White texan teacher put on leave after kids record him telling them his was the 'superior race'


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009
In the wake of the video going viral, Bohls Middle School announced they were putting the teacher on administrative leave.The teacher, who happens to be a White man, shared with the students that he believes his race is the superior race. As he elaborated, the man said that he believes members of every race feel this way. After saying that he is not racist, the man went onto say that he believes everybody is a bit racist.
remind you of anyone on this board, much? :coffee: the typical racist using typical racist excuses 'everybody is a bit of a racist'. There's nothing wrong in being proud of your heritage, but to truly believe you are superior to another person simply because of the colour of your skin—whatever hue that might be—is both racist AND absurd.

It must not have been the first time because the student who recorded knew he was going to go there.
"everybody's a bit racist"

there are the racists who truly believe it simply because they can't imagine anyone NOT possessing that same trait

there are the racists who 'know' they are superior and reach for this excuse to excuse themselves

and the situational racists who use this when it suits them but mostly don't exhibit outright racism where other factors such as wealth and personal relationships enter into it
Should he be taken out of the classroom if he, as is being shown, identified himself as superior to others on the basis of race? Yes, he should--and not just on administrative leave but kicked to the curb without benefits.
"everybody's a bit racist"

there are the racists who truly believe it simply because they can't imagine anyone NOT possessing that same trait

there are the racists who 'know' they are superior and reach for this excuse to excuse themselves

and the situational racists who use this when it suits them but mostly don't exhibit outright racism where other factors such as wealth and personal relationships enter into it
cherry picking is cute

you left this out, isnt he right?

he believes members of every race feel this way.
Nothing new here.

The American white power consortium and white-centric institutions have been indoctrinating our youth with subtle and not so subtle cues that the white race is superior since the founding.

And when some people "Get Woke" to that ^ truth and demand that "Black Lives matter too", they are labeled as racists themselves by the cynical racists who have enjoyed their white privilege their whole lives and recognize the threat to that privilege posed by the "Woke" troublemakers.

It IS disturbing that the teacher felt emboldened to say the quiet part out loud, but at least now that it's out in the open, it can be confronted and addressed..

The gaslighting about "imagined" systemic / institutional white bias / privilege should end.
Why are some White people so obsessed with race? If you see a post about race, dollars to donuts it's a White person who created it. Then there will be that one guy who who has devoted hours and hours to studying the subject to prove his virulent racism isn't a personal mental condition based in self esteem issues.

I swear I can go weeks at a time without ever noticing how Blacks, Mexicans, and gay people are ruining my life. I guess I have a exceptionally high resistance to fear of minorities.
Should he be taken out of the classroom if he, as is being shown, identified himself as superior to others on the basis of race? Yes, he should--and not just on administrative leave but kicked to the curb without benefits.
Pflugerville ISD Superintendent Dr. Douglas Killian said the aforementioned teacher "is no longer employed" by the district and they are now "actively looking for a replacement" following his "inappropriate, inaccurate, and unacceptable" advisory discussion.

remind you of anyone on this board, much? :coffee: the typical racist using typical racist excuses 'everybody is a bit of a racist'. There's nothing wrong in being proud of your heritage, but to truly believe you are superior to another person simply because of the colour of your skin—whatever hue that might be—is both racist AND absurd.

Such beliefs were are FAR more common among White Brits.
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OK, so I watched the video and I had to wonder if that teacher is none other than our very own "JohnEngelman".

American guy: "deep down, we're all ethnocentrists".

British guy: "How dare American racist say such things! Us Brits love our Blackies and wog-ies""
**After cameras are turned off: "I refuse to share my desk with a thieving+squallor-prone wogie"
"everybody's a bit racist"

there are the racists who truly believe it simply because they can't imagine anyone NOT possessing that same trait
As we see almost every time a certain member of this forum posts, racists usually believe they're not racist. Ergo, they would not agree that "everybody's a bit racist". (I, for what it's worth, am inclined to agree - or at least, there is racism in us all. It's how we grapple with it that matters.)
Why is your race better than others?
I am a white Gentile. I prefer Orientals to white Gentiles. They tend to be more intelligent. They have lower rates of crime and illegitimacy. I have never known an Oriental I did not like. I have known white Gentiles I hated.

I learned that Oriental girls existed when I was six or seven. I remember thinking, "Some white girls are pretty. Some are not. All Oriental girls are pretty." :love:

My two best friends in high school were Chinese Americans.

My admiration for Orientals and Jews gets me banned from white nationalist web sites.

I evaluate each race by the average characteristics found in the race. I admire intelligence, obedience to the law, and monogamy.
Brown sugar is the best.
For fucking anyway. Not sure about anything else. Well, basketball but that sorta goes without saying.
White people are the best at pretending we're the best at everything when we really aren't the best at shit.
Asian pussy is fire. Never had Native American or other indigenous pussy. So if anyone is out there looking for an average white dude, hmu
Maybe an Innuit/Maori 3way or something. That'd be hot AF.
And I gottat say, Latino pussy gets a lot of press but I rank it 3rd at best. I mean it's pussy so of course it's awesome but I was disappointed. Should have been better. Stupid whores.
Yeah yeah sample size of 1. Fuck off.
I am a white Gentile. I prefer Orientals to white Gentiles. They tend to be more intelligent. They have lower rates of crime and illegitimacy. I have never known an Oriental I did not like. I have known white Gentiles I hated.

I learned that Oriental girls existed when I was six or seven. I remember thinking, "Some white girls are pretty. Some are not. All Oriental girls are pretty." :love:

My two best friends in high school were Chinese Americans.

My admiration for Orientals and Jews gets me banned from white nationalist web sites.

I evaluate each race by the average characteristics found in the race. I admire intelligence, obedience to the law, and monogamy.
Did you happen to catch who I directed that to or were you just salivating at the chance to answer your favorite question?

You've told us about your hard-on for Asians many times. Nobody cares.....there's another forum for that.
Did you happen to catch who I directed that to or were you just salivating at the chance to answer your favorite question?

You've told us about your hard-on for Asians many times. Nobody cares.....there's another forum for that.
As I mentioned tho, Asian pussy is fire so he kinda has a point in a severely racist sort of way.
Did you happen to catch who I directed that to or were you just salivating at the chance to answer your favorite question?

You've told us about your hard-on for Asians many times. Nobody cares.....there's another forum for that.
I am governed by my heart and mind, not my penis. :heart:

You care about what I say because you are always flaming me. You cannot answer my arguments, because you know that what I say is true. :nana:
I am governed by my heart and mind, not my penis.

You care about what I say because you are always flaming me. You cannot answer my arguments, because you know that what I say is true.
I do enjoy mocking you regularly as well as calling out your bullshit, even as you cluelessly misunderstand the context or reasoning.