Just thought it would be a bit of fun to see what pornstars all you guys and girls are into.
Currently my favourite is Kayden Kross.
Not only is she incredibly stunning but she doesn't let herself get dragged into all the really hardcore anal stuff that is going around at the moment. Which kind of makes her a bit classier than your average pornstar. She's intelligent (psych degree), and really does seem to enjoy her sex scenes which is reasonably rare, and she knows how to look after a cock after it's cum in her mouth. There really is nothing in the world like being sucked slowly until you're cock has gone fully soft. Also You can tell she's not just doing it to earn her next fix. And if you have read her blog, she's quite a funny lass to boot.
Currently my favourite is Kayden Kross.
Not only is she incredibly stunning but she doesn't let herself get dragged into all the really hardcore anal stuff that is going around at the moment. Which kind of makes her a bit classier than your average pornstar. She's intelligent (psych degree), and really does seem to enjoy her sex scenes which is reasonably rare, and she knows how to look after a cock after it's cum in her mouth. There really is nothing in the world like being sucked slowly until you're cock has gone fully soft. Also You can tell she's not just doing it to earn her next fix. And if you have read her blog, she's quite a funny lass to boot.