Who's afraid of the big bad wolf? (IC)


BBW Queen Gypsy
Jul 20, 2012
Rain fell in sheets, barely broken by the hefty tree branches that spread overhead. Mia didn't care. Even as rain gushed in rivulets through her reddish-brown fur, she continued running. His scent was fading fast as the rain cleansed the Earth, and though there was still a slight trace of it, there was not a direct enough trail to follow. Mia stopped, growling her frustration.

~Damn it, it's gone,~ she thought, knowing the rest of the Pack search party would hear her. They had woken up about an hour ago to an empty feeling throughout the mansion where the Pack core resided. Alpha's second in command had been left a letter that Alpha had gone and would probably not return. Mia had been the first out the door, shredding her night gown as she angrily shifted. Human feet had flown off the porch but paws had hit the wet ground and bolted.

What was Alpha's reasoning? Why would he just leave? The Pack was in critical condition as it was, always at odds with their Brother Pack to the Southwest. Alpha had been the only thing preventing all-out war. Now that he was gone, could his son command enough respect in time to stop the fight? Mia didn't want to wait long enough to find out. They had to find Alpha, and FAST. With this and more on her mind, she took one final sniff into the rain, which seemed to fall harder by the minute, and loped back to where she could tell the others were gathering.
Nature...all at one beautiful and brutal. Fields of golden grain left over after the harvest can be dazzling to the eye but one errant spark a stray bolt of lightning can create a raging inferno. It is this same duality that battles inside me. My mind...my soul are distinctly that of a man but the fire of the wolf spirit burns inside my chest as well. In the forest I find peace, the quiet and the soft feel of the moss and ferns beneath the pads of my paws as I quietly stalk through the trees center me.

Even in the most remote parts of the forest I am never truly alone. My pack is with me always, I can feel them where ever I go always by my side. However it is not the feeling that has me worried now, it is the distinct lack of it. I can no longer feel the touch of out alpha... Any member can shield their thoughts for a time, but the touch never truly leaves while a pack member still breathes...

I heard the panic suddenly. The fear radiated from our beta and clouded his thoughts I was unable to piece together what he was trying to convey. It was not until I heard Mia say she lost the trail that the pieces fell into place. It wasn’t that the Alpha was blocking his touch it was that he was gone! I quickly turned to head to the pack and find out the details for myself...
~Nice of you to show up, Inteus,~ Mia heard some one remark as the last member of their tiny circle broke through the trees. Mia sniffed, annoyed at the lack of civility among them. It had only been two hours they'd been informed of Alpha's disappearance, and tensions were already high. Something had to be done.

Mia stepped forward, snarling loudly to get everyone's attention. ~This arguing isn't ggoing to get us anywhere. I want us to pair off and head out to do one more perimeter check. Two per team. Any fighting will be met with discipline. Move out.~

Before waiting to see who paired with who, Mia took off, hoping it would work and someone would follow, and the others would follow suit. The Beta had been trying to get in touch with Brother Packs so all would know to be on the lookout for Alpha, but that meant no one had been left in charge of the search party. It'd just kind of happened. Mia huffed as she loped through the trees, hoping she hadn't overstepped a natural, unspoken boundary. Being the only female in the pack put her at a disadvantage as far as her position within the pack. Most thought of her as a necessary nusiance. A breeding bitch, only on-hand for those who felt a need to indulge the male dominance. Mia had let it go on just so she could feel as though she belonged, but honestly, she was sick of it. Part of her was glad Alpha was gone because he'd been the biggest violator of her privacy and there'd been nothing she could do since he was like a god among the Pack. Now, maybe she could carve a comfortable niche for herself in the circle of leadership. Maybe she could go so far as to hope for Beta position.

Right now though, all that mattered was finding Alpha. Mia looked back to see who had followed her.
Will trailed along Mia's right flank, like a little brother might tag along with a big sister. - Well I'm on your team since I'm going wherever you go anyway - A very matter of fact mental attitude projected to his friend, Will knew Mia would have a quick comeback. She always did, that was to be expected from a wolf.

He would meet whatever remark with what only could be seen as a wolf's grin. Even with the pack in turmoil over Alpha disappearing, he retained his sense of humor, but knew who he had to turn it off around.

