The truth about Oslo Peace March | 2/16/03 |
A quick glance at the participating organizations in yesterdays "peace" rally in Oslo is quite revealing:
Norges Muslimske Ungdom - Muslim youth of Norway
Nettverk av engasjerte buddhister - Network of activist buddists
Det Islamske Forbundet - The Islamic Association
Islamsk kvinnegruppe i Norge - Islamic Women's Group of Norway
World Islamic Mission
Islamsk Råd Mer info - Islamic Council
SV - The Socialistic Left pary
Sosialistisk ungdom - Socialistic Youth
Internasjonale sosialister - International Socialists
AKP - THe Workers Communist Party
RV - The Red Alliance (extreme leftist party)
Senterungdommen - The Greens youth organization
Rød ungdom - Red Youth
Norges kommunistiske parti - The Norwegian communist party
Oslo SV - Oslo Socialistic Left party
Norges Kommunistiske - The communist of Norway
Norges kommunistiske studentforbund - Norway's communist Student Group
Oslo RV - Oslo Red Party
Kvinnefronten - Women's front
Fellesutvalget for Palestina - The common council for Palestine
Palestinakomiteen - The Palestine committe
Palestinakomiteen i Oslo - The Palestine committe of Oslo
Kvinnegruppa Ottar i Oslo - The women's group Ottar (militant feminist organisation)
Rød Front - Red Front
Pakistansk Studentersamfunn - Pakistani Student Union
Suffice to say: The emerging union between socialists and islamists is increasingly becoming noticable. | 2/16/03 |
A quick glance at the participating organizations in yesterdays "peace" rally in Oslo is quite revealing:
Norges Muslimske Ungdom - Muslim youth of Norway
Nettverk av engasjerte buddhister - Network of activist buddists
Det Islamske Forbundet - The Islamic Association
Islamsk kvinnegruppe i Norge - Islamic Women's Group of Norway
World Islamic Mission
Islamsk Råd Mer info - Islamic Council
SV - The Socialistic Left pary
Sosialistisk ungdom - Socialistic Youth
Internasjonale sosialister - International Socialists
AKP - THe Workers Communist Party
RV - The Red Alliance (extreme leftist party)
Senterungdommen - The Greens youth organization
Rød ungdom - Red Youth
Norges kommunistiske parti - The Norwegian communist party
Oslo SV - Oslo Socialistic Left party
Norges Kommunistiske - The communist of Norway
Norges kommunistiske studentforbund - Norway's communist Student Group
Oslo RV - Oslo Red Party
Kvinnefronten - Women's front
Fellesutvalget for Palestina - The common council for Palestine
Palestinakomiteen - The Palestine committe
Palestinakomiteen i Oslo - The Palestine committe of Oslo
Kvinnegruppa Ottar i Oslo - The women's group Ottar (militant feminist organisation)
Rød Front - Red Front
Pakistansk Studentersamfunn - Pakistani Student Union
Suffice to say: The emerging union between socialists and islamists is increasingly becoming noticable.