Which Flame Warrior Are You?

"Though Kung-Fu Masters are powerful Warriors, they generally choose not to fight. Many lesser Warriors delude themselves into thinking that they are masters of war, but few are the genuine article. The true Kung-Fu master fully appreciates his own superiority and is therefore unruffled by petty provocations. When forced to fight, however, he quickly crushes his opponent with devastating blows."

I've hardly flamed anyone yet, Grasshopper :D
You 'youngsters' wouldn't be flame masters...

Back in the day...


(I'll take the quiz asap)

maybe here , but ure speakin to (sad to say) 4 year vet of the flame war LOL, ive probably been everyone on the list at one time or another :D

I like the admin side better now....feeeeel my power LOL

I miss the trolls here...


(further explaination of the trolls may be necessary, but I'd rather not.)
I miss the trolls here...


(further explaination of the trolls may be necessary, but I'd rather not.)


did u just snort?


I'm 32 and I logged on in 1989. That's more than 1/3.

I didn't really get going on Usenet until around 1992 though. afu
This site made the rounds on Beliefnet a while back. It has probably been here before too.

Over there I was a Royal before being deposed/going into self-imposed exile.

Otherwise I am a combo of Jerk or maybe Jekyl and Hyde, Ego, Archivist, Ideologue (liberal), Nitpick & Grammarian, and Propeller Head now that I have my CS degree <--- that being an example of, above all, my being a Blowhard.

I'm sure I left some out.