Who for Vice President?


Literotica Guru
Jul 31, 2014
I quite like the thought of Jen Psaki. Quick witted with a sharp put-down for moronic reporters with dumb questions when WH Press Secretary.

A double female ticket would own the MAGA morons who expect women to be at home looking after the babies while the men-folk are chewing gum at the gun range.
Pete Buttigieg has been the administration’s go-to guy for television appearances. He’s an excellent speaker.

He’s from the Midwest.

Would his sexual orientation be a negative? MAGAs would predictably respond with horrendous slurs, but the general population might recoil from those slurs and produce more support?

I doubt Harris will pick him.
Jesus H. Christ on a cracker...

I live in deep red America and I don't see this MAGA shit anywhere but on this board when I come here. I think that 99% of the people posting in fear of this MAGA monster do so out of nothing more than insecurity. You know who spends an awful lot of time talking about Mayor Pete and his sexual proclivities?

It ain't the Right! It's the idiots on the Left who think that all they have to do is wave a rainbow cape and the bull they face will blindly charge in rage. It's the Left that always brings up MAGA and I am beginning to suspect that its because they don't dare discuss their "feelings" on actual issues, so they subject the rest of us to the golems of their personal issues.

I would never vote against Mayor Pete because he's gay. I would never vote for Mayor Pete because he's a dweeb who hasn't really done very much with his life other than dabble in identity politics.
I'm really not in favor of taking a Governor or anyone else out of Office.
The Hill reviews the possible choices …

Who could be Harris’s running mate?

Their list is mostly governors.
The thing about choosing a governor over a Senator would be that you don't lose your advantage in the Senate.

I think Shapiro is being over hyped....I think Bashear would be better if he had better name recognition. (At least I'm not convinced people know him as well as most of us do)

Cooper would be interesting though also with the name recognition.

Kelly would be interesting and bring Arizona votes.

Warmach would energize the ticket.

I think Buttigeg would be a bad pick as would Klobachor and Whitmer (they'd overshadow Harris)
Jesus H. Christ on a cracker...

I live in deep red America and I don't see this MAGA shit anywhere but on this board when I come here. I think that 99% of the people posting in fear of this MAGA monster do so out of nothing more than insecurity. You know who spends an awful lot of time talking about Mayor Pete and his sexual proclivities?

A 30 second search brought up these examples from the forum. I’m sure there are many more:

Preliminary reports suggest a bearing went out. I know that the RR's have heat sensing monitoring stations at regular intervals on their track, especially on the mainlines, which this is. So, if a bearing is the cause was the monitor station faulty? Had it been tampered with? Or was this just a catastrophic failure? The NTSB report will cover it.

Buttplug is uniquely incompetent for the position he's in, but he didn't cause the derailment nor did any action he took, or didn't take, cause it.

I think it's time for Pete Buttigieg to submit his resignation, go home, put on his plastic tits, and rock his baby. :rolleyes:
We need somebody from Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri or near there.
We need somebody from Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri or near there.

I’d think a swing state governor would be the priority.

Cooper in North Carolina fits the bill. The state is nominally supposed to vote for Trump, but the Republican nominee for governor is a convicted felon and unhinged lunatic.

Cooper might be the nudge needed to make North Carolina blue.

The only downside I see is that Cooper is 67.
Anyone who can be the stronger and smarter half of the ticket, because they really need that.
I would never vote against Mayor Pete because he's gay.
I am very surprised to hear this, AJ.

Most "recovering homosexuals" such as yourself have an almost feral animosity towards people who have the same sexual orientation that you abandoned years back.
If Beshear gets invited, how does that leave Kentucky? Apparently, he only just won the governorship so if he quits would dems still secure a governor there in his place?
Unfortunately, it may be the case that the pick for VP will depend on who can most appeal to the political preferences of the swing states; particularly those rural states that feel most unrepresented in either the House or the Senate.
on paper, in the public eye, Kelly does look good:

White Male moderate dem representing Arizona, astronaut, Navy combat vet, the public sympathy angle from his wife—Gabby Giffords—being shot, their joint work advocating gun safety
David Plouffe, a leading adviser to former President Barack Obama, has been approached by allies of Vice President Kamala Harris to join a hybrid team of consultants at the top of her organizational chart, according to two people familiar with the outreach.

Plouffe’s admirers are encouraging him to accept a position in the Harris campaign, believing she needs more proven hands who offer a voice from outside both the Biden and Harris orbits. The addition of Plouffe to Harris’ team would immediately inject A-list talent in the most senior ranks of the operation as they work to reintroduce Harris and ensure she’s on solid footing ahead of her biggest first decision: whom to select as her vice presidential nominee.
I think Kelly would be a good choice. He's everything the moderate Republicans who are on the fence about Trump are looking for, fighter pilot, astronaut, white guy.