Who could you do without?

Who would you kick off the island?

  • Political Extremists

    Votes: 23 26.7%
  • Shameless Sexual Flirts

    Votes: 5 5.8%
  • Obvious Multi-Alias Trolls

    Votes: 27 31.4%
  • "Know-It-All" Intellectuals

    Votes: 11 12.8%
  • "Don't Make Sense" types

    Votes: 10 11.6%
  • Other (everyone's favorite!)

    Votes: 10 11.6%

  • Total voters


...a curious sort
Mar 11, 2002
I was telling a friend about this website the other day...and we got to discussing the "types" of boards and "types" of people. I explained that I tend to only frequent the GB, and occasionally the picture board...and that was about the extent of my interaction with members here, aside from the stories.

That got me to thinking. Which type of person could you do *without around here. Now...let's try and refrain from naming names.....that isn't what this thread is about. (*Not that I could stop you if you cared to) What I'm talking about are the various "types" of posters that make up Lit..and which one you wouldn't mind taking a hiatus from.

*Political Extremists - the ones who take every political issue from poverty and world famine all the way to war, and present their own slight askew views, if not an entirely different slant completely.

*Shameless Sexual Flirts - The type who's soul reason for being on Lit is just to flirt or make sexual suggestion to, but provide no other type of "meaningful interaction" with other members.

*Obvious Multi-Alias Trolls - Those members who have anywhere from a few to dozens of names with which it's clear that they are only here to antagonize or stir the shit, as it were.

*"Know-It-All" intellectuals - The ones who no matter what the subject profess to know the right answer, and portray that "I'm better than you are" mentality.

*Senseless Typists - The ones who can't form a complete sentence, or make it seem that they are just bouncing a rubber ball on the keyboard over and over again to form some semblance of an actual post.

*other - (of course) and please specify.

Again...please, no names. I'm not looking to isloate anyone here...I'm just wondering who thinks what.

Thanks in advance.
I've already got rid of the long threaders.

So, I guess Other.
I voted for other. The fluffy, brother/sister, huggle and ^5, oozing of fake love, laughing at their own posts, thinking they are brilliant, annoying sig line posters.
Oscuridad said:

lol...I was waiting for someone to be offended. LOL

Why, Oscur? Are you one of those "sexual types" that have nothing else to contribute? <teasing> LOL

Vilac said:
lol...I was waiting for someone to be offended. LOL

Why, Oscur? Are you one of those "sexual types" that have nothing else to contribute? <teasing> LOL

I object to bad_kitty's description of me.

The 'know-it-alls', but i wouldn't confuse them with intellectuals. The two are not the same!
I wouldn't get rid of any particular type. I don't even think I'd get rid of any particular individual. It's the differences that keep things here dynamic.

It's the same reason I don't use the ignore function. You never know what you're going to miss. Just because someone is a complete idiot doesn't mean that they're not at least good for being the butt of the occasional joke.

And along with that you do get people who start off posting on the wrong fit but eventually do develop and have something constructive to contribute to the board.

If anything instead of getting rid of someone I'd bring someone back - Unregistered.

Lasher said:
I wouldn't get rid of any particular type. I don't even think I'd get rid of any particular individual. It's the differences that keep things here dynamic.

I agree. I'm not talking about "getting rid" of anyone or any group. Just talking about personal preferences, is all. And..it seems I should of included a spot for "Keeping it all the same" or some variable.

I never *used to use the ignore function until about 3 months ago. Things just got to be too much with some posters, and as they say.."ignorance is bliss". lol...although I keep some of them around for a pleasant distraction. <g>

Oscuridad said:
I object to bad_kitty's description of me.

Awww, I wan't talking about you, I had a few ppl in mind, one particularly whose name starts with ~ and ends with ~
bad kitty said:
Awww, I wan't talking about you, I had a few ppl in mind, one particularly whose name starts with ~ and ends with ~
oh... I know who you mean.

*strokes your belly and gives you a good fondle*

Will that get me kicked off this thread?
Oscuridad said:
oh... I know who you mean.

*strokes your belly and gives you a good fondle*

Will that get me kicked off this thread?

Nah...I'm all for the groping. Have at it. LOL

There is way too much overlap between the political extremists and the know-it-alls for them to be two distinctly seperate groups, IMHO.

But i voted for (against?) the troll group as the are just sucking valuable oxygen away from the rest of the planet and serving no constructive purpose whatsoever.
Vilac said:
*Senseless Typists - The ones who can't form a complete sentence, or make it seem that they are just bouncing a rubber ball on the keyboard over and over again to form some semblance of an actual post.

Ugh. Is that how they do it?
Re: Re: Who could you do without?

Rambling Rose said:
Ugh. Is that how they do it?

lol...seems like a reasonable explanation to me. <shrug>

You really have to care about all this to desire to be rid of any particular type.

I guess I just don't care enough on the whole. I just care about my friends. The rest is mostly peripheral letters and numbers.
I chose other.. which includes those whom are players, deceptive mind gamers and use brash bullying tactics with "wanna be tough types" included. But with out them it would detract from the appreciation of those whom are genuine in thought, heart and here to share and enjoy brilliantly.

Also agreed with in a lot is Lasher's points on the diversity of so many herein. With it being good to see when those whom repeatedly seek to hurt others mellow with time in letting their multiple insecurities drop.
I voted Know it all's, because they butt in, tell thier advice, and will argue to the death just why they are 'right' and everyone else is wrong.

As someone else mentioned, don't confuse these with intelligent people.

Know it alls rarely have the knowledge to back what they just 'know' is right, they just read it somewhere, or heard of someone's brother's boyfriends' cousin who had it happen, and suddenly, they are an authority on the subject matter.