Where the fuck is the cute thread?


Rocket Grunt
Apr 12, 2011
I just found a pic of my dog when he was a baby and I can't find the motherfucking cute shit thread.

Puppycutesypics :D
Keep them coming.
I'll look at them in between ckecking out how black my thumb is getting.
I have some pics of my cat somwhere, but wasn't cute. She was evil. Pure evil. I loved her, and she trained me. If she was staring at a door meowing that door was to be opened and left open because. If I was having cereal I was allowed to eat in peace but the last of the milk was hers and that wasn't negotiable. If she was feeling too lazy to go to the milk I was required to bring it to her. The reward for good behavior she wouldn't bite me, she'd grab my wrist and put it in her mouth but only to prove she was still faster than me. She'd bring me grass hoppers, lizards and occasionally birds and rodents. If the litter box was dirty (my fault entirely) she'd piss in my shower and shit in my plants. The punishment for bad behavior was she'd piss on bean bag chairs, possibly while you were in them, she'd shit on your bath matts and fold them over so you didn't see them. That's what she did to my brother. I learned quickly that my cat mistress was as kind or cruel as I was obedient.
I have some pics of my cat somwhere, but wasn't cute. She was evil. Pure evil. I loved her, and she trained me. If she was staring at a door meowing that door was to be opened and left open because. If I was having cereal I was allowed to eat in peace but the last of the milk was hers and that wasn't negotiable. If she was feeling too lazy to go to the milk I was required to bring it to her. The reward for good behavior she wouldn't bite me, she'd grab my wrist and put it in her mouth but only to prove she was still faster than me. She'd bring me grass hoppers, lizards and occasionally birds and rodents. If the litter box was dirty (my fault entirely) she'd piss in my shower and shit in my plants. The punishment for bad behavior was she'd piss on bean bag chairs, possibly while you were in them, she'd shit on your bath matts and fold them over so you didn't see them. That's what she did to my brother. I learned quickly that my cat mistress was as kind or cruel as I was obedient.

Did you not know this?
Did you not know this?

That's what I was thinking, man. Was that your first cat?

More Sparticus, I suppose...

He grew up to be really pretty, too.

He enjoys screaming for no reason, running around like a lunatic, running into things so frequently that he grew a type of bone on his head that the vet explained to me was to protect his brain because he ran into things so frequently, mint in all forms including detabones and pepermints that he will eat an entire bag of if he finds them and drags them out of the cabinet, forcing you to move your stash of sweets to an upper cabinet, and not eating creatures that he should really have an instinct to eat and instead loving them as children or friends. Also, he loves me, and if I leave the house he will run up all, "WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN, OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!" Regardless of whether you went to work all day or went out to feed the cats. He's pretty awesome.

even your dog is gay.

He's pretty faggy, but he's fixed so I don't know if he's gay or just really Metro.

Only dog I've ever seen who actually likes clothes... and getting his nails done. Back when I had a lot of money I'd take him to the groomer to get his hair cut and his nails done- and he wanted them painted- which shocked the shit out of me. The first time I took him, he did really good so I offered to buy him something from the dog store and told him to pick something out. Out of toys and bones and shit he gets nail polish, and I'm like, "Well, he doesn't know what it is," So I have the lady do his nails to show him what it is, and he /likes/ it. And I'm like, "WTF?" So I bought him a cookie anyway. He seemed to enjoy it.
looks wormy to me.

Oh, he was. He was RIDDLED with parasites of all forms, shapes and sizes. It was around $200 to get him straitened out. Most pound puppies have problems like that. He had really bad skin problems too- which is why if you compare his coat as a baby to his coat as an adult he looks practically bald; he had this mange-esc disease that wasn't mange, it was something else, but I can't remember what. He was medicated pretty heavy for the first three months of his life. He had a hard time there at the start. And for that first month he was so contagious that we had to keep him locked away from the other dogs in a room with no carpeting (I have no idea why, the vet specified no carpeting) so we had to keep him in the bathroom. So for a MONTH I spent all my free time in the bathroom. And god forbid you had to take a shit. This little guy would crawl INTO your underwear, and he was all smelly no matter how often you bathed him, and had this skin disease, so you were like, "Goddamn it, Sparks I can't wear these pants/underwear now- OMG THE CUTE!! IT's ok, I can get another pair!!"
Did you not know this?

I've owned 5 cats. 3 formed something that resembled partnerships and we took turns being in charge. One actually understood I purchased it and that meant I owned it. Other than it would never show me how he fuck it got into this one window that was way out of it's jumping reach (I eventually found out it was doing this crazy get a running start jump of the book case run up the wall that frankly looked fake even live) but she was my pet. The last cat might have made me her bitch but she also came when called and every time there was a knock at the door or the door bell rang she ran to the door because you didn't come in her house and not pet her. That was just how things went.