Who was the last person you...


I Am Little Spoon
Aug 10, 2002

Said I love you to?

Had sex with?

Lied to?

Held hands with?

Told you hated?

Talked to face to face?

Talked to on the phone?

Slept in the same bed with?


Argued with?

Threw something at?

Hit, kicked, or maimed? :D

Eumenides said:

Said I love you to? My Grandson

Had sex with? Myself

Lied to? My wife..not by choice

Held hands with? Wife

Told you hated? heh heh...waste of time to hate

Talked to face to face? Oldest son

Talked to on the phone? Buddy of mine

Slept in the same bed with? slept with the wife...slept

Corrected? Daughter she misunderstood what I said

Argued with? heh heh Daughter...he will call me DAVE.

Threw something at? Strange bear in the backyard.

Hit, kicked, or maimed? :D heh heh...nope

Hugged? Grandson, daughter as they went out the door for a visit

Said I love you to?heiferbeast

Had sex with?the man

Lied to?the man

Held hands with?heiferbeast

Told you hated?the man

Talked to face to face?heiferbeast

Talked to on the phone?Eumenides

Slept in the same bed with?heiferbeast


Argued with?myself

Threw something at?heiferbeast

Hit, kicked, or maimed?hit- the man, kicked-the heiferbeast, maimed-myself :D

Kissed? - him

Said I love you to? - My mom

Had sex with? - him again

Lied to? - my friend Jenn

Held hands with? - ummm I think a second grader that I counsel...

Told you hated? - my other friend Jenn

Talked to face to face? - my roommate

Talked to on the phone? - My roommate

Slept in the same bed with? - Sadly, my roommate (and three other girls - but no funny business)

Corrected? - My hairstylist

Argued with? - My officemate

Threw something at? my trash can (I don't really throw things!)

Hit, kicked, or maimed? A heavy bag ;)

Hugged? My friend Kelly
Eumenides said:

Kissed? .................My neighbour

Said I love you to? ........ My SO

Had sex with? ..........Ditto

Lied to? .............The vicar

Held hands with? .............My neighbour

Told you hated? ................. My SO

Talked to face to face? ...............My SO

Talked to on the phone? ..............My sister

Slept in the same bed with? ................My SO

Corrected? ..............Myself

Argued with? ................My SO

Threw something at? ....................Ditto

Hit, kicked, or maimed? ................It stopped just in time.

Hugged? .....................Myself

Eumenides said:

Kissed? My son

Said I love you to? Rhys

Had sex with? *ahem*

Lied to? A friend when I said I wasn't upset.

Held hands with? My son

Told you hated? I can't recall

Talked to face to face? Aside from my son, my friend Barb

Talked to on the phone? Calypso

Slept in the same bed with? My friend Barb, and don't get any wild ideas you pervs.

Corrected? My friends brash husband

Argued with? My son

Threw something at? My Ex

Hit, kicked, or maimed? I would never do such things. :D

Hugged? My son
Eumenides said:

Said I love you to? Her

Had sex with? Myself

Lied to? Wife

Held hands with? Wife

Told you hated? No one

Talked to face to face? Wife

Talked to on the phone? Her

Slept in the same bed with? CRS

Corrected? Son

Argued with? Some one on Lit

Threw something at? Don't throw things

Hit, kicked, or maimed? Dog


Kissed? Jess

Said I love you to? Jess

Had sex with? Jess

Lied to? Work

Held hands with? Jess

Told you hated? Jess

Talked to face to face? my neice

Talked to on the phone? my sister

Slept in the same bed with? Jess

Corrected? guy at work

Argued with? Jess

Threw something at? My mom

Hit, kicked, or maimed? :D My brother

Hugged? Jess
Kissed? ...a date, though it was of no real consequence

Said I love you to? My mother

Had sex with? Ex-fiance some many, many years ago

Lied to? I try not to keep track

Held hands with? See answer #1

Told you hated? Not something I say too often

Talked to face to face? Roommate

Talked to on the phone? a friend

Slept in the same bed with? Hmmm...my father, I guess.

Corrected? My roomate

Argued with? a friend

Threw something at? Last I can recall is my brother.

