Who needs sleep? No I'm never gonna get it


Super Jewess
Mar 12, 2002
Nope. Can't sleep. Ain't happenin. I'm so tired I can't think straight.

Part of it is my husband is in Boston tonight and while I'm usually ok with it, there are just times I don't like being alone in this big old house (with state of the art alarm systems and three viscious beastly dogs).

But mostly it's just insomnia. Brain buzzing. Emotions whirling. Thoughts all akimbo. Happy that you were finally able to use the work akimbo today.

Welcome to my world. lol

The worst is when you've lain in bed for about 3 hours and your brain simply won't shut down.

I read recently that trying to force your eyes to stay open in a dark room fools the brain into thinking you're tired. I haven't had a chance to try it out. Wanna be my guinea pig? *grin*
Akimbo is a pretty cool word to work into casual conversation. I could regale you with housecleaning stories that would make you faint. That's sort of like sleep. :)
Nora said:
Welcome to my world. lol

The worst is when you've lain in bed for about 3 hours and your brain simply won't shut down.

I read recently that trying to force your eyes to stay open in a dark room fools the brain into thinking you're tired. I haven't had a chance to try it out. Wanna be my guinea pig? *grin*

I'll try anything. I'm going to finish what I'm doing and I'll give it a shot.
Failing that, try a shot of what Eumenides has been guzzling all night. *grin* Makes me feel sleepy just thinking about it!

Good luck and happy dreams. =)
naudiz said:
Akimbo is a pretty cool word to work into casual conversation. I could regale you with housecleaning stories that would make you faint. That's sort of like sleep. :)

Naudiz! Rhys and his women have taken over my pudding vat! I'm dispondent. :( Look! I even used a frowny face!

I'd like PV to sing please. lol Ok now I'm thinking back to musical porn. Shit.
I'm gonna fuck that man right out of his hair!
la la la *mumble*
*don't know the words....
*tra la la la la*
Mmm, musical porn. I think it should have a nice attention-grabbing name like "Fucked!"

We'll get you another vat, puddin' cup. A bigger vat, a better vat. A vat's vat. A vat to be reckoned with. It'll be so big they'll be able to see it from orbit with the naked eye. The Great Vat of SoCal.
naudiz said:
Mmm, musical porn. I think it should have a nice attention-grabbing name like "Fucked!"

We'll get you another vat, puddin' cup. A bigger vat, a better vat. A vat's vat. A vat to be reckoned with. It'll be so big they'll be able to see it from orbit with the naked eye. The Great Vat of SoCal.

Thank you. I feel better now. Or maybe it was PV's singing. lol
naudiz said:
Mmm, musical porn. I think it should have a nice attention-grabbing name like "Fucked!"

Oh, then you should audition for Haze. Plus you like boobies. That's plus in porn.
Ok, I'm going to try Nora's idea. Can't hurt. If that doesn't work I'm taking the dogs and running across to Grans. Sometimes I sleep better there.
sunstruck said:

Oh, then you should audition for Haze. Plus you like boobies. That's plus in porn.

I'm so there.

o/~ I'm gonna get fuuuuuuuuuucked TONIGHT! o/~

I can just see the big dance number.
naudiz said:
Mmm, musical porn. I think it should have a nice attention-grabbing name like "Fucked!"

We'll get you another vat, puddin' cup. A bigger vat, a better vat. A vat's vat. A vat to be reckoned with. It'll be so big they'll be able to see it from orbit with the naked eye. The Great Vat of SoCal.

Since I am in Vegas, it won't be too hard to take that one over either.