Who has a hot weekend planned?


Southern Gentleman
Jan 3, 2002
And what are you doing to make it hot? Do you have plans for a seduction? A wild time? A romantic adventure? What are you going to do?

.........it depends on the guy that shows up....

My birthday is Friday and he plans to show up Saturday to celebrate with me....he wanted to meet me. We have already spoken on the phone...and I even read him some of my poetry. I can definitely feel some HEAT coming from his direction......*blushes*. Gods...I haven't had it for so long (all of a month)...I'm afraid I'll explode all over the poor guy! lol
That sounds wonderful. The anticipation is both worrisome and delicious at the same time. Good luck. :) ;)

Have a happy, happy birthday. :rose:
If he's coming to visit you, what do you have planned? Dinner? Show? A comfortable night at home?
I'm not sure what I'm going to do this weekend, but we got a babysitter for Friday night. I plan to take full advantage of it (we don't get babysitters often). Hopefully it'll include a trip to our local sex shop. :devil:
I'm hoping a seduction, a wild time and a romantic adventure

I guess we'll see how it all works out. Third date. Threes always been a lucky number for me. I think I am in though!!!!! Or at least will be soon enough:)
Hotred911 said:
I'm not sure what I'm going to do this weekend, but we got a babysitter for Friday night. I plan to take full advantage of it (we don't get babysitters often). Hopefully it'll include a trip to our local sex shop. :devil:

Have a wonderful time. It's nice to have that rare treat of having an evening dedicated to adult conversations and maybe passions.
LovetoGiveRoses said:

Have a wonderful time. It's nice to have that rare treat of having an evening dedicated to adult conversations and maybe passions.

I'm sure we'll have a great time. The funny thing is that our adult conversations always include talking about our son at some time or another.
Re: I'm hoping a seduction, a wild time and a romantic adventure

Zephan said:
I guess we'll see how it all works out. Third date. Threes always been a lucky number for me. I think I am in though!!!!! Or at least will be soon enough:)

So, you going to start with a broadway show, a movie, a candlelight dinner?
Hotred911 said:

I'm sure we'll have a great time. The funny thing is that our adult conversations always include talking about our son at some time or another.

LOL...at least it won't be interupted with the ubiquitous phrase "Mommy, I can't sleep". The babysitter can read stories Friday.

Is there a special event planned, or just getting away for a couple hours?
Does anticipation of nasty lustful dreams count as a hot weekend?

LovetoGiveRoses said:
If he's coming to visit you, what do you have planned? Dinner? Show? A comfortable night at home?

probably all 3 *wink*
Aquila said:
Does anticipation of nasty lustful dreams count as a hot weekend?

Yes, yes, yes. I know you as a man of the world. A sophisticated fellow should have sophisticated weekend plans. You must be doing more than having dreams. Surely. Though I'm travelling this weekend, I'm not doing anything much interesting except watching some soccer, I have to live vicarously through y'all.
Re: *giggles*

dragonhearted said:

probably all 3 *wink*

LOL. I was talking about a play at the local theater...your mind is in the guttter...or is it my mind? ...mmm...LOL. Have a great time. I'm heading off to bed in a few minutes...have to work tomorrow.
LovetoGiveRoses said:

LOL...at least it won't be interupted with the ubiquitous phrase "Mommy, I can't sleep". The babysitter can read stories Friday.

Is there a special event planned, or just getting away for a couple hours?

Very true, at least we know we won't be interupted. ;)

No special event, it was my husbands b-day last week, and part of his gift from his mom was a night of babysitting. It'll just be one of those nights that non-parents often take for granted. We'll think of something we'd like to do, and then just go do it. No having to worry about packing the diaper bag!
LovetoGiveRoses said:

Yes, yes, yes. I know you as a man of the world. A sophisticated fellow should have sophisticated weekend plans. You must be doing more than having dreams. Surely. Though I'm travelling this weekend, I'm not doing anything much interesting except watching some soccer, I have to live vicarously through y'all.

Uhm you don't want to live vicariously through me, that would be like well, disappointing and at times terrifying..

But Ill give you the highlights. Yay.
Actually it was last weekend.

We drove to a neighboring city where we had reservations at a Bed & Breakfast. Had dinner at a marvelous Cuban cafe, with key lime pie and rum sauce for desert.

We took a canal boat ride as the sun set behind the skyline. We walked down to a little Jazz joint where we had a glass of white wine and danced to a couple of tunes.

Back at our rooms, we used magic on each other, rincing off in the double Jetta tub. Huummm, some good cuddleing there, followed by fantastic 69. (Amazzing how magic makes all oral sex more interesting.) We watched a romantic comedy on the room's VCR, and made long sweet love again.

We woke up to the delious smells of fresh coffee and eggs benidict. when we ot to the table our hostess was just finishing squezzing the orange juice. There was a fruit cup that had eight diferent fruits, followed by the eggs benedict smothered in just made Hollendise sauce.

Any way that is the way our week end started.