Taking off a steady untiring lope of a scout, keeping a casual non intrusive bit of distance away from Mia. Having witnessed the way she has been treated, being she was the only breeding bitch to the pack. Will did not like this at all, but what could he do it was the natural way of the pack. Mentally growling to himself for his protective little brother behavior, knowing his friend Mia would just laugh at him over it. Determined to keep his senses focused on the job at hand, or paw as was the case when in wolf form. Will made a wide arc in his search pattern, only to fall back on Mia's right flank once again -What's your reasoning why the Alpha would just up and disappear on us like this Mia...think he's purposely blocking all of us or possibly...dead?-
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-Don't think like that, Will,- Mia chided, growling a little as she ran. -We have no proof of anything. Until we do, I don't want to make any assumptions.-

Mia continued to run until she slid to a stop at the edge of a steep incline marking the eastern border. Mia huffed pacing before shifting back to human form. She let out a long, frustrated, raging scream and punched a nearby tree, sending it toppling to the ground, missing Will by a mere couple inches. She fell to her knees, naked, cold, and exhausted. She'd been running for hours and was afraid she'd pass out before she could make it home.

"Why..." her thoughts trailed off without her voice. Alpha had been one of the few, aside from the pups, that treated her well. Most of the others just saw her as a bitch to be fucked and to bear litters. She felt a tear roll down her cheek. Her protection was gone. Fear began to encompass her and she curled up in a ball and reluctantly released a sob.
Will's ears lowered a slight bit. -alright but it's ligit questions- Trotting to a stop on Mia's right flank, looking down the steep wet incline into the darkness.

Hearing her huff and pace shifting into human form this way, Will just looked on with empathy in his amber eyes for his friend. Taking a step back from Mia as she screamed, growling a moment from her lashing out carelessly like that avoided the falling tree. Seeing her collapse onto her knees, as Mia was trembling from the cold. Stepping up close to her Will would sit facing her, knowing how utterly exhausted she was and sat back on his haunches.

Leaning his head down to nudge her with his muzzle, whining to get her to pay attention and share his body heat. Hoping Mia would do what her instincts required and this was huddle together for warmth. -You can accept the fact and share body heat, or you can shift back into wolf form. Either way you're going to have to keep warm or you'll freeze, and I do not plan on allowing you to give up on me now Mia- Laying down with his back pressing against her body, being curled up in human form she'd have to uncurl to get all Will's warmth. -Don't forget who cares about you as his big sister-
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Mia curled up into his warm body, still sobbing quietly. Her hunched figure screamed defeat and she knew they must return to the main house. She rose and shifted into wolf form without saying a word. Taking off into the trees, she began racing back to the house hoping someone had word.

She felt Will following but was not interested. Doing her best to put distance between them, she blocked her thoughts and took off by herself. She had put a considerable distance between them befre she finally stopped to catch her breath. The rain was letting up and she shook the water out of her fur. She trotted around the clearing, restless. Beta would be ccalling them back to the mainhouse soon, but Mia couldn't just sit around. Her mind reeled with possibilities. She continued circling until she wound up in the center of the clearing.

A snarl to her left caught her attention and out of the woods stalked three large, black wolves, all growling and "grinning" triumphantly.
Will stood as Mia shifted into her wolf form, watching her rise and take off into the trees he didn't follow right away. With a sigh he looked back into the darkness, it bothered him he wasn't of much help to her.

So being in no rush to return home, he started to lope through the forest the long way home. Being she had closed the mental link, Will just assumed Mia got home safely. He felt uneasy without really understanding why, the miles just seemed to pass by slowly as he continued onward.

Finally reaching the house he didn't see Mia or feel her presence, shaking off the rainwater that soaked his dark brown fur. Shifting into his human form he entered the house quietly, taking the stairs two at a time and reaching the top stepped into his room. Will quickly pulled on a pair of loose fit jeans and a Lynard Skynard tshirt, will walked back downstairs into the kitchen for a bite to eat. Finding some leftover beef stew in the fridge, microwaving his food he took a seat at the table and silently ate. Other pack members came and went not saying much to Will, this wasn't out of the ordinary but something unspoken was going on.
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Stepping up close to her Will would sit facing her, knowing how utterly exhausted she was and sat back on his haunches.
Mia backed up a couple steps, only to run into the largest of the three. She whirled around to face him and growled a warning

The wolf shifted into human form and smiled just as cruelly. "I knew we'd find you, bitch. Your scent stinks to the whole forest how bad that little cunt needs to be filled to replace Alpha's cock."

Mia also shifted, staring him down. "You would not be so forward if Alpha were here."

"Well he's not here so until you're claimed again, you're free game. C'mon fellas, let's give it a go, shall we?"

The last thing Mia remembered was a crack of lightening before all hell broke loose and liffe became a blur.
Seeing the biggest flash of lighting in his life light up the night sky, and the largest roar of thunder he's ever heard in Will's life he's startled. Overturning the table and scattering his uneaten food, he bolted from the Packs house pushing past anyone in his way. Mia's in trouble we have to help her! Leaping from the deck shredding his clothes, Will shifted into wolf form and hit the ground in a full sprint.

