Who's the best Canadian Litstar

Who da best?

  • *bratcat*

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • Todd \'o\' Vision

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • Indigo.Rose

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 16 57.1%

  • Total voters
**AHEM*** I don't like be called "other".

But I go with BratCat
Okay, I like IndigoRose too....Bah...one choice polls.
I, because it was the right thing to do, voted for myself.
Most Canadians are polite and reasonable, so brat doesn't really exemplify Canada very well, though her photos are very nice.

Torontonians are rather like Ahmerkins to Canadians outside the GTA, and Indie displays a fine example of the disinterestedly sexy tranagrrl 'tude.

Todd's a virgin, which helps, but he is in Ottawa, which means "federal government employee". Or his friend is. Ewww.

Now Other.....THERE's a real Canadian! Bland, faceless, quiet.

I vote Other.
i dont like doing lists to much really but april-wine is one of the nicest people ever and very funny also ... but all the other canadians are very cool also i guess there must be something in the water in canada :)

oh and my girlfriend lisa is alright :) shes canadian but probably not a typical one
Canned whoop ass?

I buy all my whoop ass fresh in the little herb shop across from Tom's.

We must go sometime.
Indigo.Rose said:

ok, but im gonna get some herbal viagra while im there.

ill put it in your tea.

Can if you want, but I'd rather get some of that stuff that raises a man's cream production. Tsunami!
Thanks for your av contribution. That's a mighty fine crotch you got there.
Beebeeblue said:

Horny Goat weed for the ol' goat?

They sell that stuff at gas stations in the southern USA, so it must be good.

I have the strength of ten ordinary men, so those various placebos, which are mostly ephedra and other stimulant-cum- vaso-dialators anyway, are of no interest here.

There is an herb you can buy at most decent chinese herbalists however that stimulates the prostate to produce more goo with increased velocity upon delivery.

If you like being splattered hard by big creamy spurts that blow three feet in the air, you might want to feed some to your favorite penis....and enjoy the show.