Who wears the pants at your house?


Apr 24, 2021
Most couples, even the modern ones, have an alpha beta synergy of some kind.

Me, i’m a happy collaborator, and like being responsible for the things I’m good at and am happy to yield control of the washer, dryer and vaccuum cleaner, for example.

I find that this topic can get women heated up, so if you have a penis chip on your shoulder, please take a beat before you type. Thanks!
I take care of most household chores and all holidays and anything else that needs attention. Sometimes, I will give out some chores that need to be done, especially these days because I have a lot going on. I have no problem speaking up.

Exception-cooking. He definitely is great at the BBQ and cooking in general. Me, not so much.

He takes care of the cars and snow removal.
I tend to mow the lawn because I like doing it.
Whoever wants to take responsibility for outcomes.

I don't like responsibility...

Go with the flow.
Maybe I should have asked who wears the panties in your house.

Sorry, I’m still a gnu bee at this.
Sadly a 19 ur old min pin that's deaf, blind and toothless runs my house. Yes I wish I could take all the credit...but nope
Whoever's willing to take the blame I guess. Usually that's me by default. Everyone likes to blame me for everything.
I was talking to a young lesbian yesterday, very pretty, dresses in the 50’s housewife style.

Her lesbian lover dresses and acts like a man.

Though “he” was wearing the conversational pants, “she” was carrying their wallets.
We live on one income, his. We have someone who helps part-time 4 days a week, so 16 hours. And a lawn guy.

I do all the shopping and cooking. But he grills. I do most everything with the kids. I homeschool.

But evenings/weekends we try to get family time in.

Our roles are doled out more for what we’re best suited at. I’m a nurturer. He was better at corporate life than I ever was. I mean, I manage the family schedule but he’s a natural leader and I like being kept.
I wear the figurative pants in our marriage. I handle all the bills major purchases, planning, and deal with anything that’s broken. We both work but my income is 15% than his.

When our children want/need something, it’s me then come to. They actually gave up asking their dad because they know he’ll just differ to me.

I also handle our social calendar, and set up any events at our house. I set up our children’s activities, playdates, stuff like that.

I also love to mow our lawn, however it’s rare that I have time to do it.

My husband is responsible for all the household chores, errands, and our day to day schedule. He’s the chauffeur, and he keeps track of all their activities. They are over scheduled so I help with whatever needs to be done.

It’s early I probably missed something.
We have pink and blue jobs. Blue jobs include anything involving heights and driving. Pink jobs include communication, research and apparently harvesting. 🤷🏾‍♀️
It’s complicated. It feels equal but def non traditional.

I am a submissive male, in a loving female led relationship but we own a farm and several businesses together, so it takes a lot. Kids have all flown the coop.

Outside, i do: mowing, house repair, auto and tractor and farm implements repair, fixing general stuff, veg gardening. I start and plant all of the seedlings. I do all of the tree felling , rounding, firewood splitting and stacking.
My wife does: all of the weeding and maintaining flower beds. Plants lots of stray lowers and plants. Stacks the wood bins when empty.

Our buildings: my wife does all of the flower gardening, weeding and landscaping. I do the building maintenance and mow the lawn.

Inside: I do all of the cooking. I clean the bathrooms and kitchen.
Inside: my wife does most of the vacuuming, and dusting and most of the grocery shopping and cleaning up after dinner.

Share: watering plants and farm crops, feeding chickens, harvesting.

And yes, as a submissive male, occasionally I am wearing the panties in the relationship.

One of my fantasies is to be a naked houseboy, butler and pool boy for my wife as she entertains her clothed girlfriends in our house and yard.

It’s complicated.
It is a flustercuck at this house mainly because we have similar personalities, yet different operating styles. If you believe in such things we are both on the Taurus-Gemini cusp, but I am more securely Gemini. I am still working, and more than ten years from retirement. She took early retirement. We get along very well until someone - ok, let's cut the crap, my wife - takes complete leave of their senses and decides we need to work together. Then it is a nightmare. I pay bills when I get them, by mail, writing the check number and date paid on the bill when I pay it, or they get forgotten. She pays two days before they are due, by computer, and does not make notes. The only way we can get along is by each having their responsibilities and never ever interfering with the other's.

When it comes to things like replacing the screen door, she usually takes the initiative, but I sign off on it. I give structural rather than cosmetic jobs priority around the house. I do most of the grocery shopping and cooking. She did do most of the driving, as I dislike driving being a terminally distracted barmy academic. Vacations are tricky as she won't spend unnecessary money on vacations, but I will within reason. The crunch come when she has vetoed what I consider to be a compromise - e.g., week together at A, then I'll go see my mother for a week while she goes to Scotland - she goes into martyr mode because yet again we are spending our vacation in the house that I inherited and can't get rid of yet. On the whole, our relationship suffers from the lack of a clear leader, and the fact that both of us will compromise, but neither of us is all that happy about it.

I would be much more content with someone who was either took charge or left me to get on with it despite the occasional chaotic consequences. Strangely, her declining health sort of makes things easier because she has to let me do things and not swoop in the minute that I look vague or indecisive.
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Are women nagging husbands to death? Research shows henpecked men twice as likely to die young​

Scientists in Denmark claim to have proven bickering couples are more likely to die young and henpecked men are twice as likely to die in middle age
I would think it would be more along the lines of henpecking wives more likely to suffer violence...

My wife and I both wear pants, both figuratively and literally

If one person wears the pants, you have a lousy marriage.