"Who reads books anymore?"


bootie shaker
Jul 11, 2002
Someone actually said this to me yesterday. A young guy I work with. we were talking about what we were going to get up to over the weekend, and I mentioned that I wanted to make some time to write, and to get through some of the book my book group is currently reading. And he said that. As well as "I don't know how those big bookstores stay in business really, I don't know anyone who carries books around, outside of taking a class or something. I only ever read stuff on the computer."

Am I some sort of dinosaur? Is that the prevailing attitude amongst Generation Y? Or is he just a dolt?
books are seen as archaic means of entertainment, they would much rather play a video game, watch a movie or watch T.V.

Me personally Im a big book worm. I have lots of books.
No, books are still big business. He'll eventually grow up and learn the joy a book can bring because his eyes will get weaker and reading crap on a handheld is just too hard for any length of time. Not to mention, you just don't take a handheld to the beach, but you do take a 7 dollar paperback.

Books aren't anachronisms yet, probably not anytime soon. He's just a moron.

So next time, just shake your head and give him a pitying look.
most people i know read books i would say only two of my friends don't
I love to read and going into a book store, I can spend hours just wandering around and trying to decide what books I will be taking home.

The majority of my friends do enjoy reading and when we are out of town some where we enjoy going to the bookstores and looking around.

Though I have some friends that the idea of a book does not appeal to them at all .. and I am always trying to convince them to read or I will let them borrow one of my books - but alas not every one is a book lover.
Reading has been my favorite passtime since I learned how to read. I buy a new book at least once a week.
I read anything, even the backs of cerial packets at breakfast!

No books? Sounds a touch too Orwellian to me. I love my books, I have shelves FULL of the things. They're all full of magic.
I know I love to read. And reading off a screen is never the same as reading from a book. I could spend a whole day wondering around in a bookstore, not to mention spending a fortune. But I also read my books several times before I either give them to someone else, or take them to the used bookstore. I do know people who don't like to read. I pity them, they just don't know what they're missing. But to each their own.
I mean, just what does one do on a cold rainy afternoon, if not curl up in a big blanket with a book and a steaming mug of tea?
The dolt don't know what he's missing. I have so many books it's crazy!
I have so many books that i'm starting to run out of space for them.

Right now, I am reading Ancient Egypt: A Social History, by Trigger et al.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Reading is for losers who want to escape everyday life

In peachykeens' case..she wants to read and sink into the story in order to forget her noncing days

Shut the fuck up you god damned ass wart chewing piece of shit monkey fucking spineless god damn gerbil rapist. fuck you, fuck your little problem of whatever drugs you take to be such a shit and fuck your mother, father, sisters,brothers, dog, cat, and anything else that my be even remotley associated to you and your fucked up little coward mind.
LOL thanks aquila but you know, if you quote him, it almost totally defeats me haing him on 'ignore'. This way I am forced to acknowledge his existence. Which I would really rather not.
peachykeen said:
LOL thanks aquila but you know, if you quote him, it almost totally defeats me haing him on 'ignore'. This way I am forced to acknowledge his existence. Which I would really rather not.

What she said!:rolleyes:
Is that all you got little toad? lame fat jokes? Im calling you out bitch. lay your hand on the table. let see what your spinelass hairless goat ass has.
I'm 24, an awkward age that is just on the bridge of gen x and gen y. But most of the people I know love to read. Cross him off your list as an idiot.
Reading is one of my favorite things to do. I spent most of my teenage years in my room, reading. It's a wonderful way to let your imagination run wild, lose yourself, and learn something new. I love suspense novels most of all.
No matter where I've moved to during the course of my life, the one constant has been taking my books with me. My parents bitched about them, both husbands bitched about them. Guess what? They're gone, but the books are still here! I have room-fulls now and am facing another move and downsizing of my household. For the first time in my life I'm seriously considering letting go of some of them. They are pleasure, adventure, knowledge, little bits of my life. I can't imagine not having them.

One of my favorite trips was one to the UK where I was able to spend days visiting used bookstores and adding to my collections of antique history, art and etiquette books. I kept some of my fellow passengers in stitches on the trip home quoting rules of society from the early to mid nineteeth century.
peachykeen said:
". . .I don't know how those big bookstores stay in business really, I don't know anyone who carries books around, outside of taking a class or something. I only ever read stuff on the computer."

Am I some sort of dinosaur? Is that the prevailing attitude amongst Generation Y? Or is he just a dolt?

He's a dolt. Intelligent people will always read. Always.

(It's wonderful to see my children enjoying reading. They're so young, but they've already discovered books.)
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Reading is for losers who want to escape everyday life

In peachykeens' case..she wants to read and sink into the story in order to forget her noncing days

How do you explain, you replying to posts? Osmosis through the keyboard and monitor:confused:
peachykeen said:
I mean, just what does one do on a cold rainy afternoon, if not curl up in a big blanket with a book and a steaming mug of tea?

There isn't anything better, other than possibly swapping the hot tea for iced tea........

KillerMuffin said:
No, books are still big business. He'll eventually grow up and learn the joy a book can bring because his eyes will get weaker and reading crap on a handheld is just too hard for any length of time. Not to mention, you just don't take a handheld to the beach, but you do take a 7 dollar paperback.

Books aren't anachronisms yet, probably not anytime soon. He's just a moron.

So next time, just shake your head and give him a pitying look.

While books are still big business, television and movies dominate culture in way that books never will again. I just read an interesting books about how television has influenced culture, written nearly a decade ago but still quite relevant: "Amusing ourselves to death" by Neil Postman.

It's a shame, but I do think books are an anachronism to most people. Remember that most Americans are quite ignorant. I tend to forget it, myself, because I tend to hang with the intellectuals and avoid the frat boys. But even frat boys seem like genii compared to the Springer crowd that populates most of America.