who the hell started this ass smackin' crap anyway?


a work in progress
Feb 22, 2002
no, not the ass smackin' you do in the privacy of your own bedroom. i'm talking about full grown manly men on the athletic field smackin' each other on the ass every time they think they've done something cool.

now, i've been involved in athletics almost all of my life and i've never once been tempted to smack some guy on the ass. i'll high five ya, i'll shake your hand, i'll shake your hand and give you one of those little chest bumpin' hugs and a pat on the back. if you're a close friend or a male member of my family i'll give you a full hug (upper body only, of course) but i ain't gonna smack your ass...ever.

i'm thinkin' it was some perv at the ymca about a hundred years ago that got it started and told everybody it was ok. now, athletes just don't know any better.

so what do you think? inquiring minds want to know...who started this disturbing activity?:D

is this considered fluff?
I think football players do it because we like to smack each other in the pads. It being shoulder pads or the butt pad.

I never understood doing it when you arent wearing full pads.
pad smackin's cool. but basketball players do it, track and field participants do it, hell, i've seen golfers do it. (ok, they were real drunk at the time) it's a puzzlement.
unclej said:
pad smackin's cool. but basketball players do it, track and field participants do it, hell, i've seen golfers do it. (ok, they were real drunk at the time) it's a puzzlement.

That I just dont understand. Well I do kind of understand the golfers...
I don't know who started the ass smackin' crap, but unclej, you always make me smile.

ass snappin' was a great way to get an ass whippin' where i came from. now, i'd probably go for a little wiggly but pattin' given the chance.:D
why thank you ma'am. right back at ya.

see, i was wonderin' about the gay thing but you wouldn't think all of them were. so that means the other guys just do it 'cause they think it's cool. a social phenominominan.
unclej said:
why thank you ma'am. right back at ya.

see, i was wonderin' about the gay thing but you wouldn't think all of them were. so that means the other guys just do it 'cause they think it's cool. a social phenominominan.

:kiss: Thanks, doll.

Say, I've always liked the AV. Can I take a whack at that too?
unclej said:
why thank you ma'am. right back at ya.

see, i was wonderin' about the gay thing but you wouldn't think all of them were. so that means the other guys just do it 'cause they think it's cool. a social phenominominan.

Maybe they heard about the girl named Bubba.

That might make ass smackin seem tame.

sorry goddess..i stepped out for a while. didn't mean to ignore you. now bubba was into a little ass smackin' and grabbin' her ownself.. (noddin' head) yep, bubba was into all kinds of stuff.
A pat on the butt is a hybrid of a pat on the back and a kick in the butt. "Good job, but next time get in there and kick some ass!"

unclej said:
sorry goddess..i stepped out for a while. didn't mean to ignore you. now bubba was into a little ass smackin' and grabbin' her ownself.. (noddin' head) yep, bubba was into all kinds of stuff.

np unclej....and please call me emi...goddess is a misnomer by far!

that Bubba was one wild lil chickadee!