Who here doesn't like their partner to....


Literotica Guru
Jul 4, 2012
nuzzle their neck? Hard to believe but I have actually run into one or two people who dislike that.
My wife's neck is a no-touching zone.

Hands off, no kissing, and massages are met with unease.

Which is a pain, because I love kissing and nibbling a woman's neck, or holding her throat when we have sex.
All my girlfriends have had sensitive necks. One time I sucked an ex's neck in public and she bit through my jacket to keep herself from moaning. I had a red mark on my chest for a few days and I had on multiple layers. Strong jaws on her...
Yeah. The neck area is sensitive for most women I think. Maybe it is the pup in me but I love to nuzzle and lick.
For me it's my most ..........

Yeah. The neck area is sensitive for most women I think. Maybe it is the pup in me but I love to nuzzle and lick.

Erogenous zone my neck and ears are my favorite places to be nuzzled!!:kiss:
Big fan of "necking", both giving and receiving. I did have an ex who would always want to pull on and pinch my ear lobes. I hated it. But for some reason she thought I liked it and would keep doing it. Drove me nuts!
Hehe. Yes I nuzzling both doing and getting is great. I've been told a few times not to do it b/c it drives her crazy.
My neck is very sensitive. I definitely want my partner to kiss, nuzzle, suck on my neck. It's my go to spot! And in return I like to do the same to my partner, it's sexy.
My neck is very sensitive. I definitely want my partner to kiss, nuzzle, suck on my neck. It's my go to spot! And in return I like to do the same to my partner, it's sexy.