White men that like Black women

I always see videos of white girls with black men. Are there other white men who prefer black women?
My black girlfriend is the best I have ever had

I've been with a number of black women, all very beautiful. There's just one catch, for me at any rate. If you're a white guy who doesn't have the biggest penis in the world, and since, statistically, it appears that one we're talking about really large penises, more black men have them than men of other races, you have to prepare yourself psychologically for thoughts of her having been with a number of very large black men. I'm not saying this should prevent from being with a great black gal you click with, just that you have to be very secure in yourself, and not allow those thoughts to fill you with self-doubt or insecurity.
I've been with a number of black women, all very beautiful. There's just one catch, for me at any rate. If you're a white guy who doesn't have the biggest penis in the world, and since, statistically, it appears that one we're talking about really large penises, more black men have them than men of other races, you have to prepare yourself psychologically for thoughts of her having been with a number of very large black men. I'm not saying this should prevent from being with a great black gal you click with, just that you have to be very secure in yourself, and not allow those thoughts to fill you with self-doubt or insecurity.
it’s hard enough being in interracial relationship! Have both races some people are mad at you or her or both! I don’t agree if you both click and you are good lover it doesn’t matter! You already lost thinking that you aren't good enough!
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I’ve had two black girlfriends over the years and both have said no black guy has ever given them better oral. Neither have complained about a size issue
I've had several black girlfriends and size was never an issue. One of them as far as I know has only had white boyfriends, just what she prefers.
I must admit my very first exposure to black woman were the National Geographic magazines. Lets face it, these were the first images of naked woman i had ever seen. The next best thing were woman in the lingerie section of sears and JC Penny catalogues. Later in life i was drawn to black legs mags and interracial porn. I loved watching interracial lesbians, especially if the black girl was dominant. Theres something about the contrast between skin color. I suppose thats why i like the looks of black thigh highs on a pair of white legs. Or white nylons on black legs. If a pretty black girl presented herself before me naked i dare say id turn her down.
I live on a caribbean island, and most of my girlfriends are black or biracial [openly, i am polyamorous.] There is something about dark skinned girls especially on a beach, but i am probably just biased. IMHO the hottest most open girls are from the larger islands, esp Trinidad and Jamaica, there is a thing called small island mind, where most girls are either a form of amateur prostitute or very prudish, or sometimes just not very intelligent. The cutest woman i ever knew well had a caribbean mother and a chinese father, her looks were incredibly exotic and erotic.

Oh - the size thing - never ever come up as an issue, technique and experience is all.
I've been with a number of black women, all very beautiful. There's just one catch, for me at any rate. If you're a white guy who doesn't have the biggest penis in the world, and since, statistically, it appears that one we're talking about really large penises, more black men have them than men of other races, you have to prepare yourself psychologically for thoughts of her having been with a number of very large black men. I'm not saying this should prevent from being with a great black gal you click with, just that you have to be very secure in yourself, and not allow those thoughts to fill you with self-doubt or insecurity.
I'm not sure why Lit doesn't allow you to simply dislike a post vs being "angry" or "sad."

Sir, it sounds like you're projecting your personal insecurity and advising others to worry about something that you've chosen to be a big deal. No, dick size is not something you should keep in mind when being with a black woman because guess what - she's still a woman. Meaning, this isn't something you need to use as a caveat for pursing a woman of a specific race. Further, some black men have small dicks & some white men have big dicks. I choose not to allow stereotypes and overgeneralizations to influence how I interact with other races.
I want to have an entire day and night of nothing but just straight raw hot sex with a black woman.

It's a bucket list thing.

Since my wife has given me permission to find FWBs, it's something that I'd like to cross off.
It’s on my bucket list. The chance never came my way but I’m all for it
Hmm, I understand the sentiment being expressed, I do. But having a threesome is a bucket list item. Being with a specific race feels very dangerous to consider as a "thing to check off my list."
It's more like, you'd like the honor of having sex/a relationship with a black woman.
I'm not sure why Lit doesn't allow you to simply dislike a post vs being "angry" or "sad."

Sir, it sounds like you're projecting your personal insecurity and advising others to worry about something that you've chosen to be a big deal. No, dick size is not something you should keep in mind when being with a black woman because guess what - she's still a woman. Meaning, this isn't something you need to use as a caveat for pursing a woman of a specific race. Further, some black men have small dicks & some white men have big dicks. I choose not to allow stereotypes and overgeneralizations to influence how I interact with other races.

Hmm, I understand the sentiment being expressed, I do. But having a threesome is a bucket list item. Being with a specific race feels very dangerous to consider as a "thing to check off my list."
It's more like, you'd like the honor of having sex/a relationship with a black woman.
WOW ! All very good points. I hesitated to comment on this thread because I have a few opinions on this. I am hoping WSM98 is a woman, if so her opinion is much more appreciated. Women and men come in a variety of shapes each to one's liking. The fact that we judge because some are darker or lighter well sucks,,,If you don't have chemistry with that someone it doesn't matter what color they are. Just enjoy each other. Thats what really matters.
WOW ! All very good points. I hesitated to comment on this thread because I have a few opinions on this. I am hoping WSM98 is a woman, if so her opinion is much more appreciated. Women and men come in a variety of shapes each to one's liking. The fact that we judge because some are darker or lighter well sucks,,,If you don't have chemistry with that someone it doesn't matter what color they are. Just enjoy each other. Thats what really matters.
Hey, never hesitate to say the right thing, even if no one backs you up and yes, even if it's just on an internet thread. Multiple people expressing the same idea doesn't make it correct.

And thank you!