings(D-FL): Obama Consistently Disrespects Congressional Black Caucus, Black Press, And Graduates Of Historically Black Colleges

Via The Sacramento Observer:

FORT LAUDERDALE – Rep. Alcee L. Hastings says President Obama consistently disrespects the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), the Black Press, and graduates of historically Black colleges, key groups that were critical to his re-election in November.

Speaking Friday at the mid-winter convention of the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA), Hastings, a former federal judge, said the Congressional Black Caucus carefully vetted candidates they felt would be ideal for the second Obama administration, which has come under criticism for being dominated by White males.

“The Black Caucus of Congress then sent 61 names to the White House,” Hastings recounted. “Time went by. Not one of that 61 was selected – not one.”

In a speech that had a rich blend of seriousness, humor and expletives, Hastings said during the campaign, the CBC pressed the Obama campaign about the paucity of advertising with Black newspapers in particular. He said a top campaign official said Obama initially planned to spend only $650,000 with Black newspapers, a figure that was raised under pressure to $1 million – which meant that $999 million went to others.

“If I was president of the United States, there is no way in hell that I would raise a billion dollars and don’t spend but a million dollars with people who probably had as much to do with my becoming president as anybody,” the Florida Democrat said.
that's BESSIDES the point

the issue he raises is a valid one


da COLOREDS are TOO STEW PID, they voted 120% for him

how else would you explain

what Hastings said?
Well, dearest misogynist ass, I would say it's all about politics and we've only heard one side. So, before anxiously and addictively jumping to the conclusion you want and hope for, wait til you have all the facts.
Listen up PruneCunt

STFU, with its all about POLITICS

Listen up, misogynist ass..I answered your question. But like the fringe you belong to, you didn't hear what you wanted. I would hazard a guess that a few people got their wittle feewings hurt because Obama didn't do something they wanted him to.

You need to lower your blood pressure, take a deep breath and repeat: I am a white misogynist man with a deep insane hatred of President Obama who was elected by the majority of Americans AGAIN. Because I care about my health and doing what I can to help the country that I love, I refuse to no longer allow hate to control my life and ruin my relationships. I will TRY to understand that liberals are not the demons I've been taught to hate and despise..I will no longer see women as beneath my contempt, especially the ones I've never met. If there is a God in this messed up world, please forgive my pride, my arrogance and my stupidity. I have sinned against you and you alone, oh Lord..create in me a new spirit and renew unto me the joy of my salvation. Amen. (I probably left out some words) (I'm assuming you are or have been a practicing Jew now or in the past so you will be familiar with those verses. But, I could be wrong.

I'm tired of you're cruelty and crudity, BB. There's no justification for it. The end never justifies the means. If you cannot talk to me civilly, do not talk to me. The end.

Trolls are a dime a dozen. This "man " (loosely termed) is one of the fox watching bubble headed idiots that is destroying this country.

.20 percenters are full of each other
he spends $999 million with WHITES

he spends $1 million with COLOREDS

ALL his peeps are WHITE MALES..........

Valerie Jarret would probably disagree with your statements.:)
Don't know who Scott is. I've never had a prob with Rice or Powell, even under the Bush years, although Powell trying to pony the wmd's at the UN was a little much.. I understand they're both being pilloried by the extremists now. A shame. Same with Hagel, although I never heard of Hagel til recently. Do I agree with any of their politics? No. But I find it odd that people are focusing on Powell's patriotism and Rice's sexuality. Hagel seems like a decent enough candidate to fill the defense spot. I wouldn't have chosen him but we don't get everything we want.
Don't know who Scott is. I've never had a prob with Rice or Powell, even under the Bush years, although Powell trying to pony the wmd's at the UN was a little much.. I understand they're both being pilloried by the extremists now. A shame. Same with Hagel, although I never heard of Hagel til recently. Do I agree with any of their politics? No. But I find it odd that people are focusing on Powell's patriotism and Rice's sexuality. Hagel seems like a decent enough candidate to fill the defense spot. I wouldn't have chosen him but we don't get everything we want.

If I were you

I would show PUSSY PICS

Cause nothing else you say/do makes sense:)