Who returned something today?


The Libertine
Apr 25, 2002
What was it and why did you return it?

I didn't return anything. I hoarded all my new belongings...
I didn't get anything for Christmas. But I did go to the store to get up on some of those after holiday sales.

Of course the pickings were slim. :rolleyes:
medjay said:
I didn't get anything for Christmas. But I did go to the store to get up on some of those after holiday sales.

Of course the pickings were slim. :rolleyes:

You should have told me a week and a half ago you weren't getting anything. I woulda UPSed you something.
Shaq said:
You should have told me a week and a half ago you weren't getting anything. I woulda UPSed you something.

At least someone's thinking about me.
medjay said:
At least someone's thinking about me.

I tried to think of some Streisand quote to bookend in that sentiment but can't. Want soem cheesecake?
Shaq said:
I tried to think of some Streisand quote to bookend in that sentiment but can't. Want soem cheesecake?

Hell yeah! With strawberry topping?