Heading for the short trail mud flew from a dark brown wolfs paws, knowing Mia was in danger from something he growled menacingly. Wind whipped his fur back from the speed Will was running, cutting through brush and briars he never let up or even noticed the scratches.

Sighting the closest human form pack member to Mia, Will leaped shoulder high catching the threat to Mia by the throat ripping it out. Blood gushed from the open gash of an instantly mortal wound he viciously inflicted. Landing past his dead victim Will spat the bloody gore from his mouth, with amber eyes blazing balefully and bloody fangs bared rounded on two other pack members. With a savage growl and with deadly intent he stalked with his head low, to face off with the two in human form putting himself between Mia and them till help arrives. -Mia are you alright- Will screamed through the mental link to Mia.
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Mia was nothing more than a whimpering mass. The rain could not wash away the residue of male possession and the pain overwhelmed her as the stench seeped from every hole. She vaguely registered the scent of blood as one male presence was replaced by another. She sensed the presence close, and shrank away, crying as she awaited more abuse.

All she could remember was the pain as all three men had surrounded her. She remembered her mouth being forced open by a huge cock as probing fingers had spread her cunt wide open. All at once, she'd been stuffed in both her ass and cunt. They had begun pounding all three holes with such violence, she had quickly lost her mind. She didn't know when or how, but they had each taken turns at every poibt until she was soaked in cum and rain water.

Now she tried backing away even though she could hardly move.
The two remaining males that had degraded Mia, backed away from Will as he would have ripped them apart. He was not the bigger wolf it this situation, but his furious hatred fueled him to nearly insane strength. Having gained enough ground from him they shifted turned tail and ran as cowards would.

As Mia quaked in fear of him he kept his distance until his bloodlust subsided, a male wasn't what she needed right now but his heart was broken for her. This woman he saw as his big sister lay battered in a way he couldn't imagine, she'd suffered physically, emotionally and spiritually beyond her tolerance. Not knowing what else to do he shifted into human form, whispering to her the calmest most reassuring things he could think of.

Slowly easing closer to her as quietly as possible without frightening her into hysterics, Will somehow manages to sooth her nerves just enough to lift Mia into his arms. Hoping to God she wouldn't shift and turn on him and rip his throat out, he continually whispered words of consolation into her ear as he carefully stood with her. So far she only whimpered and shook violently from fear and revulsion, Will wept silent tears as he carried the shattered woman home cautiously.

Finally reaching the Pack house he carried her inside to looks of shock, disgust, anger and indifference, he ignored all this as a few of the Omega females had gathered around them. Two ran ahead to Mia's room to ready what they could for her, carrying her upstairs Will lay her muddy, battered and bloody body as gently as possible into bed.

Reluctant to leave her he paced to and fro as the Omega's tended to Mia well, Will was ushered out of the room eventually showered, dressed and explained everything as best he could. Glaring down anyone that dared voice even one nasty remark about Mia, he was barely a Beta but in a dire situation like this he strangely managed to pull it off.
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Flashbacks haunted Mia as she drifted in and out of consciousness. More than once her petrified scream rang through halls and Beta had ordered she be strapped to her bed for everyone's safety including her own. When she wasn't screaming, she was murmuring through delirium. She had come down with a raging fever and panted uncontrollably.

All she saw were three dark shadowd, circling her no matter how fast or how far you run. She heatrd taunting laughter and possessive snarling. She kept tripping and getting caught and reliving the horrible endeavor. There was no way to fight it. Her brain had taken the scenario and run away.

She fought her binds but to no avail. After a twelve hour struggle, the other females were able to sedate her and she remembered nothing more.
Will sat with his back against the wall outside Mia's room, her crying and every scream cut him to the quick emotionally. He wanted to take her pain and torment upon himself, if it meant giving relief from this he would have in an instant. Will refused to eat, drink or sleep during Mia's ordeal, he was determined to keep his vigil no matter what.

The Pack was falling apart without Alpha's strong influence to hold it all together, if he didn't return soon there wouldn't be much choice but to take Mia and escape.
Will had made up his mind if Alpha wasn't back by the time she recovered, that's exactly what he was going to do. God help any pack member that tried to stop him it would not be pretty. But before he did there we're two he would deal with, the other rapist's he'd kill without any remorse. -Mia please be strong....I don't really know what I'll do without you-
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On the fourth day, Mia woke slowly, the sunshine across her pillow momentarily blinding her. She tried to sit up but felt the shackles around her wrists and then around her feet. Confused she pulled harder but found she was securely fastened to her bed.

"Hey!" She screamed. "Hey! I'm awake. What kind of sick joke is this? Let me go."

She paused, listening for any response. Silence met her ears. She tried again.

