White Christmas?

Nov 22, 2002
Well, I live in southern Michigan. We had a snow about three weeks ago but all the snow melted and this evening there was absolutely no snow......About ten PM it started snowing.......We now have a fresh coating of 2 light fluffy brand new inches of snow....and it is still coming down.......

Whats it like where you live>?
Just cold and rainy... oh and very muddy.

I'm glad that you're getting a white Christmas. :)
it snowed monday and because it's still cold we will get to have a white christmas this year.
Exsqueeze me for this brief interuption.....but I am about to HAVE an eruption because Santamelia just brought David a Bona' for Christmas!!!!

Purrde Flower said:
Cold.. very cold.. OK so its like 40 or 50 degrees.. But that IS cold here!

It's 40°F/4°C with a windchill of 36°F/2°C

Clear as a bell, though. It's actually kinda gorgeous out.
Nora said:
It's 40°F/4°C with a windchill of 36°F/2°C

Clear as a bell, though. It's actually kinda gorgeous out.

Yes.. It's pretty to look at.. From inside your house.
Well at the time I type this I have 4" of snow on the ground outside and I will have a White Christmas in Arizona
it is 11:58 pm :p
-10C here which is about 12F and no snow in sight :( They are predicting snow for tomorrow afternoon but I'll believe it when I see it!
The weather liar says that snow is on the way.

I just peeked out the window and for once he didn't lie.

It snowed a little bit two days ago.. just enough to cover everything in white and make everything look very very nice. :)

Not very cold either...
Brown grass and bare trees here!

But it doesn't matter, Christmas is still Christmas! Enjoy it, everyone!
We has a quick dusting here this morning, but then it started to drizzle and wiped it out. We're promised more this afternoon and we'd better get it or I'll pout and stamp my widdle feet.
We (my part of Missouri) got snow yesterday and the day before. We have about 5-6 inches. The temp now is 15.
It snowed overnight, but we weren't supposed to get any accumulation. Woke up to find about 2 inches on the ground.

Merry White Christmas.
foxinsox said:
Today was hot, hot, hot.

I spent the morning at the beach and the afternoon in the pool.

It was nearly 100 degrees by 10am and then the humidity kicked in.

Water serves two purposes. It cools one down, and it's hard to hear the arguing of relatives when one is submerged in gallons of the wet stuff.

Actually, it almost served a third, if not for the fact drowning's still a criminal offence :)

Damn, where are you? brrrrrrrr
Up date on the weather in my lil piece of the world...

We've had snow flurries for the past 2 hours now, so it's a semi white Christmas. Less than an inch accumilation so far. But it looks very pretty and wintery.
The weather in Eugene is quite grey. White Christmas, what's that? I think it's snowed twice here in my whole life = ) It's dry for once, though, and that's nice!

I will gladly trade you the 5 inches of white stuff we got last night, along with the preceeding freezing rain.

However the topper for me is the fucking snowplow who chopped off my mailbox again! I swear I am going to mount a steel girder into the ground and encase it in 12 inches of cement so the fucking state can wreck their goddamn truck instead of me buying a new mailbox post every fucking year.

Ah just joyous feelings of glad tidings this cheery xmas day..... :D
Just sleet and freezing rain, here. Just an ugly miserable day.:(