Hit, kicked, or maimed? My best friend...in about 1993. :D

Hugged? Former co-worker
Eumenides said:

Said I love you to? MY MOTHER

Had sex with? BY MYSELF OR IN A GROUP? heh

Lied to? A BED BUDDY 9told her I was busy, just didnt wasnt to hang out with her)

Held hands with? A CAST MEMBER IN MY SHOW

Told you hated? NEVER HAVE

Talked to face to face? MY ROOMIE

Talked to on the phone? MY MOTHER

Slept in the same bed with? A GOOD "FRIEND"

Corrected? MYSELF

Argued with? IDIOT INCHAT

Threw something at? MY EX GF ( she threw something first)

Hit, kicked, or maimed? :D HEH, NOT TELLING

Cast member in show
Eumenides said:
Kissed? - my lover

Said I love you to? - my best friend ever! ;)

Had sex with? - my lover

Lied to? - my ex

Held hands with? - my daughter

Told you hated? - my ex

Talked to face to face? - my boss

Talked to on the phone? - my best friend ever ;)

Slept in the same bed with? - my lover

Corrected? - a co-worker :eek:

Argued with? - a co-worker (see above) :eek:

Threw something at? - my cat (a sock)

Hit, kicked, or maimed? :D - myself

Hugged? - a co-worker (not the same as above) :)

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Kissed? my son.

Said I love you to? my son.

Had sex with? I'm going to assume that I can count myself. :)

Lied to? my mother

Held hands with? my niece

Told you hated? I can't recall, but I would guess my ex. :)

Talked to face to face? my son

Talked to on the phone? emi

Slept in the same bed with? my son when he was sick the other night.

Corrected? Probably someone from here.

Argued with? ex

Threw something at? Three boys. I chucked a pillow at them last night to enable my quick getaway. :D

Hugged? my son as I said goodbye to him this evening.

Said I love you to?

Had sex with?

Lied to?
*My so called father

Held hands with?
*My little one

Told you hated?
*No one

Talked to face to face?
*My son

Talked to on the phone?

Slept in the same bed with?


Argued with?
*My so called father

Threw something at?
*My ex. He should never lock a pregnant woman out of her own damn bedroom.

Hit, kicked, or maimed?

My son

Kitty, you're so damn cute!:D

Said I love you to? MY DOG

Had sex with? ROSIE PALM

Lied to? I DON'T LIE

Held hands with? SEE ANSWER #1

Told you hated? NEVER

Talked to face to face? MY BEST FRIEND

Talked to on the phone? MY MOM

Slept in the same bed with? SEE ANSWER #1

Corrected? CO-WORKER

Argued with? ??

Threw something at? NEIGHBORS DOG

Hit, kicked, or maimed? N/A

Hugged? MY DOG
Kissed?: ermm

Said I love you to?: ermm

Had sex with?: ermm (does yourself count?)

Lied to?: Parents

Held hands with? : ermm

Told you hated?: Sister

Talked to face to face?: A Freind

Talked to on the phone?: Dad

Slept in the same bed with?:

Corrected?: A Customer (Mayfair Superkings)

Argued with?: Sister

Threw something at?: Bin

Hit, kicked, or maimed?: some fella in primary school (whenever i was in primary school aswell)

Hugged?: ermm

As U can see i for some reason dont get close to ppl
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Kissed? My daughter (peck on the cheek)

Said I love you to? That same daughter

Had sex with? Not counting masturbation - my lover (2 months ago :( )

Lied to? Can't remember

Held hands with? My lover

Told you hated? I don't tell people that.....but I thought it about my ex

Talked to face to face? Some friends at the club last night

Talked to on the phone? My son

Slept in the same bed with? my ex - a year ago before we split. Haven't spent a night with anyone since

Corrected? My daughter

Argued with? My daughter (15 yr olds are hard work!)

Threw something at? One of our dogs....over a year ago

Hit, kicked, or maimed? I hit a girl when I was at high school.....she was a bully (never picked on me again after that :D )

Hugged? A good friend
Eumenides said:

Said I love you to?

Had sex with?

Lied to?

Held hands with?

Told you hated?

Talked to face to face?

Talked to on the phone?

Slept in the same bed with?


Argued with?

Threw something at?

