Who Is Hanns?


Very Experienced
May 24, 2002
If he's a regular, he could be hard to track. He could be, for example, intentionally masking his style, or pretending interests or attitudes he doesn't really have.

On the other hand, he's posted reams and reams. And some things are hard to hide.

For example, it's reasonable clear he doesn't have a job, unless it's a job that allows him to sit at a computer all day, posting obscenities onto lit. He seems to sleep between about 3am and 12 noon, GMT.

He seems to have some animosity toward lit. Perhaps specifically toward the GB, since that's the only place he posts.

He seems to genuinely care about Israel - I think. On the other hand, it's perfectly clear he doesn't know the first thing about guns.

He's fairly knowledgable, a good speller, and smarter than he first appears.

He's British. Or Commonwealth. But not American.

He has an odd style of punctuation; he frequently leaves spaces at the ends of sentences. And rarely - or never - uses exclamations. He's a fan of one-liners, frequently double-spacing in between. He knows usages peculiar to Australia, but drops hints he lives in England now.

Some examples:

You've got a cheek to talk about logic you fucking skank

If 'lisa' is away at work, I can come over and make you Lemsip and top up your hot water bottle

Thi is an appeal on behalf of the blind, deaf and nonced kids.

Most Israelis (apart from some orthodox nutters) were happy to live next to the arabs.

I thought the guys would at least be in favour

Dicked her this 'arvo

But still.....now I have to go back to sulky sooky MorgainLeFay

The first five examples are English colloquialisms or spellings. Arvo and sooky are Australian. However, I think Hanns lives in England:

London's street crime has over taken Ney York by miles.

Some cunt gets pissed off, gets out of his car and macks the other bitch

That is very rare in the UK....they just stab them

Also, the three am to noon sleep pattern is consistent for someone who's unemployed.

All of this, I think definitely narrows it down, but here's the kicker. If you search the phrase "tooled up" you will get three hits (Ok, you have to search tooled, and narrow it down, because of the three-letter word rule... but same thing...) Two are by Hanns... The other is DannyBoy's.

A phrase used by two and only two posters on lit is pretty rare, I think. There's more, although the rest is more circumstantial.

Danny/Denny is still around. On 10-12, SIN asked:

Where's WetMarlene?
10-12-2002 07:17 AM

She responded:
10-13-2002 12:58 PM

On 10-12, Denny posted:

any chance people can forgive and forget yet ?
(The answer was 'no," in case you're curious.)

Hanns, in one of less-maniacal moments, posted:
I lurk all the time

For those who don't know, or don't remember, a few months back Danny/Denny got busted for trolling miles using fake ID's. The reason Danny gave at the time was that miles was "anti-semitic." The clincher then was Danny's space-before-the-exclamation-mark, which could explain Hanns's aversion to them.

Danny in his Denny persona - and also as WetMarlene - posted as Australian.

Thanks for the enthusiasm you wankers !

Sucks to be anything other than an Australian

But I doubt whether he'll be back anyway - shame because until he started to have a pop at miles (using my name) he used to post some good stuff

On that note I'm joining denny in bed

Not heard of him in Oz either

He, you and I are aussies, Bindii - as a minority here we have to defend each other

Danny, on the other hand, posted - I think truthfully - as an Englishman.

Danny’s pattern was to post from about 6am to 9am, and then start posting again after 5pm GMT. Except on weekends, when he’d post during the day. He rarely posted after midnight GMT. Uncledenny claimed to be from Australia, but his posting pattern matched Danny’s - in other words, that of someone who lived in England and had a job.

If Denny/Danny is Hanns, most likely he's recently lost his job, or is on vacation.

Ok, that's pretty much all I've got. What do you think?

I'm curious to know how many of the women Hanns has had a go at knew Danny before his fall.

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Sandia, bubba, don't get all furious over this, but I think it's time to call up the Internet provider and take a disconnect hiatus.

Hannsy is a troll and not a very imaginative one at that. He's a persistent little bugger, but I imagine he's having soooooo much scintillating fun jerking your chain that he can barely keep himself away.

He's entertaining, but not worth that kind of effort.
good work but fuck him he is not as funny as yayati

now there is your next project:devil:
pabloback said:
good work but fuck him he is not as funny as yayati

now there is your next project:devil:

Personally, I prefer Scotty :)

At least he is original
Now, KM, why you got to go and pee in my cereal box for?

Quickduck: I preferred all the trolls over Hanns. I always sorta liked Yayati, for example. He was entertaining.
Its me...

Oh wait Im Kitte....same number of letters though...

I think he really just wants Ezarcs cute butt.
I gotta say, I hate yayati worse than Hanns. At least Hanns doesn't say racist things, as far as I've read. Hanns is an asshole to everyone.
It depends

MechaBlade said:
I gotta say, I hate yayati worse than Hanns. At least Hanns doesn't say racist things, as far as I've read. Hanns is an asshole to everyone.

It depends upon what you like in ways of humor. They are both around only for effect, there is no real substance to what they bring to the GB as those two poster's.

Hann's has a more hateful humor. Yoyo is an idiot.
So this Danny Denny dude becomes Hanns because he cranked on Miles???

No offence Miles, but I just don't see changin' my ID over you, baby.

That's a lot of effort Sandia.....everything okay over there my friend?

There's an Unreg that's been popping up trying to mimic my style since Cymwar I. It's not so bright, but seems to have a good sense of timing in terms of attempting to make me look bad.

Can you get on that for me?
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Yayati's old posts are classic. He's either a little burned out, hit too much acid, or he passed on his identity (sorta like Castro and Saddam do).

I say Hanns' charakterzug is posting endurance. His defence of Israel is a definite hint. The people he acknowledges and ignores, along with those gay brit phrases makes him Man Tit. Sandia has proven to be quite the gumshoe or is that detective chief inspector.
I thought it was all decided that Hanns was RastaPope.

What happened to that?
I was but a mere constable, the investigation abruptly went to the C.I.D. after the mangling you speak of.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
I thought I was Hanns because we've never been photographed together. Or something.

except for that one wild night of unbrideled passion...
My congrats Sandia...

I also think it's DannyBoyUK, come back to get attention and a bit of revenge for what happened to him last time.

I also think there are other nick's attached to this character, but he's better at hidding it this time. At least I don't think he is using the Hanns character to deceive anyone into an emotionally vulnerable position, this time. I hope he's not doing that again as one of his other personas.

Sandia, when I outed DannyBoy a few months ago, Cheyenne (and a couple of others) told me what a thankless job it was. That's the same thing I warned you about. Most people won't care. Some people will not like knowing that they are not as completely anonymous on this board as they would like to believe. I think a lot of people tell "little-white-lies" on the board, and don't want to think anyone might be watching closely enough to catch them. There are also some people who have their own theories that don't agree with your evidence, and people don't like to be "corrected."

I think you have done well. Hanns is a royal pain-in-the-ass. From experience, I know that doing this kind of research can be fun, once you get into it. Don't worry about the negative feedback from some people, just do it because you WANT to.

hey, the man is just living up to his av. he wants to win the affection and gratitude of jessica rabbit.

oh wait, i think i'm getting my cartoons mixed up...
I don't understand how figuring out that one guy with a fake name is actually another guy with a fake name is a good thing.
So this DannyBoyUK appears to be a lawyer who likes fantasy sex with moms and stories about fucking his mom, taking a look at his first and last posts.

And Hanns is a sniper who rarely talks to men and insults women all day.

So....did this dude's mom die or break up with him or something?