Who do you have to sleep with to get your story featured on the Chyoo front page?

I think it is random

But if you want to sleep with me I promise to help!!

I had thought kendahl would be the first to reply to this post.

Now how bad do I need that help.......


Ratz.. jakelyon beat me to it.. so to speak. You did try submitting where it asks in the profile section, I believe it is?
Sure did. I just wanted to see what kind of response this forum title would get.

speaking of sunning and other things..

I see the young lady in your avatar has rolled over since your last message-kendahl6969
Yeah, her back was getting a little burnt so it was time to work on the front.

Pick me! Pick Me! Pick Me!

As the most Senior Member of the CHYOO community, I believe it is I who gets the honor and privledge of granting that wish!

BTW ... make sure you use plenty of lotion!

as far as the burnt bum..

.I kind of like toasted buns myself.. swirl a little icing on each one, really a taste treat! Hmm is there a 'Cinnabon' in the Stone Wall Mall? --Kendahl6969, mind wandering again.. Dacia's avatars just do that!
My apologies

I must apologies I didn't relize my avatar was being so much of a distraction. I feel just terrible. If it would help, even in just some small way, I would gladly change my AV to something more appropiate? How about the one below for an example?

thanks for the concern, but..

I really wouldn't want you to put yourself out, changing your avatar again so soon. It's just something I'll have to work through, I guess. Your thoughtfulness and sense of responsibility is much appreciated, though.

Ok I'll leave the AV as it is for now but if it becomes too much do let me know and I'll change it/

I love that avatar.

Just out of curiosity, is she anybody you know?
(Not that I expect it to be)

mystery woman

dacia had said the previous av with the young lovely was one she had 'awhile'. I guess she had another. Spill, dacia,hehe.

Definitely NO!

No! Do not change the avatar... especially the "other one"!
No the AV is not of me or anybody I know. I just thought it would be cool to theme the AV with my latest story Summer Down Under. I will continue to change the AV from time to time though. Does that clear anything up?

Darn, I was gonna ask for a date, when we finally get around to emigrating.........