Hit, kicked, or maimed? :D


My ex boyfriend

Had sex with? Myself

Said I love you to? My ex girlfriend

Lied to? My Mom

Held hands with? Ex girlfriend

Told you hated? Myself

Talked to face to face? Co-workers

Talked to on the phone? My Mom

Slept in the same bed with? Myself

Corrected? Can't remember

Argued with? My Mom

Threw something at? My sister

Hit? Nobody

Hugged? A coworker
Kissed? Mike and it's been too long

Said I love you to? acutally My aunt called to say they made it to TN fine and she said she loved me

Had sex with? Mike...God I'm horny it's been a month

Lied to? Mike when I said I was fine

Held hands with? Mike

Told you hated? Ohhh wow it's been a year but Mark

Talked to face to face? Nicky (My aunt) she woke me up to say they were leaving

Talked to on the phone? Nicky called not long ago

Slept in the same bed with? Mike :(

Corrected? Lol damn thats a hard question...I got a bad habit of doing that

Argued with? Mike of course

Threw something at? whoa, can't recall

Hit, kicked, or maimed? I playfully hit Mike

Hugged? my aunt
Kissed? my son

Said I love you to? my son

Had sex with? myself

Lied to? an acquaintance

Held hands with? my son

Told you hated? I have never said that to anyone

Talked to face to face? my son

Talked to on the phone? Him

Slept in the same bed with? my son

Corrected? my son

Argued with? my son

Threw something at? rubber frog at my son

Hit, kicked, or maimed? I'm not a violent person

Hugged? my son
Eumenides said:
Kissed? Jimmy (my hubby)

Said I love you to? Jimmy

Had sex with? Jimmy

Lied to? friend said I wasn't upset god I hate lying

Held hands with? my neice she is 4 after her ballgame

Told you hated? my ex and think everyday

Talked to face to face? my father

Talked to on the phone? my youngest sister

Slept in the same bed with? Jimmy

Corrected? my son :rolleyes: teenage boys are hell

Argued with? same teenaged son

Threw something at? same teenaged son...damn his socks stink

Hit, kicked, or maimed? nobody or nothing but the ex deserves a swift kick in theeeee ahhhhh never mind ;)

Hugged? Jimmy
Kissed? New Zealand guy at a club tonight.

Said I love you to? Ex bf in 2001.

Had sex with? A security guard 2-3 weeks ago.

Lied to?A girl on the phone.

Held hands with? Last Dec my fuck buddy.

Told you hated? In 8th grade - the class bully.

Talked to face to face? New Zealand guy and South African girl that I met at the club tonight.

Talked to on the phone? My friend from Uni.

Slept in the same bed with?Security guard.


Argued with?My mom.

Threw something at?My ex bf.

Hit, kicked, or maimed?No clue.
Hugged? New Zealand guy tonight.
Eumenides said:

Said I love you to?

Had sex with?

Lied to?

Held hands with?

Told you hated?

Talked to face to face?

Talked to on the phone?

Slept in the same bed with?


Argued with?

Threw something at?

Hit, kicked, or maimed? :D


Said I love you to? my daughter

Had sex with? a friend 'with benefits'

Lied to? my friend Brandy

Held hands with? friend with benefits

Told you hated? my exhusband

Talked to face to face? my boss

Talked to on the phone? my boss

Slept in the same bed with? friend with benefits

Corrected? my daughter

Argued with? my daughter

Threw something at? a co-worker (all in fun)

Hit, kicked, or maimed? can't remember

Hugged? my daughter
-My honey Ez

Said I love you to?
-My honey

Had sex with?
-My honey

Lied to?
-My friend Kelly.... one of those white lies that I said to try and help her get through a day.

Held hands with?
-My honey

Told you hated?
-The person that was my best friend that is now with my ex. Gotten over the hate, it isn't worth my energy.

Talked to face to face?
-My Mom

Talked to on the phone?
-My honey

Slept in the same bed with?
-Nickee and Steve. They're a couple, the couch was full. Forunately they were decent enough to not mess around while I was there.

-My Dad

Argued with?
-Hmm.. not really argued, but had a pretty strong disagreement with, ..my friend Brandon.

Threw something at?
-Errrrm.. Hmm.. oh, co-worker, threw a disc to him that he needed.

Hit, kicked, or maimed? :D
-Ugh... my ex,...... years ago.

-My Dad