Who supports terrorism more.....


Literotica Guru
Feb 2, 2002
Misguided political correct "peace" protesters or greedy, back boneless wall street traders. Both send a message of weakness, but at least some of the protesters ( besides the general US or Bush haters like those on this board I don't even have to name) have good intentions but Wall Street's cowardice and greed just stinks. I sat in a board room while these assholes plotted their little money schemes as brave fireman and police officers gave their lives to save those in the towers and now they are doing it again with our troops.....show some resolve and faith...and although they may posses most of wealth of the country...it is us..the middle and working class that demonstate the true ideals of this country with their sacrifices for freedom....
sufisaint said:
Misguided political correct "peace" protesters or greedy, back boneless wall street traders. Both send a message of weakness, but at least some of the protesters ( besides the general US or Bush haters like those on this board I don't even have to name) have good intentions but Wall Street's cowardice and greed just stinks. I sat in a board room while these assholes plotted their little money schemes as brave fireman and police officers gave their lives to save those in the towers and now they are doing it again with our troops.....show some resolve and faith...and although they may posses most of wealth of the country...it is us..the middle and working class that demonstate the true ideals of this country with their sacrifices for freedom....

How true the fat cats get mad when they loose money

it is the poor and middle class Amercians that are the true heroes
Be right back so I can change my user title to "I support terrorists"

sufisaint said:
Misguided political correct "peace" protesters or greedy, back boneless wall street traders. Both send a message of weakness, but at least some of the protesters ( besides the general US or Bush haters like those on this board I don't even have to name) have good intentions but Wall Street's cowardice and greed just stinks. I sat in a board room while these assholes plotted their little money schemes as brave fireman and police officers gave their lives to save those in the towers and now they are doing it again with our troops.....show some resolve and faith...and although they may posses most of wealth of the country...it is us..the middle and working class that demonstate the true ideals of this country with their sacrifices for freedom....

Actually, I vote for former US leaders who supported terrorists with money, training and weapons.

School of the Americas
Iran Contra
El Salvadoran death squads

I know there are others, but that's all I've got off the top of my head.
Re: Re: Who supports terrorism more.....

Thrillhouse said:
Actually, I vote for former US leaders who supported terrorists with money, training and weapons.

School of the Americas
Iran Contra
El Salvadoran death squads

I know there are others, but that's all I've got off the top of my head.

Damn. I thought it was the people who wear Birkenstocks and tie-dyes.

Btw, Thrillhouse. I rarely play in the same threads as you, but about 80% of the time I wanna cheer and say "yeah! What he said!" when you post.
Re: Re: Who supports terrorism more.....

Thrillhouse said:

School of the Americas
I had my windshield busted out...and another time had my tires slashed while I was entering Ft Benning while the Anti-S.O.A protests were going on. So I hate the S.O.A. :D
I'll start this off by saying I'm working middle class. And I don't like big fat cats in big corporations either but....

THE reason why we are the most powerfull country in the world, why we can go to war in Iraq, without the UN's blessing and not fear reprisals, is because we through those fat corporates control a very very very large portion of the world's money. Many countries are in debt to us.

Also in the 80's when Iraq was at war with Iran the US SUPPORTED Saddam agianst Iran.
JazzManJim said:
I'm baffled here.

So exactly how do rich people sponsor terrorism??

It's a great trend in the American Conversation, in case you hadn't noticed. This one is taking things or people that in peacetime piss someone off, then taking the next step and label them as somehow *anti-american* etc. Convenient excuses, and, hey, we all know that anyone not responding to the rallying call of the administration is a traitor, right? It's all about the blame game - who isn't doing what they should. It's just not as difficult to come up with an excuse to hate right now. Find a way to say *they aren't supporting America!* and WHAMBAM! you gots yourself a reason, that others will applaud, to despise.

This also applies to that whole "keeping America for Americans" BS.

