Where Liberals Rule

I can do that too, but I did say national news, like in TV. Dummy.

*laugh* Jesus you really are dense.. Newsflash moron, national news is not JUST TV.. A great number of people don't watch network news, which isn't to say that they haven't covered the story.. Because they have. Hell, I saw the story on CNN first thing this morning.

But you didn't see it, so it doesn't exist. :rolleyes:
That is weird, because I saw it last night on Fox's website. I guess they weren't embarrassed by it.
Good lord. The sheer amount of pigheaded ignorance on display is surprising even from you vette.

But then, I should have expected not only that your initial premise was way off base, but that you would stand behind your ignorance steadfast and true. :rolleyes:
It was the first story, with great emphasis, on CBS this morning. If the truth matters at all to you.
Yep, gun control at its finest. This makes all the anti 2a people crazy. If the gun control measures weren't so strict there may have been more dead, the first shooters! Or the news would report it as " man killed when he tried to shoot family". But let's keep making gun laws and watch as more and more people die, unable to defend themselves.
As usual, wrong.

How so? They all confirm the failure of liburhul policy....

More clear evidence the general left doesn't have a fucking clue when it comes to gun control .

"Oh ban bayonet lugs!! those are too dangerous and kill so many, 7 round mags instead of 10, make sure and leave the several billion high cap mags legal....it will save lives!!"

Fucking morons.....

Notice What Matters Most™ to Vetteman folks: The race of the shooter.


LOL hey pot....I see you're talking about kettle.
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