Which of you women like older men?


The Gentleman Dom
Feb 27, 2002
What is the pay off for you ?

(If any of you are in Michigan PM me :) )
Richard49 said:
What is the pay off for you ?

(If any of you are in Michigan PM me :) )

never "had" a really younger man....

pay off?... someone who has the same frame of reference....
I've always gone for guys who where older than I am, even married one.
Lioness said it so well. (Hi, sweetie)

Young men can be pleasing to look at but they seem a little too eager to me. hehehe....not that I'm fighting them off or anything.

Not that all older men have the control, knowledge and experience that I admire but it certainly seems more likely to come from them. I also think they would tend to see beyond the alterations time and motherhood have made on me to the enjoy the more sensual depths of my mind and heart.
LionessInWinter said:
I do! I do!

The good ones have tons of patience, they're slow to anger, they don't have angst about making decisions, they last and last in the sack, they know how to start seducing you at 10 o'clock in the morning (they know that waiting for it makes it better), they have man muscles not boy muscles and they know tons of stuff about lots of different things so it's a challenge to surprise them.
Altogether yummy they are! :nana:

Yes. What she said! Well put!

I should also add - you can have an intelligent conversation with them (before they fuck your brains out for six hours).


(my husband is older)
Re: Re: Which of you women like older men?

sweet soft kiss said:
never "had" a really younger man....

pay off?... someone who has the same frame of reference....

Reference in respect to what?
LionessInWinter said:
I do! I do!

The good ones have tons of patience, they're slow to anger, they don't have angst about making decisions, they last and last in the sack, they know how to start seducing you at 10 o'clock in the morning (they know that waiting for it makes it better), they have man muscles not boy muscles and they know tons of stuff about lots of different things so it's a challenge to surprise them.

Altogether yummy they are! :nana:


and your husband older ?
weed said:
Lioness said it so well. (Hi, sweetie)

Young men can be pleasing to look at but they seem a little too eager to me. hehehe....not that I'm fighting them off or anything.

Not that all older men have the control, knowledge and experience that I admire but it certainly seems more likely to come from them. I also think they would tend to see beyond the alterations time and motherhood have made on me to the enjoy the more sensual depths of my mind and heart.

The older I get the hungerey I get for life
sweetsubsarahh said:
Yes. What she said! Well put!

I should also add - you can have an intelligent conversation with them (before they fuck your brains out for six hours).


(my husband is older)

How much older?
Richard49 said:
Now tell us more !!!

I like men who are confident in who they are and where they are in life.
I enjoy men who know how to please themselves as well as their gal and have a sense of adventure, commitment and obligation.
I enjoy men who are open to new ideas and discussions on many levels, sexuality, philosophy etc.
I enjoy older men because there is something about them that is just like a magnet.

A bit of snow on the roof, a twinkle in the eye, a wrinkle or two showing the evidence of life's lessons learned are things that draw me in.

Now, here is a link.
But before cliquing it, anyone doing so should know it is in the Playground. Once you weed through all the playtime, you find many admirers of older men as well as my own personal views.


Older, wiser, more in control....give me age over enthusiasm. Although enthusiasm in an older man is great too :D
I've not had the opportunity to be with an older man, really. Men 8 to 12 years younger seem to ask me out most often. I guess I am not attractive to oldermen.

LionessInWinter said:
If that's you in your AV, guilty, then I'm sure you could muster enthusiasm from a rock!

L. :D

Thanks LiW, but it's not me. :( It's a picture I've had for yonks and just thought it'd make a nice AV.. I like the sense of freedom it portrays plus the erotica.
LionessInWinter said:

Did I mention that they're very appreciative of blow jobs in cars

Hi weed!


lol...I've heard that before.:p

Richard....hunger is very good. Especially when it's displayed with appetizing taste.;)
Gusty Wind said:
Hello Richard, how are you doing ?? ;)

I am

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