Who do you think about while masturbating?

Other than your spouse or significant other who is the most frequent visitor to your fantasies while you masturbate?
People aren’t going to believe this. But honestly, I only think of my wife while masturbating. Yes, I’m married and not dead or blind. I do notice other attractive women. But my wife and I are a hotwife couple. Nothing turns me on more than Mrs. Screwher having sex with other men. So when I’m pleasuring myself I have visions from watching my wife’s last session with her boyfriend. And I have numerous fantasies of her getting fucked!
I fantasize about placing my wife's brother's cock into her pussy with my own hands, encouraging them to look at each other's faces and just feel the pleasure, helping them get over their initial hesitance and hearing my wife moan as his thick cock slowly slides deep into her pussy. And then, about watching them make love while suck her tits, and when they move into doggystyle, laying with my face underneath her pussy so I can watch everything, including the moment her brother explodes inside her, and she lets their creampie drip into my mouth.

I've become almost unable to cum unless I imagine my wife getting fucked by her brother.
It is usually a past sexual experience, but lately I have found that it heightens the intensity if I imagine someone is in the next room. As I start to cum, I pretend I’m being caught as the door opens.
I have a roster of old girlfriends and porn stars that I think about when I'm in a particularly horny mood. However, the question was about masturbation to fantasy, and I rarely do that. With internet porn a click away there is an unending amount and variety of porn that I use for jerking off.

The problem with 100% fantasy, no visual aids, for me is I haven't had that many super-amazing sexual encounters over the many years. When I think of things that compare to my favorite porn videos, there are only a few moments and those memories are not fresh.

On the occasions that my wife wants 'to cuddle', that gets me going right away, so I'm not totally jaded. It's just I'd rather spend a few minutes clicking through one amazing, new, woman doing whatever she does, however she does it. If it's not just right, a click takes me to another. Going down memory lane for the 10,000th time thinking about that one thing she did that one time just doesn't compare.
I mostly watch porn when I masturbate. My current favourite is a thai Girl, fucking two hunky guys on a yacht, while another guy steals the yacht watching them. In my mind, the girl is me and the guy steering the yacht is my husband
Well, that is hot enough for sure :)
Other than your spouse or significant other who is the most frequent visitor to your fantasies while you masturbate?
I usually fantasize about one, usually several, women I’ve known or been acquainted with in the past or present in various incestuous scenarios.
Generally as mentioned above porn is right there. Sometimes I finish while watching but other times the video ends and I have my own fantasies. I have a picture folder in my phone of a woman I have a crush on, so that is opened sometimes...a lot.