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
celiaKitten said:
It's a great trend in the American Conversation, in case you hadn't noticed. This one is taking things or people that in peacetime piss someone off, then taking the next step and label them as somehow *anti-american* etc. Convenient excuses, and, hey, we all know that anyone not responding to the rallying call of the administration is a traitor, right? It's all about the blame game - who isn't doing what they should. It's just not as difficult to come up with an excuse to hate right now. Find a way to say *they aren't supporting America!* and WHAMBAM! you gots yourself a reason, that others will applaud, to despise.

This also applies to that whole "keeping America for Americans" BS.

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

And it still stinks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JazzManJim said:

So exactly how do rich people sponsor terrorism??

By voting Republican.

Republicans fund tyrants to knock over the last tyrants the previous Republicans funded to knock over the tyrants the Republicans before them funded.

That's why all future Republican "Presidentes" will come from the House of Bush...so they can sit around the fire at Camp David and tell each other who they're supposed to kill and who gets away.

I can hardly wait for Lauren Bush to have her turn...the USA could use a BDSM-friendly Presidente.
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celiaKitten said:
It's a great trend in the American Conversation, in case you hadn't noticed. This one is taking things or people that in peacetime piss someone off, then taking the next step and label them as somehow *anti-american* etc. Convenient excuses, and, hey, we all know that anyone not responding to the rallying call of the administration is a traitor, right? It's all about the blame game - who isn't doing what they should. It's just not as difficult to come up with an excuse to hate right now. Find a way to say *they aren't supporting America!* and WHAMBAM! you gots yourself a reason, that others will applaud, to despise.

This also applies to that whole "keeping America for Americans" BS.

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

I :heart: you.
By over-reacting to the smallest events, Wall street encourages terrorism..little victories by big cowards cause an exagerated effect.
sufisaint said:
By over-reacting to the smallest events, Wall street encourages terrorism..little victories by big cowards cause an exagerated effect.

this still makes little sense .. still demonstrates the situation I stated above.
celiaKitten said:
this still makes little sense .. still demonstrates the situation I stated above.

No thats the whole purpose behind terrorism, the actual threat is very minimal...but the fear effect is great. Those who further the fear and its effects further terrorism.
sufisaint said:
No thats the whole purpose behind terrorism, the actual threat is very minimal...but the fear effect is great. Those who further the fear and its effects further terrorism.

Then the media, the administration, congress, *list on and on into infinity*, are also supporting terrorism.

You aren't taking into account the intent .. and what is *normal* in peacetime. People's irrational fear is their own, always, war or no war.
State terrorism

sufisaint said:
By over-reacting to the smallest events, Wall street encourages terrorism..little victories by big cowards cause an exagerated effect.

No, you've got it wrong, sufisaint. Wall Street supports the state terrorism of the U.S. military: that's how it supports terrorism. Last week, when the war began, stock markets worldwide soared. Yesterday, when it looked like the U.S. wasn't going to score a quick knockout victory, the market tanked.

War's good for business, so invest your son.
celiaKitten said:
Then the media, the administration, congress, *list on and on into infinity*, are also supporting terrorism.

You aren't taking into account the intent .. and what is *normal* in peacetime. People's irrational fear is their own, always, war or no war.

It seems true that since in the state of war, our illusions of safety and immortality are broken, which causes a heightened sense a fear, and in that fear we attack the precieved enemy...but my intent in this post was to point out that the market, which is by its own saying based on "fear and greed" does more damage to this country than those who protest. But I will admit in peace time..I have never liked the fear and greed mentality...
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sufisaint said:
It seems true that since in the state of war, our illusions of safety and immortality are broken, which causes a heightened sense a fear, and in that fear we attack the precieved enemy...but my intent in this post was to pint out that the market, which is by its own saying based on "fear and greed" does more damage to this country than those who protest. But I will admit in peace time..I have never liked the fear and greed mentality...

Such is the nature of Wall Street - in war or peace .. especially in hard economic times, and in such international turmoil .. investors are touchy.

But, this seems more of a general distaste for the system as is. Saying they support terrorism is baseless, and only spreading the kind of mentality I spoke of above, which is not healthy at all.
maybe encourage is better word....much like screams encourage the sadist to torture futher..
sufisaint said:
maybe encourage is better word....much like screams encourage the sadist to torture futher..

Where is your connection between the two?