Who is lilguy2?


Literotica Guru
Jul 11, 2002
Hello everybody,
I am writing this thread in response to a problem we've been having around the Chyoo Message Boards. I noticed a lilguy clone going around calling himself lilguy2 and correcting almost everything lilguy says. even if it doesn't need correcting. Normally I would ignore this person, but as of right now I am going to concern myself with lilguy2. Last night a fellow Chyoo'er sent me a message, I won't say who the person was but I'll tell you what the message was asking. The message was asking if I was this lilguy2 character. First off I want to clear things up. I am not lilguy2. And secondly I don't know what anybody would have to gain by being that person.

So the question still remain unanswered. Who is lilguy2? That is the subject of this message. I am calling the person out.. or should I say... I am Chyooing the person out. Whoever you are why don't you just fuck off and leave our tight little friendly community alone. We don't need some joker going around and attacking our members. So if you do not leave willingly I am willing to do whatever it takes to make you leave forcefully.

lilguy2, I am chyoo'ing you out. Now I leave it up to you to respond.

-Tim (niceguy2002tim)
Well said.

Lilguy admittedly has a problem with spelling and grammer, which he freely admits. However his stories and the threads he contributes to other peoples stories have always shown he can come up with good storylines. He has contributed to one of my stories in the past and I simply do my job as an editor and correct spelling and tidy up the grammer and approve his threads. What he doesn't need is a troll following him around for no other purpose than (forgive my English colloquilism) to take the piss.

To Lilguy I say keep posting, most of the CHYOO community would agree that we'd miss your enthusiasm and commitment if this "Lilguy2" discouraged you from contributing to this community.
I think this is why we need a moderator.....

For egregious situations like this particular one....

To: Lilbastard2

this massage again is to lilguy2... who has yet to respond to my first message. What's wrong lilguy2? are you affraid of us when we join together? When nobody was saying anything negative you seemed to have a jolly good time on the boards. So where are you now? Who are you? And don't you have anything better to do than go around correcting lilguy's mistakes?

I am going to Chyoo you out one way or another. I just want everybody to know that while I am trying to get a hold of a moderator for other reasons I will put this on my list to mention. Good idea to Android, by the way.

Thanks guys.

Let's chyoo him out!
Yet another correction.

this massage again is to lilguy2... who has yet to respond to my first message. -Niceguy2002tim

Well it looks like I have a second purpose around Chyoo.com. Now instead of following lilguy around I have a new person to bother. And it looks like from your spelling above that you need my help. Time for another lesson, this time it's a spelling lesson again.

Niceguy2002 repeat after me.


That is how you spell the wordd. So instead of offering me a massage why don't you try sending me a message?

This correction/ lesson has been brought to you by Lilguy2.

That is how you spell the wordd. So instead of offering me a massage why don't you try sending me a message?

Okay Lilguy2,

I'm only going to go over this once so please pay close attention.


Now that you have proved not only that you are an asshole who picks on guys that really fucking try hard and (god I can't believe I’m saying this) may come up with some of the most original stories on Chyoo. You also show that you can't spell either. This is much the pity. So Mr. Glass before you start chocking stones please see that we all make mistakes but we don't all have to be assholes. Making a mistake is just that making a mistake. If it's because you don't know better, haven't been taught, or it was just an accident, a mistake is something that you can't control. Now being an asshole on the other hand is something that can be controlled. To be hurtful can be controlled. To have darkness within you can be controlled.

Now if you’re new here to you might not have noticed but we are kind of a great big family that helps each other out. Yes this family is a bit odd with dysfunctional tendencies but it is still a family.

And if you’re old here then Damnit you should know better.

well that is all the time I want to waste on this

To lilguy:

We've got your back, lilguy. I believe I made my sentiments known early on. Oh, and my kitty has claws, hee hee!
To: Mr. Correction.

this MESSAGE is to Lilguy2. I know I wasn't the first person to point this out, Ooohkitty beat me to it... but I can't resist.

That is how you spell the wordd. - Lilguy2

Actually how you spell the word is W-O-R-D! Ha ha stupid!

This chyoo'ing out has been brought to you by, NICEGUY2002TIM.

My fellow Chyoo'ers have made some good points and I agree with them. If you want to be an asshole there is no place for you at Chyoo. However, I believe in giving everybody a second chance... so if you are willing to pull the stick out of your ass and be a real Chyoo'er than you are welcome to stay.

The ball is in your court now.

-Tim (niceguy2002tim)
Good Question.

*Please see other message in the forum, titled I am Lilguy2.*

The above response has been brought to you by Lilguy2.