Which celeb would you bed

Difficult question....

Kevin Spacey (his acting gets me hot)

John Cusak (he's as intelligent as they come, and funny to boot)


Liv Tyler's sister...is it bad that I can't remember her name? (just cuz she's hot)
James Marsters cause, well, damn he's a hottie

Nicole Kidman- I just want to know what it feels like to be wrapped in those legs.

Angelina Jolie- with lips like those, I am betting she is very talented!
Charisma Carpenter - and if I have to explain why, you need to check yourself for a pulse, felty.
Jennifer Garner because she is sexy as hell and can kick butt! I'm sure she is a knockout in bed too!
Jim_Henson said:
Brett Farve cause he is totally cool underpressure and not to hard on the eyes (Green Bay QB for those non sports nuts)
Tim McGraw just because he is so down to earth seems like he would have some freak within I might like to explore.
Sandra Bullock OMG do I need to explain that one LOL :nana:
Lila McCann. Cause I've met her, &, she seems nice. So, it would be more then just physical sex.
Chasey Lain....my favorite porn star, and because I have seen what she can do to other women ;)

Jennifer Lopez....sorry but I'm obsessed, if you haven't figured it out yet.

Shemar Moore....have you seen that face? Those abs? That skin???
yep Natasha whatthehellisherlastname ...

Why? I just find her physically attractive
Gaucho said:
Charisma Carpenter - and if I have to explain why, you need to check yourself for a pulse, felty.

MMm... that's another one, only, I want her old hair back. I am really not fond of the haircut.
Gilly Bean said:
MMm... that's another one, only, I want her old hair back. I am really not fond of the haircut.

Agreed, but long hair or short, she's a genuine hottie.
Angelina Jolie........YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMY
Lenny Kravitz........YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMY

And they both have Freakin hot lips too......;)
I don't know her name but the brunette girl from " Meet Joe Black"

When I saw her all I wanted to do was eat her from behind. Then kiss her hard on the mouth , and what a beautiful mouth she has, what lips,, and make slow tantalizing love to her and definately play with that luscious ass the whole time.. Wow that was out loud wasn't it. Damn , now I'm all worked up.............
Re: Re: Which celeb would you bed

Tranquility said:

Sandra Bullock OMG do I need to explain that one LOL :nana:
her and Vincent Dinofrio for me :D
well... picking 1 is just too hard. Like my wife's tastes in ladies... Kidman and Jolie.

Gaucho, you are so on the money there, man. GAWD she's Carpenter's gorgeous. ;)
loveyamon said:
I don't know her name but the brunette girl from " Meet Joe Black"

When I saw her all I wanted to do was eat her from behind. Then kiss her hard on the mouth , and what a beautiful mouth she has, what lips,, and make slow tantalizing love to her and definately play with that luscious ass the whole time.. Wow that was out loud wasn't it. Damn , now I'm all worked up.............

Oh I know who you're talking about!

That would be Claire Forlani.

She is a hottie!!!!

Jennifer Garner... her body... wow...

Neve Campbell... probably a sex kitten...

Claire Forlani... just a hottie.