"Hello? Anyone there? I know the house can't be empty. This isn't funny anymore! I'll tell Alpha!"

With the dying sound of that threat, it all rushed back to her. Alpha's disappearance; the attack; Will...

"Will..." She whispered softly, as if beckoning him. She felt tge stress welling up along with the fear, and pressure. Her wolf clawed her way to the surface and against her will, she began to sense the Change She screamed again for help byut her voice was morphing into a howl as her bones and muscles tried to shift against her restraints.
Will was startled awake out of a fitful sleep by Mia's cries, jumping to his feet in one swift motion. Turning to the door of Mia's room tries opening it finds it locked, taking a few steps back away from it and surges forward kicking it open.
Seeing Mia in shackles and in the midst of shifting, Will rushes to her bedside in a instant. ''Mia it's Will I'm here!..don't shift in these shackles you'll hurt yourself!''

Will's intense amber eyes gazed deeply into hers that were half shifted, reaching her through the pack bond he tried urgently to reach Mia. -Mia stop right now!... calm down I can't get these damned things off if you keep fighting me!-
He'd convinced the highest ranked Beta, to allow him to have a set of keys.
Mia seemed to understand and calmed a little, it was just enough that Will got the shackles unlocked.

-Thank God you're alright Mia...I didn't know if you'd come back to me!- Tears filled his eyes and streamed down his cheeks, Will could not help but to grab the half shifted Mia in a hug and hold her. -If you want we can get out of here, the packs in even worse shape than it was. I can pack everything we have, my Blazers parked in the woods out back-
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Half growling, half screaming, Mia exclaimed, "Get me out of this before I shift!" She still pulled at the ropes as she felt the wolf clawing more fiercely, begging to be free and protect itself against the danger. Mia held her back best she could, but she felt the agonizing pain as the animal continued fighting back.

''You'll be loose in a second Mia, please try to relax.'' Will let her free of his hug and steps back, quickly rips the ropes apart and shows the broken ends to Mia. As soon as Will had freed her Mia shifted instantly, and if she was quickly on her paws she'd be nose with Will. ''Did you hear anything I said earlier?''
Mia jumped to the floor with a soft thud, shaking out her fur and glaring Will right in the eye.

~Get me out of here. I can't let them see me like this. They'll think I've gone rogue.~

Her eyes were finally clear and she simply eyed him, waiting for his reply.
Will met Mia's eyes with a determined gleam in his amber eyes, turning to look to the window look to see if another pack members were around.-You can make the jump to the tool shed and down to the ground...I'll talk to a few we can trust to give us a good diversion-

Raising the window he quickly ripped the screen open, stepping back allowing Mia to see the coast was clear. -Wait till you hear Craig and Jason get into a fight..you head to the pine thicket you showed me..I'll have to grab our packs and meet you in my truck-

Turning back to Mia Will took a knee and stroked his hand along her neck, looking into her clearly very intelligent eyes. -We'll get out of this damned pack...but you are going to have to trust me Mia-
Mia took a breath and let out a growl. ~Fine but I gotta run!~ She whined softly as there was a knock at the door and Beta walked in.

He took one look at Mia and one at Will, eyebrow cocked. "We're doing one last perimeter check before lights out. You in?"

Mia snarled quietly.
Before the Beta could manage a startled gasp will was on him, grabbing his chin and the back of his head snapping his neck with a sickening crack. Catching the Beta's limp dead body dragging it to Mia's bed, lifting the body into the bed he then covered it with the sheet. -Give me five minutes and meet me at the Blazer-

Stepping to the door with one more look into Mia's eyes, Will closes and locks the door behind him. Heading down stairs he glanced at his pair of diversionary friends, just as planned they'd started throwing punches drawing the Packs attention. Slipping out unnoticed he walked calmly to his Blazer, gathering his and Mia's possessions loading them in.

Climbing into the the drivers Will fired the engine up, dropping the vehicle into first he pulls around the house. Out of sight of anyone that might possibly see him, giving the Blazers some gas accelerated into the pine thicket. Spotting Mia Will slowed just enough to let her catch up, leaning over he looks out of the window. -Head through the forest and I'll pick you up on Brooke road ok?- Will opened the glove box and pulls out his .45, tucking it behind his back and floored the Blazer.
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Mia panted as she burrowed under the blanket after shifting back. She pulled it tight around her naked body, feeling the tears welling up.

She had never expected this when she and her brother had joined the pack, five years prior. She suddenly remembered and gasped, popping up.

"My brother! What about him?!?"
Feeling something wasn't right Will reached out to Mia though their bond. Mia what's wrong is the pack onto us..or did we forget something? Dropping the Blazer into 4 wheel drive, he kept an ear and an eye out for trouble.