Who knows that you are an author of erotic stories?


Apprentice Author
Oct 12, 2013
Hi everybody,

this is my first post into the English forum. I am an author of German stories and so far I was just visiting the German forum. Since not many authors are frequently using it I just drop by and re-post my question from there:

Who of your friends and/or family members know that you write erotic stories, regardless if here or somewhere else. When I talk about friends, I mean real friends that you meet regularly in person, no virtual ones.

If you have shared this fact, I would be happy if you could write a sentence how they have reacted.

I have to admit from my side that I did not have so far the courage to tell it anybody.

I am asking on purpose not if someone else knows that you read erotic stories.

Thanks and regards,
Yeah, Ruben's link will get you to the same answer but... Nobody knows that I Write or Read Erotica. I've had girlfriends aware that I enjoy porn and that seemed just about their limit of stuff to handle. And they seemed to only "let it slide" because I travel frequently for work. I guess I didn't say I READ erotica because that is just too close to my secret of writing it.
Only a couple people aside from my wife knew for the first few years, but when you start doing book events with horror novels that contain XXX sex in a small state like RI, you petty much told everyone.

Fortunately for me I'm the type of person that no matter what anyone said, they'd believe it. "Bodies in his basement? Yeah I can see that? Cult leader? I always thought he could be," writes porn? Yeah, he's a sick bastard
My other half, along with a few friends who've caught on. Though I tell anyone who asks that I just write 'Spicy Romance.'
Back when I first started posting on Literotica, I had a following in the Eastern part of Germany that used to discuss my latest postings. Sadly they are now all offline, but they inspired me to write 'Where did I put the sex?' moved to Austria.

Apart from them my wife knows (and doesn't care); my physiotherpist and my oncoloist.
My wife, my brother and sister-in-law, and a few friends know. Their reactions have been positive - my wife reads some of my stories if they're up her alley, and our friends who also write think it's cool. I think my mom will probably never know, though.
Ah... good question. No-one, and likely to keep it that way. Last thing you need is turning up at a customer function and having a weird conversation...! There's a definite stigma around it.
Just my wife. She just kind of shrugs and says "Whatever". LOL It really sucks that a lot of erotica writers do have to keep their writing a secret. I could write a story about a person going around killing other people in an extremely horrible, violent way and most of society (In USA anyway) won't bat an eye. But if you publish something about sex then it's a mob with pitchforks, torches, tar, and feathers gathering in front of your house. You're the most horrible person in the world. Just stupid. :mad:
I could write a story about a person going around killing other people in an extremely horrible, violent way and most of society (In USA anyway) won't bat an eye. But if you publish something about sex then it's a mob with pitchforks, torches, tar, and feathers gathering in front of your house. You're the most horrible person in the world. Just stupid. :mad:
Yeah... why is that? Stephen King can write about kids being murdered in sewers and still chat about it at dinner parties, but a scene with ropes between consenting adults is judged as not acceptable. Is it not a suitable topic because they assume the author is the real life sum of all the characters they create? That would be awkward. Also quite frankly exhausting.

Do people avoid the subject because they're not interested? Or is it because they're too interested? Murderous supernatural clowns are very firmly a work of unrealistic fantasy. A set of handcuffs in a bedroom, not so much.
Only a couple people aside from my wife knew for the first few years, but when you start doing book events with horror novels that contain XXX sex in a small state like RI, you petty much told everyone.

Fortunately for me I'm the type of person that no matter what anyone said, they'd believe it. "Bodies in his basement? Yeah I can see that? Cult leader? I always thought he could be," writes porn? Yeah, he's a sick bastard
As long as they don't call me no crude motherf*cker.
My mother knows, believe it or not. She keeps asking when I'm going to post something, but I have this issue with writing it, then re-writing it, and re-writing it. I think I'm more worried about living up to her literary standards.
Husband, but I'm not sure that he realises what they are! English is not his best language. He speaks five, but doesn't read and write in four. His reaction, was, 'so what'. A couple of girlfriends, just nodded. I think that there are a lot more people who read than would say, and would love to write too.
What I dislike most of all is when I get pm's thinking that I am the sum total of my stories. I am not, it's just another side of my imagination. For me at least some of the stories I would never participate in. JMHO!
Just my partner. I give him everything that I write before submitting it.

Some stories he has disliked, some things he thinks are too personal, some things too revealing, some things too kinky or nasty, some things too clearly about us. I value, respect, and appreciate his input, and occasionally I have changed certain things in a story because of his critique.
Like most of us here I write using a pseudonym. One reason is I don't want to be defined by my sexual imagination by anyone. I think a couple of my stories are good enough to be published but is I did so I would continue to use the pseudonym since I am published elsewhere in another genre.