Who showed up at Norway's Peace Rally? Muslims and the far Left!


Really Experienced
Jun 19, 2002
The truth about Oslo Peace March
www.ingenkrig.no | 2/16/03 |

A quick glance at the participating organizations in yesterdays "peace" rally in Oslo is quite revealing:

Norges Muslimske Ungdom - Muslim youth of Norway
Nettverk av engasjerte buddhister - Network of activist buddists
Det Islamske Forbundet - The Islamic Association
Islamsk kvinnegruppe i Norge - Islamic Women's Group of Norway
World Islamic Mission
Islamsk Råd Mer info - Islamic Council
SV - The Socialistic Left pary
Sosialistisk ungdom - Socialistic Youth
Internasjonale sosialister - International Socialists
AKP - THe Workers Communist Party
RV - The Red Alliance (extreme leftist party)
Senterungdommen - The Greens youth organization
Rød ungdom - Red Youth
Norges kommunistiske parti - The Norwegian communist party
Oslo SV - Oslo Socialistic Left party
Norges Kommunistiske - The communist of Norway
Norges kommunistiske studentforbund - Norway's communist Student Group
Oslo RV - Oslo Red Party
Kvinnefronten - Women's front
Fellesutvalget for Palestina - The common council for Palestine
Palestinakomiteen - The Palestine committe
Palestinakomiteen i Oslo - The Palestine committe of Oslo
Kvinnegruppa Ottar i Oslo - The women's group Ottar (militant feminist organisation)
Rød Front - Red Front
Pakistansk Studentersamfunn - Pakistani Student Union
Suffice to say: The emerging union between socialists and islamists is increasingly becoming noticable.
5700 regular people marched in my city yesterday for peace in -20 celcius weather. That includes members of every group from right-wing to left-wing, christians, arabs, injuns, men and women.

Note to US and UK - sit your diluted gung ho asses down.

There are much more effective ways to dealing with retards like Saddam than war.
Permanent blockade.

A huge military force to be the continual gun to the head to enforce Saddam to comply, inch by painful inch, year by year, until he lives out a full and satisified life ala el Cubo Loco Magnifico...

Of course the United States is to bear the full cost and follow directions obediently until the playing field has been leveled financially and the US humbly takes its place along the emerging second-class nations of Old Europe...

That's the plan man!

In all it's glory. They want another Cuba.

...only problem is, once they embargo, they always get to feeling sorry for the embargoed!

Vicious Cycle which we are about to end because we know full well where the other path leads. We have the best example sitting off Jeb's coastline...
Hanns_Schmidt said:
I'm so eager to hear these "effective" ways

Here's an oddball method, buy Iraq. Buy out their oil fields, their army. Without those two things, Saddam is powerless.

I know it sounds crazy but how much does it cost to maintain the American military?

Simply ousting Hussein wouldn't work either because some other twit would take over and thus continue the cycle. Take him out financially and appoint a Western CEO to straighten out that nation.

Economic sanctions are foolish too. Why hurt the civilians? On the other hand, they may help to convince the oil kings to sell.
You assume Saddam is in the market to unload some lucrative property.

What's his motivation?

Sell or we invade?

Have you thought this position out?
SINthysist said:
You assume Saddam is in the market to unload some lucrative property.

What's his motivation?

Sell or we invade?

Have you thought this position out?

No I haven't thought it out, but it's becoming a better idea the more I think about it. The area is known for dirty business tactics. That's what the people know, it's what they grew up with, that and guns, just like America. But seriously, what's wrong with a hostile economic takeover? Major companies that get bought out don't want to be bought out, but it happens anyway. Countries are just like corporations. If help is required, just ask Billy Gates. He's the master of takeovers.
Saddam isn't going to "sell" anything other than a bag of goods to the UN...
Who says you have to buy from Hussein? Dirty hostile takeovers don't normally involve talks with the victim leader. Remove his assets and he has nothing.

And if you must involve violence, send Hannsie over there to take out Saddam for dramatic effect.
sterlingclay said:
Who says you have to buy from Hussein? Dirty hostile takeovers don't normally involve talks with the victim leader. Remove his assets and he has nothing.

And if you must involve violence, send Hannsie over there to take out Saddam for dramatic effect.